Sentences with phrase «objective evidence for»

The objective evidence for the claim of probable increase in the influence of Whitehead lies in the increased volume of published work about his thought and the growing number of dissertations being written about him.
Does your new version of the christian cult include factual, verifiable, independent and objective evidence for any god and a supernatural jesus, or is it just another pile of lies on top of myths?
This isn't the first study dedicated to this subject, but it is «one of the largest studies to date in living retired NFL players» and the «first to demonstrate significant objective evidence for traumatic brain injury in these former players,» study author Francis X. Conidi of the Florida Center for Headache and Sports Neurology and Florida State University College of Medicine said in a statement.
You, and not a single believer, can provide one bit of independent, factual, verifiable or objective evidence for your silly beliefs.
Given all the objective evidence against the gods so far worshiped, it's not unreasonable to ask for objective evidence for a god.
Rather than telling me what I think how about you providing some factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for your beliefs, or admit that you are mentally ill or a liar?
I am astonished at how scrupulously the Christian God (or any other God for that matter) hasn't left any objective evidence for centuries.
The facts are you have no objective evidence for your claim that a god (any god) exists.
There is an enormous body of objective evidence for evolution.
In the religion, SBNR, atheism case, there is objective evidence against religions and none for them, there is no objective evidence for anything supernatural, there is objective evidence for much that was explained supernaturally in the past, and there are highly plausible explanations for purely natural universe supported by objective evidence.
None of them can or could produce any more objective evidence for their beliefs than any other.
It is far more significant to me that no believer, not even a top - dog charlatan shaman such as any Pope - A-Dope, can not provide factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for their cult's beliefs.
There is no objective evidence for it whatsoever, and far too many seeming contradictions.
There is evidence for the assertion that the universe is all physical though, the complete lack of objective evidence for anything other than a physical universe.
Please provide factual, verifiable, independent and objective evidence for your god, retract your assertion or admit you are delusional (mentally ill) and / or a liar.

Not exact matches

«The transition of information security to a business discussion at the board level highlights the market need for objective, evidence - based measures of performance.
As for our actual investment position, that's always driven by the objective evidence, and on that basis we are defensive.
For now, based on the objective evidence, we remain defensive.
Straticyte is the first and only molecular diagnostic test for oral precancerous lesions that provides an objective and accurate prediction score as evidenced by retrospective clinical studies.
The latest FOMC statement noted that near - zero inflation could be a problem for the US economy: «The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, and it is monitoring inflation developments carefully for evidence that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term.»
Many traders look for trade signals from a combination of just a few tools and indicators to build their «weight of evidence» to help them make more objective and less emotional trading decisions instead of reacting to any price movement on a reactionary basis.
Your continual denial of bias shows you have no desire to interpret any data in an objective way, but can be expected to use whatever data comes in to confirm your biases, so I don't understand why you bother asking for evidence besides the fact that you seem to think magic is possible or that we are in a «matrix» computer program.
Where's the independent, factual, objective and verifiable evidence for the claimed extraordinary events at the time of the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of some dude allegedly named jesus?
You have to use something other than objective evidence to explain why that works for you.
No objective evidence has ever been found for that.
However, that is not a fact for which there is objective evidence, but only your opinion.
A huge tottering edifice has been erected on top of a fiction for which there is no objective evidence at all.
And even when there is substantial objective evidence to go with the subjective observations and interpretations of myself and others, I refrain from talking about it unless there is a * need * for me to say something specific.
@If horses... You might not believe the evidence for God's existence is compelling - e.g., the existence of the universe; the beginning of the universe; the fine tuning of the universe for life; the realm of objective moral value; the facts surrounding Jesus of Nazareth; personal experience of God; etc - but that does not mean there is «no evidence
Perhaps I am deluded to believe in an all — powerful benevolent God, but it's the best explanation I can think of for the life experiences I have had and rationally, for that reason unless and until something happens or someone shows me something to give my objective and indefatigable evidence to the contrary, I can't sanely not believe.
RB, What objective evidence do you have for a «supernatural salvation experience»?
Just after you prove objective morality exists you can show us how that is evidence for your alleged god (s).
Not that the biblical god provides an objective system, or that it is the best objective system, but that somehow objective morality in an of itself is evidence for god's existence.»
So no, objective morality itself is not evidence for god.
However, Whitehead uses the experience of CE as evidenced for an objective claim, so it seems as if he is making an objective claim about it, and hence it could be erroneous, since there could be a difference between «seems» and «is.»
No one yet has ever produced actual (physical, objective, independent, verifiable, factual) evidence for any alleged (but never proven) god.
They consider science a dubious venture even though objective evidence of it's success is everywhere around us for all to independently verify.
Topher, Re: «hard questions» here's an easy one you have never been able to answer: «What factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence is there for any god?»
provided the slightest argument for god, never mind objective factual evidence.
If it is because you believe in an alleged supernatural being for which there is no independent, objective, factual or verifiable evidence, then clearly it is you who is mentally ill, delusional and / or a liar.
After that, I want the objective, testable, empirical evidence for one species evolving into another complete species.
Now, I want the objective, testable, impirical evidence for where the universe (s) came from.
So, in summary you don't actually have a proof, or even a single bit of factual, verifiable, objective and independent evidence for your unproven claims.
Unless you have some verifiable, objective, factual, independent evidence for your claims, of course.
Your criteria for objective evidence is too broad for you and I to have a productive conversation on this subject.
For both theories, there is a ton of objective evidence, and no objective evidence that the phenomenon is false.
Even though there is no objective for their belief and there is objective evidence (not necessarily proof) to the contrary, people believe things.
Saying that God must be supernatural, meaning beyond our ability to ever comprehend how he «works», then only amounts to being an excuse for there not being any objective evidence of his existence.
You provided no counterargument, no objective evidence, just confused denials and an occasional insult for emphasis.
They ask for objective evidence.
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