Sentences with phrase «objective evidence of»

The Company was able to obtain verifiable and objective evidence of the fair value of the satellite and transmission
While you likely take just as much care with your off - books work as with your billed work, a well - documented file and regular file - handling procedures serve as objective evidence of that care in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.
Disability insurance companies often deny legitimate claims on grounds that there is a lack of objective evidence of disability and / or insufficient medical information.
An insurance company will often rely upon the opinion of its own internal medical experts to decide on whether there is sufficient objective evidence of a disability.
The employer argued there was no objective evidence of a disability.
It should consist only of objective evidence of the background facts at the time of the execution of the contract (King, at paras. 66 and 70), that is, knowledge that was or reasonably ought to have been within the knowledge of both parties at or before the date of contracting.
Regarding the feeder driver position, the majority notes that Blood's tentative notation that Faidley was capable of performing the job was only «a preliminary subjective opinion, unsupported by objective evidence, not materially different than the employee's subjective assessment that was insufficient to create a material dispute with his physician's restrictions...,» and unable to overcome the substantial objective evidence of the plaintiff's medical restrictions.
What Is Objective Evidence of Chronic Pain?
BC Injury Law And ICBC Claims Blog Subjective Soft Tissue Injuries And Judicial Scrutiny Last year I criticized the often recited judicial passage stating that «``... the Court should be exceedingly careful when there is little or no objective evidence of continuing injury and when complaints of pain persist for long periods extending beyond the normal or usual recovery...» and pointing out that these comments should no longer be used given Supreme Court of Canada's reasons in FH v. McDougall.
... while the nature of the evidence that can be relied on under [the] rubric of «surrounding circumstances» will vary from case to case, it should consist only of objective evidence of the background facts at the time of the execution of the contract.
Often there is no objective evidence of a concussion.
Although 2 1/2 years have passed since the accident and the plaintiff still complains about neck pain, back pain and limited range of motion, I am not satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that these subjective complaints are sufficiently supported by any objective evidence of continuing injury.
Howarth has articulated what seems to be a common US view: «My strong belief is that shale gas has been promoted far beyond the objective evidence of what it can and can not do.
Despair is natural when there's objective evidence of a shared existential problem we're not addressing adequately.
Pennsylvania does not require that objective evidence of student learning be the preponderant criterion of its teacher evaluations.
Although Illinois requires that objective evidence of student growth be included in a teacher's evaluation rating, it does not play a profound role in a teacher's overall evaluation rating.
Although the evaluation tool would appear to necessitate observation of teacher effectiveness, there is no requirement that objective evidence of student learning be included.
Alabama does not require that objective evidence of student learning be the preponderant criterion of its teacher evaluations.
Districts should be given the flexibility to define the criteria for performance pay provided that such criteria connect to objective evidence of student achievement.
Districts should be given the flexibility to define the criteria for performance pay provided that such criteria connect to objective evidence of student growth.
While Kentucky's performance assessment may be a step in the right direction, there is no indication that objective evidence of student learning is considered as part of this assessment.
NCTQ also found that 30 states now require that teacher evaluations include objective evidence of student learning, a reversal from 2009, when 35 states did not require teacher evaluations to include any such measure.
Now we have objective evidence of what does work in the learning and teaching process, which opens a new approach that can be applied to science instruction.
We encourage you to get your hormones tested so you can have objective evidence of any hormone imbalance you may have.
The Neuroimaging Center is accelerating the rate of research advances by gathering objective evidence of a treatment's success in an effort to make a case for third - party reimbursement and make the treatment widely accessible to those who need it.
Patients, enrolled in an NIH funded study, met the following criteria [17]: (1) current positive IgG Western blot using CDC surveillance criteria assessed using a single reference laboratory (University Hospital of Stony Brook); (2) treatment for Lyme disease with at least 3 weeks of intravenous ceftriaxone or cefotaxime that was completed at least 4 months before study entry; and (3) objective evidence of memory impairment as documented by the Wechsler Memory Scale - III compared to age -, sex - and education - adjusted population norms.
The new results, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, give the first objective evidence of a phenomenon that senior author Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D. and his colleagues have studied for years.
«Worldwide problems such the Ebola virus outbreak, the rapid spread of microbes resistant to antibiotics, and the diabetes epidemic are objective evidence of the need for more research and better treatment,» Lattman said Monday.
At the end of the day, the question is whether there remains any objective evidence of God?
She needs to search for some objective evidence of a supernatural power.
Saying that God must be supernatural, meaning beyond our ability to ever comprehend how he «works», then only amounts to being an excuse for there not being any objective evidence of his existence.
lngtrmthnkr, True, but if there were a few nuggets that were beyond the contemporary knowledge, that would have been objective evidence of God.
Do you have any objective evidence of a god?
They consider science a dubious venture even though objective evidence of it's success is everywhere around us for all to independently verify.
They aren't even considered objective evidence of anything.
I have objective evidence of the biblical God and devil through spiritual revelation gift of prophecy and word of knowledge.

Not exact matches

«Trump's rejection of trans troops in the US has no basis in objective evidence.
There's a whole process that's set up to ensure that the jury that finally gets impaneled is an objective group of people with no connection with anything going on in the case that might persuade them to cast a decision that's inconsistent with the evidence that's presented at the trial.
We believe that it is possible to identify which hat is in front of us, based on objective evidence.
«The transition of information security to a business discussion at the board level highlights the market need for objective, evidence - based measures of performance.
Of course, a handful of observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequencOf course, a handful of observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequencof observers are so self - satisfied with pointing out the challenges since 2009 that I've regularly admitted and already addressed that they confuse the message with the messenger; ignoring objective evidence as a consequence.
Many traders look for trade signals from a combination of just a few tools and indicators to build their «weight of evidence» to help them make more objective and less emotional trading decisions instead of reacting to any price movement on a reactionary basis.
Your continual denial of bias shows you have no desire to interpret any data in an objective way, but can be expected to use whatever data comes in to confirm your biases, so I don't understand why you bother asking for evidence besides the fact that you seem to think magic is possible or that we are in a «matrix» computer program.
HotAirAce «An honest believer would preface their claims with something like «Despite not having a shred of independent, factual, objective or verifiable evidence, I believe...»
An honest believer would preface their claims with something like «Despite not having a shred of independent, factual, objective or verifiable evidence, I believe...» Why are you a dishonest member of the dead jew zombie vampire cannibal death cult aka christian?
I don't think you or anyone else has a shred of factual, verifiable, objective or independent evidence.
Not necessarily in tone or by being insulting (thankfully there's been relatively little of that from both sides), but in that we require and unashamedly DEMAND real, objective evidence.
Where's the independent, factual, objective and verifiable evidence for the claimed extraordinary events at the time of the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of some dude allegedly named jesus?
There is evidence for the assertion that the universe is all physical though, the complete lack of objective evidence for anything other than a physical universe.
Now, hypothetically, if you personally maintained belief in a supreme being (one in which you had no verifiable proof of its existence, but yet what you considered ample evidence to place your faith in) and that being had communicated morality in absolute terms, would you define that morality as subjective or objective?
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