Sentences with phrase «nutritional value of foods»

Just use them up quickly before the nutritional value of the foods is totally compromised.
Nutraceuticals have extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value of foods and are used to promote good health.
Our veterinarians have been trained in nutrition and will help you to interpret the nutritional value of any foods you choose for your pet.
- Apply appropriate methods of food processing, preparation and storage - Describe the relationship between food consumption, the nutritional value of foods and the health of individuals and communities.
When it comes to counting calories, I definitely don't recommend obsessing over your daily numbers, as it's much more important to focus on the nutritional VALUE of the foods you intake.
For one, the nutritional value of foods is important for overall health.
Contrary to what many people believe, most studies show that microwaves don't decrease the nutritional value of foods.
No matter what your stance on the nutritional value of these foods, you can find some evidence to support you.
I wrote a post about how I upped the nutritional value of the foods he would eat (fermenting / broths / etc.)
Expectant mothers need to be mindful of the nutritional value of the foods they eat, and the types and amounts of exercise they get.
It's a mistake to think that the nutritional value of foods is just a sum of all its individual nutrients, vitamins, and minerals (this thinking is known as «nutritionism»).
By grasping the origin and nutritional value of the foods you eat and shouldn't be eating, you keep diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and many more at bay.
Cancer is strongly related to the poor nutritional value of our foods in particular processed foods and environmental toxicity.Therefore cancer should be fought with nutrition, detoxification and avoidance of carcinogens.
Also, engineering a crop's DNA can result in toxins within the food and the chemicals used can decrease the nutritional value of the foods.
Dr David Thomas, a nutritionist, believes that modern horticulture methods together with new varieties of crop, longer storage times and long - distance transport have caused changes in the nutritional value of the foods we eat.
The process of fermentation used to make beet kvass will also increase the nutritional benefits of beets, as fermentation improves the nutritional value of foods.
We use our brains to judge the nutritional value of foods.
Look for ways to boost the nutritional value of the foods your preschooler enjoys.
In the past, not all of Beech - Nut's products were organic, but the company is looking to make strides and improve the quality and nutritional value of their foods.
Pumping up the nutritional value of the foods by adding veggies or fruits along with making sure to eat colorful foods.
--- «Growing more yields of plant foods thru non-organic means lowers the nutritional value of food crops.»
Growing more yields of plant foods thru non-organic means lowers the nutritional value of food crops.
Today's consumer is more inclining towards the nutritional value of the food products and to keep up with this trend, snack brands must focus on creating such value in their products rather than just emphasizing on taste and price.»
October 31, France adopted the NutriScore, a labelling system designed to inform consumers about the nutritional value of food choices.
And they're very big on talking about the positive elements of food, not quite so good on empowering people to understand the true nutritional value of the food.
At DuPont, we're putting science to work in the food and beverage industry — improving the nutritional value of food, ensuring food safety, and finding smart, sustainable solutions to feed a growing population.
His premise: that in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most — not the nutritional value of the food.
When kids are involved in shopping for and cooking meals, parents can teach them the nutritional value of each food as well as have important family time.
We're not nutritionists so we don't give advice about the nutritional value of food.
It really depends upon what you make / what you like to pack... The nutritional value of the food doesn't change any differently whether you eat it or pack it, or let it sit in your fridge or on your counter for a few days.
Does the nutritional value of the food changes?
Cooking food can also improve its flavour, making it more palatable for children, and the addition of other ingredients can increase the nutritional value of the food.
So, I started reading and educating myself on the nutritional value of food and how to make healthy choices while dining out.
The goals of privatizing the service were to save money and improve the nutritional value of the food.
By - products of heating oil can also lower the nutritional value of the food being fried.
Louise Sylvan of Australian Consumers» Association told me that consumers are still bothered about the safety and nutritional value of food which has been irradiated.
Much study has focused on the effects these rising carbon dioxide levels could have on weather patterns and global temperatures, but could elevated atmospheric CO2 levels negatively affect the nutritional value of the food we grow?
The average sperm count has dropped by half in the past 50 years, possibly because the nutritional value of the food we eat has declined,» says Zita West, author of «Zita West's Guide To Getting Pregnant».
On the good side, our modern knowledge about the nutritional value of food is very extensive, but on the bad side, we often live by stupid myths that block our progress toward better health instead of speeding it up.
Artificial food dyes do nothing to improve the nutritional value of food but simply enhance the color, making processed foods more attractive, especially to children.
Being in transit or cold - stored for days affects not only the taste of your food, but the nutritional value of the food also declines.
What I do is track the nutritional value of the food I frequently eat, for example, the oatmeal that I have almost every day for breakfast.
Specifically, what most «clean eaters» don't realize is the nutritional value of food has little to do with its effects on your body composition.
Eating mindfully should be about looking at the ingredients and the nutritional value of the food and then making a decision ato eat it or not.
Even if you're getting better at reading labels or buying organic, the cookware you use every day plays an important role in the nutritional value of the food you serve to your family.
I always suggest that my clients buy as much of their food as possible from local growers to reduce transit time and improve the nutritional value of the food they're eating.
This can also happen with food if the GI tract is unable to break down and assimilate the nutritional value of the food.
Be aware that the GI does not consider the calories or nutritional value of food.
ESSENTIAL ENZYMES ™ Award - Winning, Multi-Enzyme Formula ESSENTIAL ENZYMES ™ is designed to support absorption of the full nutritional value of your food.
Some nutritional benefits gained from lactic acid include an improved nutritional value of food, control of intestinal infections, and control of serum cholesterol levels.
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