Sentences with phrase «nutrient limitation»

A study published in March modeled nutrient cycling across the globe to predict how much carbon plants could sequester over the next 100 years when nutrient limitations are taken into account.
Researchers do not have a firm grasp on the complexities of nitrogen and carbon cycle interactions, so «the vast majority of models do not adequately reflect nutrient limitation», says Adrien Finzi, a biogeochemist at Boston University in Massachusetts.
IIASA will contribute integrated assessment modelling and policy analysis to the project, which will be integrated with an Earth system model run by the University of Versailles, and calibrated using field data on nutrient limitation from researchers at CREAF and the University of Antwerp in Belgium.
To see how nutrient limitation and acidification interact, Avery Tatters, a graduate student in David Hutchins's lab at the University of Southern California, cultured the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta taken from southern California waters, where it blooms frequently.
Co-author Professor Peter Cox, of the University of Exeter, summarises the consequences of the study: «despite nutrient limitations in some regions, our study indicates that CO2 - fertilization of photosynthesis is currently playing a major role in the global land carbon sink.
Under nutrient limitation, R. eutropha directs most of its carbon flux to the synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a biopolymeric compound stored in granules.
Water and extremophile microbiome Seasonal variability in the persistence of dissolved environmental DNA (eDNA) in a marine system: The role of microbial nutrient limitation.
Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: Contrasting effects of N and P addition, Functional Ecology, 30:295 - 304, DOI: 10.1111 / 1365 - 2435.12471.
A study published in March modelled nutrient cycling across the globe to predict how much carbon plants could sequester over the next 100 years when nutrient limitations are taken into account2.
Researchers do not have a firm grasp on the complexities of nitrogen and carbon cycle interactions, so «the vast majority of models do not adequately reflect nutrient limitation», says Adrien Finzi, a biogeochemist at Boston University in Massachusetts.
Their small size could be due to the nutrient limitations of their habitat, the authors say.
«As a condition of nutrient limitation, firebugs that lack their symbionts were found to exhibit a different metabolic profile; one that can be restored either through the artificial supply of B - vitamins into their diet, or by reintroducing the insect to its symbionts,» Hassan Salem, the first author of the study explains.
Glucocorticoids are released upon stress and nutrient limitation and inhibit protein translation.
Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: contrasting effects of N and P addition.
This effect is largely, but perhaps not completely, independent from the processes described by Wieder and will provide an additional boost to carbon - cycle feedbacks to those from nutrient limitations and permafrost thaw.
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