Sentences with phrase «obese category»

It is common for athlete's to have a BMI within the overweight / obese category because they have more muscle.
Yet in a study from England, an increase in body condition score of dogs to the overweight or obese category resulted in a measurable decline in quality of life.
If you're someone in the overweight, obese, or morbidly obese category, how do you...
«From a practical point,» Comuzzie said, the average weight gain «means that someone who was on the high end of normal weight would have likely moved into the overweight category, and those at the high end of the overweight category would have likely moved into the obese category
That puts them in the Overweight (BMI 25 - 29.9) category but bordering on the Obese category (> 30).
About one - third of U.S. adults fall into the obese category, and a staggering two - thirds or more of Americans are overweight.
Her energy dropped, her hunger increased, her activity declined, and she steadily gained weight until she found herself under the obese category on the BMI chart.
Nevertheless, BMI doesn't directly measure your body fat, and when it comes to muscular athletes it may show they have BMI in the obese category even though they don't have excess body fat.
So, a bodybuilder might fall into the obese category based on BMI.
However, a slight uptick in complications from infection was noted for those in the overweight and obese categories.
About 21 percent of America's cats and dogs — 36 million pets — have belly flopped into the obese category.
Those overweight felines that do not fall into the obese category though are still very much at risk of poor health and a shortened life.
As with any heart condition, pets carrying excess weight (most commonly those fitting within the obese category) will be at a higher risk of developing enlarged heart in dogs.
With these staggering statistics, it is more important than ever to focus on pet obesity, how to prevent it, and how to help your pet lose weight if he is in the overweight or obese category.
You may also pay more if your weight - to - height ratio puts you in the obese category.
You fall into the obese category if your BMI is above 30.
Scores were lowest for children in the obese category.
Parents did not report significant differences in the psychosocial summary scores across weight categories, while children reported a significant decrease in the psychosocial summary score between the not overweight category and the obese category.
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