Sentences with phrase «objective science»

«Management decisions should be based on objective science,» he said.
Hence we need objective science - based truth - based researchers, doctors, etc. with fact - based reality.
The objective was to prove the hypothesis, not to perform objective science.
This is hardly what true objective science should be doing.
David McConnell (Professor of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin) explores primal facts of objective science in which to consider genetic impulses of artists.
I found an estimation of the radiative forcing close to earlier estimations by NASA / GISS group when they were still doing objective science.
Given Pachauri's recent admission in an interview with Science, 29 Jan 2010, Vol 327, page 510, that he views his role as advancing climate change policy, we shouldn't be surprised now that AR4 is clearly an advocacy - based report vs objective science report.
«For me, the most important message that I have to communicate to Congress and to other decision - makers is that I am working as hard as I can to conduct the most objective science that I possibly can, and read the evidence as objectively as I can.
If objective science still has any meaning in a politically - correct and agenda driven world: Surely the above» fraternity of gates» has progressed well beyond any usual and customary SNAFU, and has now metastasized into the full - blown FUBAR stage (for those few who don't know and / or never worked for the military, polite translations are: Situation Normal, All» Fouled» Up; and» Fouled» Up Beyond All Repair).
Finally Kant banished metaphysics from the realm of objective science because, unlike physics, it deals with realities not perceptible to the senses.
Not all right - thinking people thought the way white Protestants did, and there was also no universal objective science that all people shared.
Freud abandoned objective science, developing a subjective approach to understanding the mind based on what his unhappy patients told him about their inner lives.
As chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize — winning United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he plays a critical role in providing nations with objective science on global warming.
«This says to me that they do not want objective science,» Peter Meyer, an economist who resigned in protest last month, said in an interview this morning.
Or, Is It «Fleeing Journalists» From Objective Science Reporting?»
Instead what should rightfully evoke our greatest concern is how climate change alarmism is eroding objective science, allowing untestable hypotheses and flawed models to become codified in our legal system.
There are numerous questions as to whether the WWF and other similar groups can present objective science, as they often push ideological agendas.
««Sen. Inhofe Delivers Major Speech on the Science of Climate Change «Catastrophic global warming alarmism not based on objective science» Part 1,» U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, July 28, 2003.
He said he wasn't an «expert» and that there was «no model today that can predict tomorrow... we need objective science to figure a model out.»
In this example, supposedly objective science reporting is inherently biased in favor of the non-scientific idea and biased against the actual science of evolution itself.
However, as it turned out, the science of global warming was butchered, tortured and corrupted to prove a hypothesis, rather than to perform objective science.
Ironically, since the time Wiebe began his crusade the kind of intellectual agenda that worries him most — calling into question the very canons of objective science — has entered the academic scene not through theologians but through postmodern philosophy and radical forms of cultural criticism.
Rudolf Otto in Germany, Gerardus van der Leeuw in the Netherlands and other assertively theological scholars discarded their predecessor's legacy and recaptured for confessional interests a discipline on the verge of becoming an objective science.
A review of a book by Donald Wiebe attacking present day religious studies as less than the objective science they were originally supposed to be.
«Objective science» occurs only when the mind's categories are joined to sense impressions to produce Newton's universal, necessary laws.
The researchers, who published their findings in Environmental Research Letters, admit they may never convince the most steadfast chemtrail believers, but they wish to build a foundation of objective science to inform the general population so they won't believe such a «paranoid fantasy.»
If one believes that good science is objective science, a connection between the individual personal situation of the researcher and the results of his or her work seems impossible.
There is no objective science by which we can predict future college readiness using grades 3 - 8 test scores.
The point is that all activities, including what is considered to be objective science, require some level of subjective judgment.
Objective science: Public policy, particularly in the environmental area, should be based on objective science, not emotion or improbable scenarios that invite wealth - reducing government activism, which often impairs society's resilience to change.
I want to challenge the news media to reverse course and report on the objective science of climate change, stop ignoring legitimate voices in this scientific debate, and stop being used by the hysterical left,» said Inhofe.
«Catastrophic global warming alarmism not based on objective science
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