Sentences with phrase «nursing through pregnancy»

Or maybe at some point in your life you'll have a friend, a sister or a co-worker who nurses through a pregnancy.
I was soooo sore during my pregnancy with him that I'm not sure I'll be able to bear nursing through pregnancy, even if my milk doesn't dry up.
Plenty of women, of course, continue to safely nurse through pregnancy.
So, this brings up to DD5, who arrived in December 2002 a very healthy 11 lbs 12 oz (so much for nursing through pregnancy depriving the baby!)
If you are thinking about nursing through pregnancy I would recommend you follow your instincts because it really is the best for your baby.»
There seems to be no evidence that the unborn baby weighs any less at birth when his mother nursed through a pregnancy then when his mother doesn't.
I encountered the usual prejudice to nursing through pregnancy along the way (it will hurt the baby, it is too taxing on you, you won't have enough milk etc etc) but thanks to my research and LLL support and information behind me (Hilary Flower's Adventures in Tandem Nursing) is a BRILLIANT book) I knew that we were going to be all right.
Now I know children who nursed through a pregnancy even when there was no milk, and I know mamas whose supply did not disappear like mine did.
the bean nursed all through my pregnancy and although his nursing decreased he was still nursing to sleep for bedtime and naptime, in the rocker, like we had always done.
This photo is so special to me because of 2 things, first, my son whom I never thought I would be able to breastfeed is 2.5 years old and going strong and second, because I am 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th son and am thrilled to have kept nursing through this pregnancy and really look forward to the amazing bond my kids will have through tandem nursing.
He continued to nurse through my pregnancy with Wyatt (he turned 3 two weeks before Wyatt was born); and when our new baby joined us, my two boys nursed together.
According to Kelly Mom, «many mothers who nurse through pregnancy have noted that their milk contains mostly colostrum during the last month before baby is born.»
Nursing through pregnancy.
I suffered with painful nipples in the beginning and I was very tired and hormonal, but that was about the only drawback to nursing through pregnancy for me.
wow — so much to respond to nursing is NO guarantee of not getting pregnant — I nursed through my pregnancy of # 2, and after she was born, tandem nursed both (2 years apart) til got pregnant with # 3.
My youngest is 2 1/2, and she just recently weaned (I nursed through her pregnancy and she Tandem nursed with her sister).
I'm now pregnant with # 3 and I'm trying to nurse through the pregnancy, so I might be nursing a newborn and twin toddlers at the same time!
If you decide to nurse through a pregnancy, find a few solid supports - your partner, a close friend or a local breastfeeding support group (I'm so grateful for mine!).
He continued to nurse through the pregnancy and out the other side, finally weaning when he was a ripe old 4 and a half.
I'd feel the same way about needing to nurse through pregnancy with a young nursling like that; I can understand your dilemma there.
I also wonder if tandeming or nursing through pregnancy would be different next time.
I nursed her all through my pregnancy with Benjamin, and then I tandem nursed for five and a half months.
I nursed her all through my pregnancy with Benjamin, -LSB-...]
When I became pregnant again, earlier than anticipated, I didn't know if I could nurse through a pregnancy.
I nursed her all through my pregnancy, but did put a stop to nighttime nursing by giving her a last nurse before going to sleep and then simply refusing if she woke up later on at night.
Yes, it's possible to get pregnant while nursing, and to nurse through pregnancy.
She nursed all through the pregnancy.
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