Sentences with phrase «objective distance»

You need someone with objective distance and good taste in your genre, preferably with professional editing experience.
To be sure, the fear of eisegesis is very real, and it often drives a preacher who takes the text seriously to a kind of objective distance from the text as a safeguard against this error.
All Experience Is an Arch at Hap Gallery is an experiential recounting of a familial legacy as it can only be regarded posthumously — as it can be summarized from a sparingly objective distance.
I think you'll find that more and more younger people in ministry are rejecting that «standard» of «objective distance
In fact, the author tries to maintain an objective distance in recounting this long and successful history.
In seeking to understand religious symbols correctly, the so - called «objective distance» of Western scholars is a sure guarantee of falsification and objective error, especially if it is not in dialogue with the believers themselves.
Finkel maintains his objective distance as a professional journalist — this isn't a polemic against war or the way the United States cares for its veterans — but there really isn't much good news to report in this ongoing story.
Abrahams» imagery — and his handling of it, especially in his innovative use of materials — is very much of his time, but he was able also to give the work an objective distance, in order to comment upon its ostensible subject.
It was the collapse of any objective distance.
The paintings that comprise The Black Mirror are a study in contrasts: the subject matter is intimate, yet the black and white tonal range creates an objective distance.
MG: When one steps back, it's hard to get an objective distance from space.
Grabner: A «conceptual» label gives me objective distance from the language.
Focusing on the physical fabric of the urban built environment and the hyper - city, her lens - based practice meticulously captures and transcribes its viral quality and alienating sense of the spectacular, while always maintaining an objective distance.
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