Sentences with phrase «object of interest rather»

He believes that the painting should be the central object of interest rather than represenative of some subject outside of the work.

Not exact matches

The gods were conceived as visual objects having excellence in themselves, an excellence that inspired interest and admiration rather than numinous terror or the expectation of interference in the practical affairs of life.
Furthermore, it may be that the essence of time is subject to conditions which can never be associated with it a priori but rather remain extrinsic and even contradictory to it, even though they lend themselves to conceptualization and reveal time (in one of its essential aspects) as an object of practical interest.
Along with a more than academic interest in shape objects and Swiss army knives, Nicki is also drawn to Videodrome, but wants to be a participant rather than part of the audience.
To be fair, Donaldson's adaptation of the Stead novel reduces this to a simplified action film, with Neill's inscrutable and passive lead characterization a rather lukewarm object of interest or empathy.
The gaze of their interaction was very interesting, where they would actually look at the character, look at the object or character on the iPad, rather than the person who was actually speaking, as if to prompt that character to talk.
Crowner is also interested in a painting's potential to function as an environment or performative setting rather than a discrete object on a wall, frequently juxtaposing her canvas works with interventions to the floors and walls of a gallery.
Many of her works are explicitly appropriated from artworks within the modernist canon, while others are more general in their references, assimilating art historical interests and concerns rather than specific objects.
Many of her works are explicitly appropriated from the modernist canon, while others are more general in their references, assimilating art historical interests and concerns rather than specific objects.
The press release states that «Charline von Heyl's paintings are not abstractions of objects or figures; rather, she is interested in creating abstract images that stand for themselves.
Playing with the time of the year when people around the world shop for Christmas gifts for family and friends, the project encourages citizens to provide interesting experiences that will be kept in the memory, rather than giving objects that soon will be forgotten, replaced or simply thrown away.
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