Sentences with phrase «object for most»

Has your dog search for food, toys, and other object for most of its life?
MetaTrader 5 also provides over 80 built - in technical indicators and analytical objects for the most detailed price analysis.

Not exact matches

«3D printing is freeing access to material objects in the same way that the computer and Internet revolutions has been liberating information for the last 30 years,» said Adrian Bowyer, the founder of one of the most popular 3D printing open source platforms, the RepRap project.
Also, there is no substantial law on who can claim what objects or resources in space, beyond the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that declared space open for most kinds of exploitation, so long as «states» clean up their mess, leaving no contamination or dangerous objects that could harm others.
For relatively small quantities of goods, 3 - D printing could be cheaper, since it eliminates the costs associated with the tooling, casting, and molds required to churn out most metal and plastic objects.
Leading experts in the field will discuss the most relevant application areas, including object detection, structured prediction, large - scale classification and hardware acceleration, video, multi-modal and multi-task learning, and regression methods for localization.
«Fear and greed, most notable among counterproductive emotions where money is the object of human desire, can and often do compromise the capacity for rational and orderly thought» Frank Martin
I suppose what ended up being for me a rather free - for - all melee, instead of a real experience of communion with like - minded and ostensibly like - hearted folks, is sort of an object lesson that ended up characterizing most of the rest of my journey in Emerging church circles.
To pick out just three: that which Deleuze theorizes as «the virtual» bears a certain similarity to Whiteheadian pure potentiality; likewise, the elements of the virtual, namely, what Deleuze calls «Ideas,» play a role comparable to that attributed to eternal objects; finally, the factor in the Deleuzean system which corresponds most closely to Whitehead's notion of creativity — that ultimate principle by which the production of novelty is to be thought — goes, for Deleuze, under the name of «productive difference,» or «Difference in itself?»
In romance occurs a quest for the most desirable object — the distant planet in science fiction, the beloved in gothic novels, the lawful community in westerns.
For the most part the thought of being was shaped around reflection on the objects of sense experience.
Because there are credible explanations for most of those objects and phenomenon based on science and I have seen no credible evidence for any supernatural being, God or otherwise.
Notwithstanding the claims of the Obama administration, employers will still be facilitating the coverage to which they object, in the contracts they make with insurance companies, and in most cases will actually still be paying in full for the coverage.
This means that a Prolog program interpreted at its most abstract level as a logical or mathematical structure is a symbolic expression for an eternal object.
... [Americans] have become a nation that may defy every foe but that most dangerous of foes, herself, destined to a majestic future if she will shun the excess and perversion of the principles that made her great, prate less about the enemies of the past and strive more against the enemies of the future, resist the mob and the demagogue as she resisted Parliament and King, rally her powers from the race for gold and the delirium of prosperity to make firm the foundations on which that prosperity rests, and turn some fair proportion of her vast mental forces to other objects than material progress and the game of party politics.
Joy Bussert writes: «Christian theologians like Luther projected «uncontrolled sexuality» and thus responsibility for the fall, onto women, as the object of sexuality, since sexuality appears to be what they feared most in themselves.
Science, for the most part, studies objects such as pendulums, steel balls on inclined planes, planets and stars.
It is helpful to realize that the objects of scientific investigation are, for the most part, in the category of aggregates.
Looking out for number one is the main object and goal of most of the world.
No human love, it is held, even the most idealistic, can be said to embody agape, the love of God, for human love is always limited and ambiguous in its object, and is corrupted by human selfishness in its essential spirit.
Of course, it was easy for Christians to criticize pagan religion, with its many gods, its veneration of objects of wood and stone and gold, its divining and use of auguries and portent, and most of all, its practice of animal sacrifice.
Both a chipped rock and an IBM machine are tools, but the difference of their complexity and capabilities is so vast that for most purposes we properly regard them as quite different types of objects.
And what I most object to is NOT that someone is quoting the Bible at me, but that the individual's (or group's) interpretation of the Bible is not up for discussion — since anyone who reads the Bible differently must not love God or have a good sense of reason (and / or faith).
On the other hand, the purpose of the classical disciplines of the life of prayer — such as postures, directing of thoughts, or devotional objects — is to provide what have proved in actual experience to be the most favorable conditions for real prayer.
It may, however, be possible to answer this objection by saying that the lure of the most appropriate eternal object or set of appropriately eternal objects for the present actual occasion is itself an eternal object, one in process as are the relationships of rational thinking itself.
of our most fundamental concepts (such as object and subject, matter and spirit, and so on) come as indissociable polarities, a philosophical imagination would seem to be indispensable for retaining the essential unities of merely apparent dualities.
To those who object that happiness is impossible in a present that always looks to the future for fulfillment, revelation proposes that the kind of happiness most pertinent to the «now» is precisely the awareness of promise in every present situation.
What they liked most was the president's warm words about Poland and her historical struggles for freedom, which sounded particularly topical at a time when the country and its government have been an object of massive and unjust attacks by EU officials.
The store of memory, carried along out of mind in ways that are the object of active research, undoubtedly contributes most, by activation of its components, to the unification, except in the rare cases in which two independent stores are built up, giving the basis for dominance at different times of one or the other of two personalities.
While the physical scientists have not yet arrived at a fully satisfactory account of the most elementary particles, they have acquired precise knowledge of the hierarchy of entities starting from proton, neutron and electron, through atom and molecule, to objects of our own order of size for which the precision of the laws of mechanics have made possible the extraordinary achievements of technology.
To realise its being and life, and to experience the fullness of human experiencing, the human person must be the subject and object of love, for it is precisely in love that the human person most fully actualizes itself, and thus reaches the fullest realization of its being and life (66).
For most inventive accident to date, it is a close contest between him managing to fall flat on his face with a rattle in his mouth and a near collision with the objects on top of my parents» coffee table.
Evolutionary biologists for the most part deal with living organisms as objects and not as subjects, so it is not altogether surprising that they do not take account of the subjective.
Granted this much, Weizsaecker can reconstruct the Hilbert space structure of quantum mechanics for the case of the most elementary objects conceivable.
Starting back in 1927, Time Magazine has selected an annual «Person of the Year» which profiles a person, group, idea or objects that «for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year.»
That way you'll know that by 3 or 4 months most babies can grasp and reach for objects, for example, and around 9 months most can stand while holding on to something.
Between 6 and 12 months, your child is beginning to understand that pictures represent objects, and most likely will develop preferences for certain pictures, pages, or even entire stories.
Keep in mind that most babies love to push and pull as they explore household objects and often they use them to support themselves when walking or reaching out for something.
They can perceive objects the most clearly when they are about 8 - 12 inches from their face, and baby gyms are set up perfectly to accommodate for a newborn's developing visual perceptual skills.
We read stories about unattended children getting hurt by objects as benign as a paperclip, how parents get arrested for allowing their children to go outside and play alone, and how it's important that we're actively engaged with our children most of the day.
Most jumperoos have plenty of objects for your baby to reach and grasp.
Babies spend 12 to 16 hours per day on their crib mattress, making the mattress the most prominent object in a child's environment for the first three years of their life and one of the most important items on your baby registry.
Unless the toy in question is a cherished favorite, most objects fail to hold toddlers» interests for more than a day or so.
For most babies, the path to walking begins with rolling over, then comes the crawl and later, cruising, which is a walk while being continuously supported by using a couch, crib, chair or other object for suppoFor most babies, the path to walking begins with rolling over, then comes the crawl and later, cruising, which is a walk while being continuously supported by using a couch, crib, chair or other object for suppofor support.
They objected not just for its content, but for him turning his back on most MPs and simply addressing the phalanx of Eurosceptic Conservative MPs behind him.
WASHINGTON — Most lawmakers in New York, both Democrats and Republicans, quickly objected to the removal of the federal tax deduction for state and local taxes in the tax overhaul framework announced by President Donald Trump Wednesday.
While spending on the NHS and the state pension is among the most popular (and the over-65s are the most likely age group to vote), few will object to the abolition of housing benefit for the under - 25s (the least likely age group to vote).
We strongly support change to a system of «presumed consent» for organ donation and most of us would not object to our body parts and organs being donated and used for good ends.»
Citi News has gathered that most of the persons being objected have failed to appear before the magistrate courts for adjudication.
The proposal most frequently objected to by municipalities was for the county to take over mowing and landscaping at parks.
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