Sentences with phrase «obese range»

Co-author, Naveed Sattar, Professor of Metabolic Medicine at the University of Glasgow, said: «We know many can not get to such low BMIs so the message is, whatever your BMI, especially when in the overweight or obese range, losing a few kilograms or more if possible, will only improve your health.
(The obese range begins with a BMI of 30, or a person who is 5 - foot and 153 pounds.
Those whose weight falls into the obese range are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, gallstones, gallbladder disease, gout, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, asthma, breathing problems, and some cancers.
If you have a high lean weight, like me, you could be showing an obese range and still be in a healthy weight.
In my experience when I have been in the obese range the body doesn't have a problem using the stores up to build if there is adequate protein.
Based on their high body fat percentage, which BMI doesn't take into account, they should still be in the overweight or obese range.
Obesity is as significant a health crisis in our companion animals as it is in the human population, with over 50 % of dogs and cats in the overweight to obese range.
The study shows that children ages 3 through 18 are overweight or obese, with 19 percent having a BMI in the 95h percentile, or the obese range.
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