Sentences with phrase «obey within»

They still need key institutions like the media, the education system or religious institutions that influence popular opinion to obey within the system.
It was not clear how many of them obeyed within the 30 - day deadline given by Francis to accept Bishop Okpaleke last June.
This has been interpreted to mean that any unlawful order does not necessarily need to be obeyed within the military.
If the court orders a more definite statement and the order is not obeyed within 14 days after notice of the order or within the time the court sets, the court may strike the pleading or issue any other appropriate order.

Not exact matches

So long as he discharges his functions within the framework of God's orders, the nation aids and obeys him — and it deposes him if he deviates from the right course.
The authenticity of the Sunnah is proved by the Qur» an, for it orders that the Prophet should be obeyed and it made obedience to him a form of obedience to God and a recognition of His love, «But nay, by thy Lord, they will not believe (in truth) until they make thee judge of what is in dispute between them and find within themselves no dislike of that which thou decidest, and submit with full submission» (Surah IV, 65).
If we remain mere amateurs in the actual Christian life, if we have not in some way accepted to obey a law within the context of Christian freedom and self - restraint, then we are no more than miserable bunglers even if we do not carry too much real ballast of historical piety.
This, however, does not mean that there can not be serious differences of theologi - cal opinion within the Church, nor that a Christian could never refuse to obey a certain particular order of a minister of the Church because his conscience considers it as incompatible with justice or charity, despite the minister's good faith.
Certainly, a public opinion in and of the Church must remain within the framework of the one compulsory profession of faith and also of a general readiness to obey the authorities.
She probably began to learn the Scriptures, to pray, and to seek to obey God's will as revealed within the Bible.
Again at Mt. 28:16 - 20 we have a union of grace and demand within Jesus» command, since the imperative to teach new converts to obey all Jesus has taught is accompanied by his promise to be «with» them.
But if the church truly believes that it has fundamentally superseded God's covenant with Israel, it will prohibit baptized Jews from obeying Torah and maintaining a distinct identity within the church.
He felt that individuals living within a society must obey the rules of the government as well as those laws proscribed by their religion.
Not trying to go Euthyphro dilemma, but if God has to obey rules He exists within some construct that simply has always existed.
The foregoing principles of parent - child relationships — concern by the parents for the needs of the child and the obligation of the child to obey the parents, within the context of intelligent and benevolent authority — are the foundation for the right kind of education not only in homes but also in schools, which are established to aid and complete the family in its educative task.
And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.»
Whereas the ancients simply had to obey the dictates of their gods (as known within their traditions), we now find that, as a very important part of nature ourselves, an increasing measure of responsibility lies upon our species for the future of all planetary life.
Nicholas Berdyaev the Russian philosopher was most critical of the traditional Christian ethics which confined itself to the ethics of law and ethics of grace and ignored the ethics of creativity, while secular modernity to which Christian modernism succumbed, elevated the human vocation of creativity as supreme and as capable by itself of solving the problem of destructivity within it without the need of grace and even of law in the long run Anthropology got perverted on all sides by converting Creation into an order of static laws which are only to be obeyed and perfected by grace in Catholic thought and by getting validated for collective existence without criticism but to be rejected as totally irrelevant in the realm of existence in grace in Protestant thought.
Though God instills within every entity its initial conceptual aim, the person of Jesus is important for humankind because Jesus strove diligently and successfully to prehend God and obey the resulting prehensions and thereby kept his own subjective aim aligned with God's aim and purpose.
Though God instills within every entity its initial conceptual aim, the person of Jesus is important for humankind because Jesus strove diligently and successfully to prehend God and obey the resulting prehensions, thereby keeping his own subjective aim aligned with God's aim and purpose.
If we're talking about a business that must knowingly hire only Christians in order to conduct its business, such as a Theological Seminary, then they are well within their rights to enforce their hires to obey a given code of ethics.
The message of every prophet, Moses, Samuel, Nathan, and Elijah as well as those who came later, was to every individual within the community of Israel, and neither king nor humblest subject was exempt from the obligation to obey the will of Yahweh.
So to «obey the Bible» we have to stop blindly obeying the Bible, and instead, allow it to push us in the trajectory, or continue in the storyline, that is found within the Bible.
3 Whitehead also maintains that scientists do not find, even within the environment of our own cosmic epoch, laws which are exactly obeyed (AI 143 - 46; PR 140).
But within minutes we are mesmerized at the sight of gaggles of birds, large and small, elegant and comical, obeying the secret inner prompting that sets them to fly hundreds, even thousands of miles to serve the demands of life and survival.
Instead of making the child obey, they will teach the children on how they can have self - discipline; within a set of rules and consequences.
«I have made an order which has to be obeyed and the order is to the effect that the accused be allowed to go abroad as from November 4 to treat his ailment within three weeks and return to the court on November 26 for his trial in the charges brought against him», the judge had said.
But, seriously, how likely is that to happen within a borough like Queens County, where the murky waters of cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, corruption, graft, cover up, favoritism and a reckless disregard for law, order and obeying their constituents just keep getting swampier by the minute.
«And this is not in any way to excuse or to attempt to somehow sidestep the obligation to report within time, the necessity for the law to be obeyed by regulated donees.
«A declaration that the 1st and 2nd defendants representing the United States of America in Nigeria are under absolute obligation to obey Nigerian laws both statutory and judicial so far as they are within the territory of Nigeria irrespective of their personal opinions.»
Under normal conditions, boaters are required to obey the 5 mile per hour speed limit within 100 feet of shore.
«If you look at a fault within a tectonic plate, you'll find that it obeys the laws of the laboratory very well,» Zoback says.
A sub bottom whose purpose is to serve, please, and obey my dom / head of household and accept the guidance and discipline I need to be a better sub bottom within our agreed upon limits and statement of sub / dom relationship.
The three - spoke steering wheel moves in your hands a great deal on the road as it reports everything the front wheels are absorbing, but the car is never thrown off line and with the lightest of grips you can edge it to where you want it to go, the front end faithfully obeying every input like a child that's been promised Ben & Jerry's if they finish their homework within the hour.
My first collection of stories, Faith, consisted of fourteen stories that fell within the 3500 - 6000 word length and, at least structurally, obeyed most of the conventions the fiction writing texts of the time recommended, as each narrative hinges upon a protagonist in a vividly rendered place who faces a conflict and makes a discovery.
Remote training collars are effective in teaching your dog to obey you when she's off - leash, even within longer distances.
Yup, Cossacks 3 has quite a number of bugs living within its code, from the developer's console still being accessible through a tap of P to the box selection not working after you select a wall and units sometimes failing to obey commands.
Because however scurrilous Dunham's line may be, it remains just as strictly within the given bounds, obeying the laws of extreme economy.
The concentration of dissolved CO2 and the gufacity of gaseous CO2, fCO2, then obey the equation [CO2] = K0 X fCO2, where the fugacity is virtually equal to the partial pressure, pCO2 (within ~ 1 %).
Just this (lmin, lmax) interval specifies the possible range for the highest values of l within the waveguide's interior between the TPs, in order that the condition l ∼ lm be obeyed (necessary condition iv in ref.
And finally, phenomena which obey a power law often do so within a bounded range (temporal or spatial), and above or below that range may approximate a Gaussian or other distribution... what does an average of such phenomena tell us?
The speed limit within Pearson Park is reduced but there are often motorists who do not obey the defined speed limit.
However, the rule of law doctrine means authorities may only act within the law and must obey the law.
and gagged within Chicago courtroom when he refused to obey judge's orders.
So, from the beginning, try to put a lot of emphasis on driving your car as safely as possible, within all speed limits, and obeying the laws of the road in St Louis, MO..
Within the family there is an indisputable social hierarchy - those at the top, the parents, have full authority are to be obeyed.
It does not do target parents justice to «equally» blame them (or also called rejected parents) given the fact that target parents obeys court orders, attends his or her child's functions, loves the child etc. while the other parent, the alienating parent, ignores court orders, refuses to participate in parental duties, refuses counseling, chronically bad - mouths within in an ear shot of the child, and in some cases — flees the state or country.
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