Sentences with phrase «objective claims about»

It was widely understood that seemingly objective claims about the material world were often, at best, premature.
Plus, the gospel rejects such false humility because it makes real objective claims about real life.
This quote marks an important time in financial history, the CEO of a global banking institution making objective claims about cryptocurrency.
This is an objective claim about the human mind, the dynamics of social relations, and the moral order of our world.
However, Whitehead uses the experience of CE as evidenced for an objective claim, so it seems as if he is making an objective claim about it, and hence it could be erroneous, since there could be a difference between «seems» and «is.»

Not exact matches

The March 2011 Budget claims that about $ 80 billion of direct program expenses will be reviewed with the objective of finding annual savings of $ 4 billion by 2014 - 15, which the Harper government claims is about 5 per cent of the review base.
Fortunately for us, the argument ought not to be about our personal validity, but to the objective claims we make about the truths of scripture and the essential elements that genuine Christian faith has and does contribute to society.
Of course, we CAN make objective, evidence - based claims about BEHAVIOR.
(2) CE could be «just an experience» in the same sense that pain could be so considered, i.e., with no cognitive significance, no (objective) cognitive claim about its causes; it could be completely non-propositional and have no belief component.
If, as science claims (and its claims are stronger because they are verifiable empirically), the objective meaning of the world is what science says it is, then theological talk (if it claims to talk about the same world) must be metaphorical and subjective.
The function of a claim about the totality was not, as it was for Wilson, to provide «objective knowledge» and to serve as a basis for what Wilson called an «enduring ethical consensus» (BBM 54).
To ask what status in truth a portrayal of Jesus by an artist who never saw him can conceivably have is inevitably to open the door to the wider question: Does anything we claim to know about him, theologically or historically (save perhaps that he once lived), have any great objective validity?
Feigning a discussion about objective vs. subjective morality without qualifying values in the example in an attempt to get the casual reader to focus on the value the crafty writer wants you to adopt a an absolute truth — in this case how bad it would be to BBQ your grandmother, so that he can claim the the reader believes in objective «truths».
For the text to be taken as testimony, as relevatory, judgment must be made about objective characteristics, above all what Ricoeur calls in Interpretation Theory its «self reference,» its claims to represent an «I» or a «we» engaged in a certain past «event of discourse.
We need such an account in order to prevent the breakdown of realism — doctrines are truth claims about objective realities — from leaving us unsure that the biblical narrative provides the datum of faith.
The objective evidence for the claim of probable increase in the influence of Whitehead lies in the increased volume of published work about his thought and the growing number of dissertations being written about him.
Right now, they have cancelled the first one (October 30) and they say that they will «keep updating» about the other days... UPDATE: Some newspaper claimed that, according to unofficial declarations of the organizers, the objective of the strike would not be so much to effectively perform the strike all of those days1 but to provide legal cover for workers to be free to leave their job (to attend protests, etc...)
The news has also sparked concern about how the Standard can now claim to be politically objective.
I cant claim to be objective about this rousing endorsement for the brand new book Whole Green Catalog, which makes its debut in bookstores September 1.
I asked you for some citation re your rather dramatic claims about the alleged «Faustian bargain» where teachers unions agreed to have CA's education spending lost in the nation, the class sizes highest in the nation, and all with the ultimate objective of having salaries, according to RAND, that are below the national average.
Scully's press release claims that his blog, «is intended to be a balancing and informational source for readers to get objective information about education reform in the state.»
Most of these claims are political attacks that promote a partisan agenda and are not objective information about climate change science.
Newtom himself claimed to not make hypotheses, but he in fact had notions that seemed very hypothetical:) We should find greater reward in seeing what the scientist does as opposed to what he says about it, an objectied stance on a subjective person in a «paradigm,» or school of thought that attempts to be objective.
This is not making a claim about lukewarmers being «sensible», «moral», «just», «balanced» or «more objective than others».
Could you or someone tell me who believes that Bayesian statistics can be used to assess evidence for a claim about the objective world, the world that we all share?
The amended climate science standards were intended to «ensure students will develop skills to acknowledge and distinguish claim (s) from alternate or opposing claims, support arguments... with evidence, and communicate about science - related topics / issues in a knowledgeable, clear and objective manner.»
They claim to be about balanced energy, but their objective is to promote coal use.
I leave it to objective readers here to determine whether the blogger's claim is valid and whether whatever point I made about «losing an argument» was valid or not.
Our primary objective is to remove concerns about medical bills and other expenses by maximizing the amount you receive through a personal injury claim.
Is it a requirement that the franchisee subjectively know about the claims that he or she is releasing, or on an objective standard — that he or she must or should have known about those claims based on all the circumstances.
In the Career Objective, you will make grand claims about your abilities and expertise.
Don't worry about not being able to fit in some of what makes you unique in your current objective as the idea of the crib jacked if it simply to peak interest of the reader and get them to read the rest of your resume where you back up your claims about why she hired solid work experiences, training, and skill sets.
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