Sentences with phrase «nymph who»

According to German legend, a nymph who perched on the rock lured sailors to their deaths on the submerged rocks below; a statue of the mythical figure can be seen at St Goarshausen in Germany.
In Greek mythology, Syrinx was a nymph who was the recipient of unwelcome attention from Pan, a greek god with the head and torso of a man and the hind quarters of a goat.
Melissa was a nymph who rescued Zeus from his father, Cronus, who wanted to kill and eat his children (Cronus had killed his own father and therefore viewed children as a threat).
Think actress Calista Flockhart, or the name's originator, a nymph who fell in love with Zeus.

Not exact matches

There's a Cole Porter musical called Nymph Errant, about Evangeline, an adventurous young woman who aims to lose her virginity — pretty advanced stuff for 1933.
«We now have a foothold in our understanding of a molecular difference between nymph and adult psyllids in their guts, which CLas exploits to gain entry into the insect vector,» said Heck, who is lead investigator for the project.
It was said that mint was made from a Nymph named Minthê who was favored over Demeter by Hades (the god of the dead).
Magical - wood - nymph - slash - actress Shailene Woodley may not tweet often (Who has time when you're gathering spring water from the mountai...
But Michelle, who sounds like Georgette on the old «Mary Tyler Moore Show,» really is a nymph.
Ghoulish interest is a prerequisite for watching Mira Sorvino (as a bold and athletic entomologist) act against performers who have mandibles, or for appreciating the care with which nymph, juvenile and adult insect villains have been devised.
Cleveland's depressing life is interrupted by the arrival of a water nymph named Story (Bryce Dallas Howard), who is evidently being pursued by evil little creatures known as «scrunts.»
The girl also happens to be the Lady of the title, a narf (or sea nymph) named Story (Bryce Dallas Howard) who's been assigned by the inhabitants of her Blue World to track down and inspire a writer (Shyamalan) whose book - in - progress will influence the rise of an important world leader.
Even my father, who cared nothing for the subtleties of nymph arts, admired it.
Perhaps that is why this prolific and talented spanking romance author opens «Treasure of the Forest Nymphs» with a musician; a guitar player who is a man capable of bending both strings for tickling senses and, also, girls for tending to.
A while later you get the third and final class, the Nymph, a fire spirit who deals damage with flaming projectiles and area - of - effect attacks.
Ultimately, like the mythic nymphs of The Odyssey who, through their songs, lured sailors into the sea and to their own destruction, Alloucherie's icebergs are sirens.
The temporary removal by the Manchester Art Gallery of a popular painting, Hylas and the Nymphs by JW Waterhouse is part of a project with the Conceptual artist Sonia Boyce, who has a solo exhibition opening at the gallery on 23 March 2018.
In «Daphne» (2013), Staver depicts the moment when the nymph Daphne, tired of running from Apollo, who is desperately in love with her, is changed into a tree by her father, Peneus, a river god.
The brainchild of «The Festival of Fatimah», Armina Mussa — a D.C. - native who could easily be described as a captivating hybrid of modern nymph and irreverent wit — the visual experience is an edited yet expressive collection of unexpected faces captured on film in her late Bed Stuy apartment.
The girl without a door in her mouth appears for the first time when reading a text by Anne Carson in which she talks about the nymph Echo, who was left voiceless, but not because she could no longer make sounds, but because she could only repeat what others have already said, that is, that she was deprived of the ability to make sense.The Girl With No Door On Her Mouth refers to the lack of criteria, the verbal incontinence and the possibility, or the inability, to speak sincerely and meaningfully for others.
By engaging with the classic but historically problematic motif of the nymph or bather, he raises the question of who can represent idealized female beauty while reframing the absurdities and conventions of the male gaze.
When the Turner Prize winning artist Chris Ofili was asked to design a set and costumes for the Royal Ballet's Metamorphosis: Titian 2012, he found inspiration in the story itself of a hunter who comes upon the chaste goddess Diana and her nymphs bathing in a sacred grove.
Known as an artist's artist who painted romantic landscapes with nymphs and nudes, Eilshemius has been collected by art world masters, including Louis Nevelson, Jeff Koons and Ugo Rondinone.
The lesson for Climate Science and the scientists who imbue importance, even life itself to their models, the financial Aphrodite has her fancy turned to other nymphs.
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