Sentences with phrase «object in the distance»

Choose between normal mode and continuous scan mode to get the speed and distances of objects in the distance.
Some newborns will gaze towards objects in the distance, but many will be looking closely for eye contact.
Certain blind individuals have the ability to use echoes from tongue or finger clicks to recognize objects in the distance, and some use echolocation as a replacement for vision.
Plus, I am trying to keep my eyes on an immovable object in the distance so I don't get carsick and throw up.
Visually, WinBack: Covert Operations» character models and environments look nice up close, but there's a noticeable fuzziness that overlays objects in the distance — even on a CRT TV.
Trying to aim at a red object in the distance causes unnecessary eye strain as you're fighting the physics of the ballistics to try and get a hit.
This being an open world title on a handheld console, the problems that could have been frame - loss and draw distance have been addressed in an ingenious way: when Kat is far away enough, objects in the distance take on the heavily - inked look of a comic book background.
As you're moving through this world, you can see this hexagonal object in the distance and you kind of move towards it, and as you approach you're almost flying through this subconscious space, yet it's so real.
She evokes Chinese landscape painting and employs a technique of Renaissance atmospheric perspective, making objects in the distance hazy and undefined.
But I'd still say go with a Nexus 6P or a Moto X Style because frankly for most smartphone users, the need to take pictures in a group or inside a room is a more common use case, than zooming into objects in the distance.
As a result, zoomed photos of objects in the distance have noticeably less detail — looks like Google's computational approach can't fix everything.
She offers a social smile that makes the mom happy and the mom talks to her in return; the baby looks at an object in the distance and the father points and names the object; with a little encouragement from the baby, the grandpa excites her to screeching with silly play but quiets down when the baby crosses the threshold to being disorganized or upset.
Find an object in the distance — a highway exit, a storefront — that takes to the count of 12 to reach.
The plan: On your next walk / run, choose an object in the distance and sprint to it as fast as you can.
Ask students to pick an object in the distance (about ten feet away).
The halogen headlights picked out objects in the distance, but the low - beam was yellowish after xenons and LED lights fitted to other cars driven recently, some cheaper than the BMW.
The textures on ships look flat and objects in the distance are not that detailed.
In Landscape # 14 and Cityscape Remix (2012), Nazari creates spaces that are absorbing in a way akin to the experience of looking at a mountain or a hill out over a valley — the object in the distance always appears closer, more detailed, and somehow flatter than it actually is.
The brick work of buildings comes across more clearly, individual leaves are more defined, and objects in the distance are just a bit sharper.
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