Sentences with phrase «nurture children into»

This brochure highlights concepts that can be implemented by parents to effectively nurture children into adulthood.
Our talented teachers also collaborate with parents to nurture children into respectful, confident and joyful learners.
Surrogate mothers, such as Richards the nurse of Dombey and Son or David Copperfield's eccentric Aunt Betsey, serve a worthy and important purpose, nurturing children into adulthood.

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So even though I had this lovely notion that the government was supporting me while I spent a year nurturing my child, I was actually just collecting the monies I'd paid into the system over the years.
The desire of growing numbers of women to seek autonomy through activities outside the household can be a great boon to children if, alongside this trend, there occurs a corresponding move to bring men into the household — to involve them as fully as women in child care and child nurture.
Instead of fighting to give us the chance to nurture our children during the irretrievable, precious years of childhood, the activists promise laws to cudgel our bosses into giving us a few weeks of unpaid leave to guarantee that mere children will not needlessly interrupt our return to our jobs.
When a child is baptized or dedicated, a congregation promises to nurture and care for the child and to bring the child into faith.
These doomsdayers should all be sterilized so they can't reproduce.The brainwashing starts at an early age, passed down from generation to generation.It is programed into childrens psych and nurtured throught childhood.If the Bible is correct - noone will know the day or hour this will happen, It also says you can not add or take out of the scripture as well.It is totally laughable when you hear these nuts running around going against what their own textbook says.This (should) be a huge lesson for these zealots to keep their mouth shut, and stop trying to shove their doctorine down peoples throats - It's why most normal sane people laugh and think what a bunch of BS.
This nurturing tends to quiet the frightened Child in the person and to free energy (which was going into the Child ego state) for use by the person's coping Adult.
Will they be taught the best Catholic arguments explaining why marriage is essentially a place to bring children into the world and provide a safe nurturing environment?
If you are a parent who trusts your instincts to nurture, who gets behind your children's eyes and into their heads, tries to understand what it is like to live from their perspective and really gets to know them... if you ask yourself, «how would I feel if I were in my child's place and how would I want to be treated?»
We then make the big leap — a child, fatherhood and family, with our mate turning into a mom — and run into another stereotype: the notion that fatherhood is emasculating, that becoming a father, with all that diaper changing, baby talk, nurturing, etc. somehow make us less of a man.
there is a positive correlation between the amount of love, gentleness and nurturing activites that you put into a child, and the good you get out, you can not dispute that no matter how angry you get.
It is especially the difficult moments — children's meltdowns, conflicts, ruminations, rigidities, anger, and negative feelings — that Siegel and Bryson encourage parents to gently lean into; it is in those moments, the authors believe, that parents can most effectively nurture positive growth in their kids.
But all too often, we forget to put time and effort into nurturing another component of child success and development — one that is just as important, and perhaps even more essential, than good grades, awards, and trophies — being a good person.
They give you the support you need as a mom, a woman, a person from the time your children are babies into your own golden years if you continue to nurture the friendship.
Many adoptive families report, however, that their adoptive children resemble them in many ways, giving them fresh insights into the nature vs. nurture dichotomy.
Parents are ideally positioned to nurture an intrinsic sense of self worth in their child which will help grow them into their full human potential.
Some of the children were really tucking into their evening meal, but others were just «checking in;» breastfeeding was an intimate, nurturing bond that comforted them and made mother and child feel connected.
Comforting your hurt child will move you into a more nurturing place, which is what you need to access when you deal with your hitter.
Nurturing the mom's grief and mourning that comes from the death of a child is an important part of creating attachment to both the child who died and learning how to lean into the celebration and attachment of the child she is carrying.
The main thing is to respect and nurture the child you have for who he is and not veer too far into projecting anybody else onto him.
When we look at how this fits into the nurture vs. nature question that one needs to ask themselves; a child's on disposition can certainly play a role, but how a parent responds to their baby's needs can also exacerbate anxiety or help to reduce it.
Research in human development clearly shows that the seeds of empathy, caring and compassion are present from early in life, but that to become caring, ethical people, children need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full development.
Their goal is to nurture children's enthusiasm about learning and assist them in reaching their full potential; ultimately leading to successful entry into kindergarten.
While many families have extremely positive experiences after adopting the younger child, there are many families who try very hard to force the child into their arms for comfort and nurturing when the child's innate capabilities for this type of infant - maternal attachment are not yet formed.
Therefore, prospective adoptive families would greatly benefit by having extensive pre-adoption counseling and awareness of how an older child has grown up in an institutional environment and that providing a «good and loving home» may not be enough as specialized and practical treatment strategies may bring about a more positive outcome since so many families attempt to love and nurture the older child when, in fact, a gradual treatment process involving «reintegration into the family» must occur first.
Taught by the media and radical feminists to be ashamed about their maternal, nurturing and intuitive side, mothers are too often afraid to follow and act on their intuition even though it tells them that a youth sports system which too often emphasizes winning and competition over fun and skill development, treats children as young as six as adults and cruelly and unfairly saddles so many as failures before they have even reached puberty because they weren't lucky enough to be «early bloomers» or have a January birthday, is not the kind of nurturing, caring and, above all, inclusive environment mothers believe their children need to grow into confident, competent, empathetic, emotionally and psychologically healthy adults.
Great parents nurture compassion about a child's particular mental challenges and, in the moment, take into account the effect of hormones, hunger, and temperament on behavior.
Bedtime can be such a special, nurturing time and I wish for my children that this will always be so, right into their adulthood.
One who understands and nurtures babies» development... who recognizes the baby's personal rhythms, style, strengths, and limitations... and tunes into these when planning the pace and time for eating, sleeping and playing... one who is comfortable accommodating to children's special needs or conditions.
The Centre - based Childcare Senior Preschool program welcomes up to 24 children aged three to five into our nurturing learning environment.
Stakeholders» input was integrated into development of A Healthy Start for Minnesota Children: Supporting Opportunities for Life - Long Health, a theory of change that depicts how public understanding, health in all policies, and community innovation lead to 1) safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and 2) social and economic security, which in turn will help the state achieve its ultimate outcome — that every Minnesota child, prenatal to age three years, will thrive in their family and community and achieve their full potential regardless of their race, where they live, or their family's income.
Proverbs provides many insights into parenting, and how to nurture your child towards the pursuit of wisdom.
However, weaning simply marks a transition into other aspects of your life and you are choosing to nurture your child in alternate ways.
Inspired by knowledgeable child development professionals who understand the balance between nurturing developing minds and caring for tender spirits, children grow from curious infants into explorative preschoolers.
Attachment Parenting is based on more than 60 years of solid, interdisciplinary research into parent - child relationships, from infant bonding and breastfeeding to nurturing touch and discipline.
While these strategies may be an effective way to deal with life in an institution, they can interfere with the child's ability to develop a healthy attachment once they move into a nurturing family environment.
Every single product I have come in contact with from them has definitely impressed me and it's no wonder why... Tiny Love strives to consistently improve its position in the market by being the first developmental toy provider to identify the latest discoveries in child development and translate them into engaging, interactive toys that nurture skills and delight the senses.
These parents nurture and develop their children into being functional members of society.
Moreover she thinks that the hard work these moms put into nurturing their children proves their point.
From then on, Hana must take care of the werewolf children all on her own, having to teach them to balance both their animal urges and the complexities of human life, turning the movie into a very literal depiction of nature versus nurture.
«She has been working nonstop since she arrived at HGSE on the creation of a very beautiful and unusual book for elementary age children about the nature of ideas — where they come from, how they can be nurtured, and what it takes to bring them into the world.
A Framework for Raising Well - Balanced Children Children may be pampered with a plethora of gadgets, but they are not nurtured in a way that helps them develop into responsible and caring citizens, argues Dr. Peter L. Benson.
This session presents 6 research - backed key findings to nurture children's intrinsic STEM capacity and transform it into lifelong STEM knowledge.
The goal is to enact a program that you can nurture and grow well into the future so that you can serve as many children as need a different type of education,» she says.
When a child sets foot into New Beginnings Family Academy, a pre-K through grade 8 charter school located in Bridgeport, that child can expect to be loved, nurtured, and most importantly,
When a child sets foot into New Beginnings Family Academy, a pre-K through grade 8 charter school located in Bridgeport, that child can expect to be loved, nurtured,...
In order to reach their full potential and grow into self - motivated learners, children's natural curiosity and explorative spirits must be nurtured.
«I do not understand why we have organizations suing this tax credit program when it's helping so many of our children who probably would be failing if it were not for the fact they were able to get into a school that is willing to work with them, nurture them and educate them in an environment that is conducive to learning.»
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