Sentences with phrase «objective evidence about»

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Rather, both my opinion and our investment stance are driven by the objective evidence we have in hand about valuations and market action.
What you express about me and «believers» is usually not backed by objective evidence.
In any case, worry less about who people are and more about the fact that all you have are a lot of personal feelings and beliefs you can't support with objective evidence.
And even when there is substantial objective evidence to go with the subjective observations and interpretations of myself and others, I refrain from talking about it unless there is a * need * for me to say something specific.
But there's no objective evidence to support any of them, and pretty much everything about the concept of a god raises significant questions no one can answer.»
Of course, we CAN make objective, evidence - based claims about BEHAVIOR.
I just checked and there is no news story about the discovery of objective evidence that shows there is a god.
However, Whitehead uses the experience of CE as evidenced for an objective claim, so it seems as if he is making an objective claim about it, and hence it could be erroneous, since there could be a difference between «seems» and «is.»
It is about belief trumping objective evidence, belief distorting logic.
Rather than telling me what I think how about you providing some factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for your beliefs, or admit that you are mentally ill or a liar?
If I make a statement about the objective world, which includes everything apart from my subjective world: my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs, etc., I need to back it up with empirical evidence that can be tested and retested experimentally.
We both accept, I think, these four related things about human knowing: (1) sentient experience of «physical things» is intrinsically infused with objective meaning, purposefulness and value; (2) flowing out, of this and intertwined with it is, at least for humans, «cognition» of the physical, and moral experience of such value; (3) this moral experience and engagement reveals the spiritual realm as something foundational to and «abstractly distinguishable» from the physical realm — values for Ward, mind for me; and (4) one piece of evidence for making such a distinction is the uniquely «publicly....
The task of a non-Muslim scholar writing about Islam is that of constructing an exposition that will do justice to the Western academic tradition, by growing directly out of the objective evidence and by being rationally coherent both within itself and with all other knowledge, and at the same time will do justice to the faith in men's hearts by commanding their assent once it is formulated.
The objective evidence for the claim of probable increase in the influence of Whitehead lies in the increased volume of published work about his thought and the growing number of dissertations being written about him.
Complaints may arise about or in relation to an applicant or client before, during or after the initial assessment process and must include objective evidence that can be investigated.
While many people believe that stock picking and market timing should be staples of an investment experience; Tom aspires to educate individuals about the benefits of a disciplined, evidence based investing approach that is tailored to each person's goals and objectives.
A femoral head ostectomy (FHO) for the hip is an option that was described in the scientific literature about 50 years ago, but no conclusive studies with objective evidence, such as recent reliable force plate gait analysis data, are available that document a return to «normal» function as is available following total hip replacement (THR) surgery.
Science isn't about belief, it's about evidence (observational & experimental) and reasonable conclusions; as long as a teacher sticks to an objective curriculum based on science I would be supportive.
If the decisions that lead Karl et al. to make assumptions about how to adjust the data were based on purely objective evidence, then a congressional inquiry is neither necessary or desirable.
Could you or someone tell me who believes that Bayesian statistics can be used to assess evidence for a claim about the objective world, the world that we all share?
The amended climate science standards were intended to «ensure students will develop skills to acknowledge and distinguish claim (s) from alternate or opposing claims, support arguments... with evidence, and communicate about science - related topics / issues in a knowledgeable, clear and objective manner.»
Could being objective about the evidence, and helping politicians consider the evidence have stopped the «limits to growth» thesis from developing its toxic hold over (and against) the development agenda?
Both groups incorporate selected evidence about future global warming that agrees with their objectives, avoiding a balanced appraisal of the dangers.
Although 2 1/2 years have passed since the accident and the plaintiff still complains about neck pain, back pain and limited range of motion, I am not satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that these subjective complaints are sufficiently supported by any objective evidence of continuing injury.
Evidence of the fault of others says nothing about how the environment would be protected and the legislative objective served if the Director's order were revoked.
Further, one of her medical witnesses at trial expressed doubts about the extent of her pain and the court found that other medical witnesses called by the plaintiff based their opinions largely on the subjective complaints by the plaintiff as opposed to objective evidence.
It's about trying to get the optimal balance between the net result you hope to achieve, the very real costs you potentially face, and the ability to prove your case by evaluating your evidence in the most objective manner possible.
For our use case, the ordinary objective is to preserve evidence that allows a trier of fact to draw conclusions about a web page that was likely viewed by the public through a web browser at a point in time.
The desired «gold standard» evidence, gathered through assessment instruments, «Indigenised» surveys and one - off intervention testing might elsewhere be revered as objective and reliable, but often inadequately represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples» worldviews, experiences and knowledge about «what works».
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