Sentences with phrase «nutritious part»

The most nutritious parts of rice, the bran and germ layers, which are responsible for 80 % of the nutritional value of rice, go largely unused.
We still tend to eat the less nutritious parts of animals — the muscle meat — and leave the high quality organs and glands for companies to make pet food.
Have we been missing out on a highly nutritious part of one of our favorite superfoods?
Also, the most nutritious part of chocolate is from the actual cacao beans, not milk and sugar.
For instance, when flour is refined, the most nutritious part of the grain is removed, so the flour essentially becomes a form of sugar.
Judging by the studies I've seen, the root is one of the less nutritious parts.
Fats and sweets are at the top of the pyramid, as the smallest and least nutritious part of the diet.
I hope you do nt throw out the pulp and seeds tho, its the most nutritious part!!
While the quality of the greens does not reflect that of the roots, if you are going to consume this very nutritious part of the plant, look for greens that appear fresh, tender, and have a lively green color.
Getting The Full Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables: When you use a good juicer, you get to consume nutritious parts of the fruits and vegtables that you would normally throw away, like skin, pips and seeds.
The entire nation has turned their eyes to pink slime, an additive used in ground beef that is comprised of beef trimmings (the most bacteria - prone and least nutritious parts of the cow) that is treated with ammonia.
Hemp Hearts, the very best and most nutritious part of the hemp seed, the heart.
Thompson's Hemp Seeds are the most nutritious part of the hemp plant.
It is a whole food and all the good, nutritious parts are part of the final flour.
Hemp hearts are the very best and most nutritious part of the hemp seed.
Brown is better for health, since the most nutritious parts of the grain have been left intact, but there's much worse you could be eating than white rice.
I keep the stems in - they're the most nutritious part - unless way too old or woody.
It is a sweet syrup made from the sap of the coconut blossom which is the sweetest and most nutritious part of the palm tree.
Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the meat of matured coconuts, which is the most nutritious part of the fruit.
The oil is extracted from the meat of the coconut, one of the most nutritious parts.
It is the oil extracted from the meat of the coconut, one of the most nutritious parts.
The process of refining takes out the Bran and the Germ (the most nutritious parts), leaving the Endosperm.
Then, as children grow, breastfeeding continues to be a nutritious part of a child's diet alongside the addition of solid foods.
And most of what we don't eat because it grosses us out are the most nutritious parts of the animal.
For parents, they typically expect their children to finish the nutritious part of a meal before moving on to sweets.
When the majority of the health - conscious population eliminated the yolks out of the equation, they actually tossed out the most nutritious part of the egg.
Be careful to only remove as little of the outside peel of an onion, as that's thought to be one of the most nutritious parts, with the highest amounts of antioxidants.
The leaves are considered the most nutritious part and are most often used in supplements.
If you are paying several bucks a box for breakfast cereal, sadly, the most nutritious part might be the box!
Organic Fuel Whey Protein Powder would be a nutritious part of a balanced weight gain plan.
The «mother» is the most nutritious part of the apple cider vinegar and is very beneficial to digest.
While smarter humans could better survive, the animals killed other easier prey, feasting on the most nutritious parts — the liver, stomach, brain, heart, and other organs and glands.
It's commonly joked among cooks that the sprig of parsley at the side of a plate is the most nutritious part of the meal, and there's some basis for that piece of kitchen humor.
And now the common objection I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg...
You can absolutely still eat wheat as a nutritious part of your diet.
Remember to eat the yolk, the most nutritious part of the egg.
Don't discard one of the tastiest and nutritious parts of the pumpkin: the seeds.
When flour is refined to make cereal, the most nutritious part of the grain is removed, so the flour essentially becomes a form of sugar.
Nuts and seeds can be a healthy and nutritious part of your diet.
When we go to a supermarket and scan the fish aisle, we have a tendency to go straight for the choice filets — completely bypassing the most nutritious parts of the fish, which include the bones, tail and head — otherwise known as the «icky bits».
For example, by - product meal in dog food sounds really gross, but actually is the most nutritious part of any animal.
The organs are actually the most nutritious part of the chicken, but as humans, we tend to stick to the white meat.
The Bran and the Germ are the most nutritious parts, and are packed with concentrated amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
Even if Dog (or cat) could utilize the nutritious parts of a grain, (which they are unable to do due to the lack of the production of the enzyme amylase) they are generally present only in trace amounts if at all since the heat of processing leaves most of the ingredients dead and void of nutrition of any kind.
Despite claims to the contrary, soybean meal remains a consistent, quality, sustainable and nutritious part of value - minded pet foods.
However, most veterinary nutritionists agree that it can be a nutritious part of a healthy canine diet.
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