Sentences with phrase «objective truth exists»

There's a building storm of indignation out there among those literate in science — who have gone from depression and despair at the tsunami of fossil fueled ignorance that's passed for reporting and discussion of climate issues, — to real resolve, and a willingness to fight back, not just for the planet, but for the very idea that objective truth exists, and that science is a tool to find it.

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In particular, the denial that epistemology is wholly prior to ontology; the denial that we can have an absolutely certain starting point; the idea that those elements of experience thought by most people to be primitive givens are in fact physiologically, personally, and socially constructed; the idea that all of our descriptions of our observations involve culturally conditioned interpretations; the idea that our interpretations, and the focus of our conscious attention, are conditioned by our purposes; the idea that the so - called scientific method does not guarantee neutral, purely objective, truths; and the idea that most of our ideas do not correspond to things beyond ourselves in any simple, straightforward way (for example, red as we see it does not exist in the «red brick» itself).
Rather I mean what Kierkegaard meant by truth for the existing individual: «an objective uncertainty held fast in an appropriation - process of the most passionate inwardness.
These three currents are what I took Allan Bloom to describe years ago when he lamented what he described as Americans» «easy - going nihilism,» that is, «nihilism without the abyss»: Affirming hard subjectivity as an objective truth, dismissing as intolerant those who insist that truth exists (excepting those who affirm the truth that there is no truth), all the while ignoring in the implications of one's (inconsistent) intellectual commitments in day - to - day life.
But here's the thing: objective truth does exist.
I'm rather a religious believer in the objective reality of somethingness, so if it is in fact an existential truth that there are indeed multiple Universes then whether or not I know it or can observe them it would be rather silly to assert that they definitely do not exist — or vice versa.
There exists no objective morality and there can not exist any disinterested pursuit of truth.
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