Sentences with phrase «object of pity»

They are not objects of pity or «poor people» or inspirational tales.
Despite his seemingly good deeds, Lewis was often roundly criticized by disability rights groups who felt the show presented those afflicted with MD — who Lewis referred to as «my kids» — disrespectfully and as objects of pity.
The book is outward looking too, exploring characters» reactions to their husbands» deaths and the responses of those around the women, rather than depicting any of them as objects of pity.
There's no need to become an object of pity.
Years ago, short - sightedness was rare among children; the occasional child with spectacles was an object of pity and derision.
Despite the rich associations, the film finally makes little more of its central figure, a hideously deformed young man, than an object of pity.
Squires» performance is shattering, but Loach doesn't just hold her up as an object of pity.
Solondz is the bamboo splinter beneath the fingernail of that shame — his manifesto lies in the decision to confront the ultimate causes behind our embarrassment with fetishism, our horror at the recognition of racial difference (suggested by George Bush Sr.'s boldly insane, «I don't see colour»), and our inability to treat people with physical disabilities as anything other than children or objects of pity.
Some students tend to romanticize or exotify other people's lives or circumstances, or make them an object of pity in uncritical and even disrespectful ways (presumably unintentionally).
I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings are only the objects of pity, and that kind of love which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.
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