Sentences with phrase «nutritious than fresh»

I often think of frozen fruit and bagged spinach as less nutritious than the fresh kind, but Miller says these foods «have simply been prepped for convenience, which is a great way to ensure that they are a regular component of your meals and snacks.»
I like to use frozen ingredients since 1) they're often cheaper than their fresh counterparts, 2) they're conveniently already prepared for you, and 3) studies have found that they're just as or even more nutritious than their fresh counterparts since they're typically flash - frozen just after being harvested, when the nutrients are most abundant.
In fact, frozen often is more nutritious than fresh as it is flash - frozen at the peak of freshness.
Don't be afraid to opt for canned or frozen fruits and veggies — they are no less nutritious than fresh.
It turns out that frozen vegetables are often more nutritious than fresh because they're picked at peak ripeness when nutrient levels are highest, usually partly cooked, and frozen before they can degrade.
The most important reason that frozen fruit is actually more nutritious than fresh fruit is that the concept of «fresh» is relative.
Before we dive into the recipe, I want to make sure you know that frozen fruits and veggies are often just as nutritious and sometimes even more nutritious than fresh, depending on how far the «fresh» stuff has traveled.

Not exact matches

It's square on their core message: They're fresher and more nutritious than other fast food.
You mightthink frozen Wild Blueberries aren't as nutritious as fresh regular ones, but by nature the little wild ones have more flavor, deep blue color and beneficial antioxidants than the cultivated regular ones.
For example, I'd rather buy a huge bag of local grapefruits than organic kiwis flown in from New Zealand because the fresher the fruit or vegetable is, the more nutritious it is.
Quick and easy dinner - in - foil recipe with nutritious fresh summer veggies and versatile salmon — a super healthy flavorful way to eat salmon and veggies in a single meal -LCB- low carb, gluten free, paleo friendly -RCB- More than a week ago we have decided to eat healthier: we've cut the carbs, no more sugar and flour.
If you make a baking mix yourself, it can be fresher and much more nutritious than Bisquick at about 1/3 or less the cost.
Consider making your own vegan burgers, they're very cheap to make, more nutritious and fresh than most store bought veggie burgers.
Try using baking molasses (or Sorgum is very nutritious, has trace minerals, sweeter than blackstrap) instead of the corn syrup and brown sugar - not only is the flavor better, but the popcorn balls will stay fresh a few hours longer as well.
Ugly produce is perfectly fresh, nutritious, and delicious produce that looks a little different than the «perfect» stuff you will find in most grocery stores or supermarkets.
The good news is that tuna is awesome for you: it's chock - full of omega 3's, B vitamins, iodine, selenium and vitamin D. However, fresh tuna is more nutritious than canned tuna, so you should go with fresh if possible.
With more than 70 easy - to - prepare recipes made with all - natural ingredients, The Happy Family Organic Superfoods Cookbook offers a fresh, nutritious, and accessible approach — and Shazi's enlightened nutrition philosophy — to feeding children from 4 months to 3 years.
Food cooked from scratch is not only fresh and nutritious, it's also delicious and often much easier and quicker to prepare than you might think.
If you are able to find truly fresh, succulent pineapple than that, of course, is the most nutritious choice for your baby.
As you would imagine, the fresh berries are far more nutritious than their processed liquid counterparts; a one - cup serving has 7 grams of dietary fiber, 83 micrograms of folate, and 1.15 milligrams of vitamin E.
Even the most sparse of food stands will have something fresh, local, and more nutritious than your other «budget - friendly» food options out there.
They're still nutritious, make no mistake, and so much cheaper than fresh equivalents.
You would think fresh vegetables are more nutritious than canned or frozen vegetables, but that's not necessarily true.
With fresh berries, chia seeds and a blender, you can easily whip up healthy, nutritious «jam» in less than 15 minutes.
Generally speaking, fresh meats are more nutritious than processed types like sausage, bacon, and sandwich meat.
Other than juicing fresh, raw, organically grown beets, you can grate them into salads for a colorful, nutritious and sweet crunch.
Plus, there are plenty of ways to save. Seasonal, local produce costs less than fruits and veggies shipped from afar — and the more - frugal frozen stuff is just as nutritious as fresh.
This doesn't necessarily make it any more nutritious than a food that has «chicken meal» as an ingredient as the chicken meal could have been made from fresh chicken as well.
Dried cranberries are much less nutritious and have much more sugar content than fresh cranberries.
This has the unpleasant side effect of generating a good - sized carbon footprint for transportation, as well as the loss of potential business for local growers, whose veggies and fruits may be less exciting than avocados, but are arguably more nutritious and definitely fresher.
Locally produced food is fresher, more nutritious and diverse than food products bought in supermarkets or in fast food chains.
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