Sentences with phrase «objective opinions on»

I'd like to get some educated, objective opinions on my situation to see if this is a terrible idea or not.
Every year I try to take a step back and form an objective opinion on the season that has just finished for Arsenal and also form some expectations for the season ahead.
But unfortunately every voting system is based on one axiom: That the voters are smart enough to form an objective opinion on each candidate.
Maybe, but it's also perfectly plausible that people who have less emotional capital invested in the result are forming a more objective opinion on the likely outcome.»
Experts also have an obligation to the court and to their own professional integrity to give an objective opinion on the case.
If you wait for the last days you can have the most objective opinion on whether the ICO will go as planned or if it's a waste of time.
When someone else gives their objective opinion on the issue, sometimes we are able to accept it and take the necessary actions to remedy the situation.
When a marriage counselor views the problem, the couple get an objective opinion on the conflict which allows them to properly examine the issue and fix it and also understand the relationship better.

Not exact matches

In reply to your comment that, «each [account] has their own investment objectives and time lines, so in my opinion should be treated separately,» I'd make the case that you may be able to save some money on taxes by considering your taxable accts and retirement accts as one portfolio.
With so much air - time to fill, pundits and commentators on networks like Fox News and MSNBC spend hours hashing and re-hashing the day's political news to the point that the lines between opinion and objective reporting are blurred, if not unabashedly ignored.
My objective system is not dependent on my personal opinions.
The fact that you start this way already shows it not to be objective since it is based on your personal opinion.
Next you said, «You seem to be in a state of paranoia and basing your opinion on something you saw on TV, which is not a very objective approach to understand a religion.»
And, as you mention, the variety of opinion on this issue strongly suggests that one can not know for sure by any objective means.
He added the McArthur family could avail of the European Convention on Human Rights to refuse to express a political opinion which was contrary to their religious beliefs, warning there was no objective or reasonable justification for interference.
In my opinion, Mr. Wenger main objective is to improve on the way Arsenal play rather than buy players.
We all have our opinions on players and often these are based on subjective criteria as opposed to objective analysis; a player's style and grace or diminutive stature or lack of pace may distract us from the measurable effectiveness of the same player.
As for if these laws can be considered «contributions» there are many opinions, and none of them is objective since politics is inherently subjective and based on people's beliefs and moral axioms.
The state office is responsible for providing «independent, unbiased and objective opinions and recommendations» on financial and compliance matters.
So I decided to get a more objective opinion by taking the Real Age Test on, which assesses whether you are «biologically younger, older, or the same as your calendar age.»
They are objective and can give you an honest opinion of what they believe is going on.
In the event the applicant is publishing in a language which no OFCS member can translate, the Governing Committee may call on a third party to offer an objective opinion.
29] The manifestation of mass opinions, obsessions, and objectives takes various forms depending on certain inherent attributes, imbibed cultural attitudes or instructed methods of operation.
This task sheet asks students to meet the following learning objective: To compare Hindu and Christian beliefs on God and provide personal opinion.
- A starter activity for each lesson on the first slide + learning objective + challenge activities throughout the power - point - Vocabulary games and worksheets with challenge activities - A lesson on teachers and comparatives to build up the vocabulary range of your students - Some fun mini-whiteboard games on opinions (speaking activity)- explanation under the slide - A role - play activity on school subjects and teachers - Sentence building activity on comparatives (see worksheet)- A lesson on friendship and adjectives to describe your friends - A written activity and competition game with mini-whiteboard on friendship - A worksheet to accompany each power - point - A revision worksheet to practise the vocabulary and grammar points seen in the unit - Reading and grammar end of unit test LESSON 3 is FREE here so you can check the standard of my resources: I hope you will enjoy my resources and if you have a question on a particular slide or activity, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave me a message.
Within the site you will find detailed, practical, straightforward information on lesson planning, learning objectives, teaching methods, home schooling, instructional grouping, teaching and values, classroom management, assertive discipline, study skills, thinking skills, job searching, education reform, discussions, contrary opinions, direct instruction, and a whole lot more.
- A starter activity for each lesson on the first slide + learning objective + challenge activities throughout the power - point - A full lesson plan - Vocabulary games and worksheets with challenge activities - Homework ideas to follow up what has been seen in the lesson - A lesson on opinions and model verbs - A reading comprehension worksheet - A fun teacher vs pupils vocabulary game - A mini-whiteboard game to practise conjugating - er verbs I hope you will enjoy my resources and if you have a question on a particular slide or activity, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave me a message.
Learning objectives • Express opinion on fruit and vegetable preferences • Teamwork: listening and communicating • Learn times of year when to grow different crops • Decide collectively what to grow • Produce a month by month crop planner
But the movement focused instead on having a favorable opinion of oneself, independently of objective justification for that favorable opinion.
The PPIC Statewide Survey has provided policymakers, the media, and the general public with objective, advocacy - free information on the perceptions, opinions, and public policy preferences of California residents since 1998.
As any researcher can immediately note, such surveys have little usefulness as objective evidence, because they are based on subjective opinions that can change based on who is working in classrooms, because survey designs can be flawed with leading questions yielding results favorable to the pollster, and because survey designs can change drastically from year to year.
But customers trust Amazon to provide objective opinions about a product or a brand... we will work hard to show that there is some attribution to that level of investment that drives business results, even if it doesn't happen on Amazon,» Dallaire said
But a review is an objective opinion of your work — the words that are on paper should tell the full story.
I would be very interested in your opinion on ETFs considering that preservation of capital has to be a major objective.
It represents our opinion and analysis based on subjective and objective criteria.
The A.M. Best rating is a forward - looking and objective opinion regarding an insurer's relative creditworthiness based on a comprehensive analysis of balance sheet strength, operating performance, and company profile.
It can be as simple as sharing relevant personal thoughts and opinions on social media, or disclosing business objectives both internally and to your clients — but keep confidentiality in mind, of course.
We can go around in circles till infinity, but here's the real truth here: It's clear you're not likely to change your opinion, but your opinion on this is misguided and basically just plain wrong — and the more objective facts are testament to this (looking at things relative the competition, expectations, previous examples, etc.)-- BUT, you are still entitled to that misguided and wrong opinion.
To be sure a «debate» over whether or not human activity is altering the climate still rages, but it is not a clear - headed objective debate about the science among scientists actually working in the relevant fields, it's a debate about the science and its impact on human society in the court of public opinion.
«The public is obviously picking up on this not as an evolution of objective scientific understanding but as a proliferation of contradictory opinions
On the whole, the public appears to think of these opinion - makers as objective commentators and worthy leaders, but they are neither objective nor are they leaders.
They include a tendency for individuals heavily involved on an issue to perceive almost all news coverage as hostile to their goals (even news coverage that favors their position); to presume much larger effects for a message on the public than the actual influence; and to apply a faulty quasi-statistical sense to where public opinion might actually stand on an issue, perceiving public opinion as hostile to their goals, no matter what the objective indicators might say.
Our objective is simply to show that the debate on man - made global warming * isn't * over, and provide an outlet for dissenting opinion from the global warming alarmist dogma.
Having once criticised Pekka for assuming that policy is just whatever someone's opinion might be, I was pleased to see on a thread a few days ago that he has made an effort to learn some of the basics — in this case the one (which Faustino especially has been educating readers here about) that policy instruments should be focused on a single objective, although framers should be cognisant of the effect on other objectives.
This also goes against the idea of scientists» opinions being entirely based on objective analysis of the evidence, and concurs with previous studies that have shown scientists» opinions on topics to vary along with their political orientation,» writes survey author Neil Stenhouse of George Mason University.
Nevertheless, alternatives to the «objective stuff», at least in this case, are superior, in my opinion, but the result does depend on the scientific ability of the practitioner.
«In our opinion, the experience of the recent failure of the frontal assault on climate policy — the implausibly straight driveway from the present to a magically decarbonised future — suggests that a more indirect yet encompassing approach via the attainment of different objectives which bring contingent benefits is, indeed, the only one that is likely to be materially (in contrast to rhetorically) successful.
This also goes against the idea of scientists» opinions being entirely based on objective analysis of the evidence and concurs with previous studies that have shown scientists» opinions on topics to vary along with their political orientation (Nisbet 2011; Rosenberg et al. 2010).
Those PhD's then proceed to dwell on the manufactured controversies around the politics, as if J&J Public can meaningfully parse a 12 part series about the politics of science over morning coffee, further muddying the public perceptions of the objective reality we face by opening the discussion to opinion in the name of «balance».
Still on the categories of data, the opinion brushes away the criticism of both the EP and the Article 29 data protection Working Party requesting evidence that the transfer of less data, for example only of API, is not sufficient to meet the objective of the proposed agreement.
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