Sentences with word «nutbar»

Your courageous admission of the existence of nutbars may be the first step in getting the help you need...
They are the Christians that atheists refer to when speaking about bigoted, religious nutbars who seek to make America a theocracy.
Then I made your fig & walnut pasta and my parents went crazy over it and same happened when I made the zucchini cupcakes and yesterday I made your sticky nutbars for my dad to snack at work and I just enjoyed my last bite of this delicious raw brownie... YUM.
How about those socialist nutbars in the oil companies: Shell Oil: [quote] There is now a strong scientific consensus that recent changes in our global climate are almost certainly caused by human activity.
It's small wonder that some of the usual suspects herein consistently bang the AGW denier = evolution denier = religious nutbar drum when they are fed a steady diet of this iconography (and as an aside it's fascinating to read them claiming this to be their own assessment.)
So nice to hear a voice of reason amid the Christian nutbar chorus.
But because a few nutbars perverted the faith to justify their barbarism, everyone wants to paint all Muslims as violent terrorists.
Give me a good Christian fundamentalist nutbar ANY day of the week over a fundamentalist Muslim.
That is how we know lies are lies you incredibly idiotic nutbar!
Since you've been told that there is no life beyond the grave and you KNOW it is a fact because others told you so; then all religious people are deluded nutbars.
A few prominent nutbars like Rand Paul are exploiting the remaining Christian sheep, since it's so easy to manipulate such people, but other Republicans know they can only take that exploitation so far and long term it is not a path to success.
Shannon has played plenty of normal guys (check out his work in the little - seen Return, where he counterintuitively does not play the returning soldier haunted by war, but instead the soldier's levelheaded spouse), and also plenty of glorious nutbars (Premium Rush; the TV series Boardwalk Empire).
It's a loopy nutbar of a film with a tedious soundtrack and a 1 - of - a-kind-baffling-performance from Mark Wahlberg.
But you are always left with a small group of denialist nutbars who are really stubborn.
It is a geo - engineering fantasy on a scale comparable to sunscreens in space from a single old nutbar -(lovely website here) Are there no editors at the Atlantic to separate facts from cranks?
If Jesus appeared today, saying the same things he said then, «good» Christians would reject him as a socialist nutbar, and he'd be living under a bridge in a week, begging for spare change.
Although I do acknowledge the existence of nutbars.
«He's a nutbar
A nutbar down in the States, similarly, doesn't represent all or even many who want to see atheists put on a list.
The fact that this nutbar is even a contender should frighten everyone.
I'm such a nutbar for tea flavoured treats.
And I'm not talking about the nutbars who promise 5400 % gains on penny stocks — no one takes those seriously.
In fact, his organization has done the opposite by joining the forces of the nutbar failed scientists who are proclaiming the deleterious effects of turbine power is «all in your head» (Quixotes has a great picture of the saint with outstretched arms delivering his sermon from the lectern — the man has abandoned science).
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