Sentences with phrase «object of meditation»

Once the mind is internalized, then you have to practice Dharana or concentration on your chosen object of meditation using effort and focus.
Similarly, it has long been known that meditation on a single object, idea or sound not only causes other stimuli to recede to the vanishing point; after a time the focused object of meditation also seems to be called away, leaving a focused point of nothingness or pure consciousness,» as it is known in such traditions as Zen Buddhism.
In his national best seller, Healthy Aging, Harvard - trained physician, Dr. Andrew Weil states, «Meditation is... focused attention, directed inward or outward — to the breath, for instance... probably the most natural object of meditation
The only actionable part of meditation is the redirection of your attention again and again and again to the object of meditation.
Rather than the breath, a mantra, or a visualization, the object of meditation in walking meditation is placed on the (slow and measured) movement itself.
Shamatha is just a fancy Sanskrit way of referring to our breath as the object of meditation, or mindfulness of breath.
Take a few minutes to work with the breath as the object of meditation.
This method involves going within, with our eyes closed, and seeing some object such as our chakras or our heart and holding that image as an object of meditation.
This is achieved by developing the art of relaxation while keeping awareness of the object of meditation.
So Dhyana can be translated as a continuous, uninterrupted flow of attention towards the object of meditation.
The first step is to choose an object of meditation.
If concentration is about focusing, then meditation is about de-focusing; yet maintaining a complete awareness of the object of meditation.
In this state — the meditator, the process of meditation and the object of meditation becomes one.
This effortless, one pointed awareness of the object of meditation is Dhyana.
You can still hear the sound around you, but when you're deep in thought about your object of meditation, even those will not disturb you.
Walker's new works offer themselves as a contemporary version of Chinese scholar's rocks — those objects of meditation that are equally space and solid, form and formlessness, and which function as filters for unconscious creative processes.
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