Sentences with phrase «objective truth with»

If one of them has been hit by a car and has significant brain damage as a result, the therapist needs to take this as an objective truth with very real, knowable consequences for neuro - psychological functioning.
Once the critical mass has moved from absolute certainty vs. radical scepticism to the possibility of knowing objective truth with high degree of probability through subjective trial and error methodology we will once again begin to experience a «Golden Age» of learning.

Not exact matches

The collapse of confidence in objective Truth and its substitution with subjective truth has resulted in an epistemological collTruth and its substitution with subjective truth has resulted in an epistemological colltruth has resulted in an epistemological collapse.
hen discussing the possible existence of objective (divine) «truths», people like truthfollower / Theo appeal to their audience with various examples attempting to get the reader to agree to a non-qualifed value of «evil / incorrect / bad / good», as if this will lock in an agreement of an objective «truth» value (without it being explicitly specified).
But Truth and Method opens with a verse of Rilke on the «eternal partner» and «the great bridge - building of God» for good reason: «establishing the ontological background of the hermeneutical experience of the world» was the work's ultimate objective.
It's very tough to go around sanctimoniously decreeing that we know the absolute, objective Truth of things, and that all others have it wrong; while I agree with you that some of the atheist posters here might be overly confident, I think you'd also deal with a little more humility.
When discussing the possible existence of objective (divine) «truths», truthfollower over and over appeals to his audience with various examples attempting to get the reader to agree to a non-qualifed value of «evil / incorrect / bad / good», as if this will lock in an agreement of an objective «truth» value (without it being explicitly specified).
Search for truth — A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it.
The moral philosophy of Western Civilization perceives intrinsic human equality as an objective truth under which our moral status need not be earned by possessing favored characteristics; it comes with the package of species membership.
As I understand it, the relevant features of a «proposition» are these: A «proposition» is a «concrete possibility; it is abstracted from some objective event in the actual world; it is proposed as a possibility that an entity may want to consider for itself in a future moment in its process of self - creation; it is apprehended by the entity in «feeling» and so is preconceptual and largely preconsciously apprehended; it stands in a complex of relationships with other «propositions,» and the set of propositions presupposes a systematic universe; its «interest» (as «lure») is more important than its «truth
It's religion that professes to have the ultimate truth with no objective evidence.
The aim is to be OBJECTIVE in our viewpoints and truths and accept as a fact that we can only achieve this with a much higher perspective and a much greater responsibility then most of the humans on this planet are unwilling and incapable of accepting.
After a sketch of the standoff between views of theology as something «objective» and views of it as something «subjective,» Wood concurs with Farley's reasons for rejecting the picture of theology as universally valid «objective» truths and factual knowledge.2 He also rejects another type of «objective» view of theology, represented by Hough and Cobb, which defines theology by reference to the purposes of professional church leadership (93).
She calls it «strong objectivity,» and its particular strength rests of the participation of many knowers, beginning with the least favored, and requires a commitment to critical examination of the causes of beliefs, especially those that pass for «objective truths.
Man's response to God thus becomes subjective «apprehension» of an objective truth, and the objectified law becomes more important than the relation with God itself.
The creative movement in the world, in its every detail and its varying degrees of importance, with whatever it has contributed to furthering God's love and his activity in love, is continuously experienced by God, known to him, cherished by him, and used in the furthering of his objective — which is the wider and wider sharing of love, with its related righteousness and truth and in its enduring beauty, in the ongoing of the creative process.
It is a call to come out of the ignorance of our killing prejudices, the blindness of presuming that our view of life is objective, the slavery that comes with identifying our partial truth with the ultimate truth.
The truth is that we are dealing with an objective disorder within the person.
Demanding strictly scientific precision to guarantee Scripture's trustworthiness, requiring something more objective than the internal, personal witness of the Holy Spirit through the text itself, scholars like Lindsell end up testing the truth of the Bible by an extra-Biblical standard.32 As with Davis, externally derived «good reasons» become the ultimate criterion for judging the gospel.
Christianity, and in fact any religion that believes in a personal god / creator, has two fundamental flaws that have absolutely nothing to do with science and everything to do with logic, which incidentally forms the foundation for the only universal / objective truths of reality (putting aside the Cartesian dualism problem).
Instead of holing up in one's own limited point of view and claiming objective truth for it, one has to be willing to let one's spirit expand — flow outward with genuine understanding — to find the objective truth.
Can the truly enlightened person concerned with a critical, objective grasp of truth honestly accept a unique historical revelation?
It may even make more sense to discuss with theists who believe in objective truth and universal moral norms rather than with the dictators of relativism.
This would not be true if we went only so far as the «objective» historian can go and stopped with a recognition of the distinctiveness of the Christian community and of the historical ground of that distinctiveness in Christ, without any judgment of value or truth.
My point with Concert was that the non theists tend to insist upon verifiable, objective truth in order to know with certainty, something that was not possible in his scenario and yet he still made the adamant claim.
The problem with your comparison is that «Christianity» has a ground for their beliefs, and objective standard that determines objective truths and states of correctness or incorrectness.
As earlier with regard to poetic discourse on the objective side of the idea of revelation, so too on the subjective side, the experience of testimony can only provide the horizon for a specifically religious and biblical experience of revelation, without our ever being able to derive that experience from the purely philosophical categories of truth as manifestation and reflection as testimony.
Then, I think, this Gospel goes on to lead the reader beyond the point where one is concerned with the physical body of Christ; and in the story of Thomas it shows that faith is not to be established by sight; that you have got to look beyond any objective truth of the kind which might be established by visible, tangible, corporeal manifestations: to look beyond that to something different.
Secondly, an implication of the first current, one must be intolerant of those who are intolerant, with those who affirm objective truths included among those not to be tolerated.
So there is the patina of an intellectual claim allowing a priori dismissal of religious truth claims — «all truth is relative» — there is the moral claim that seeks to silence and exclude — «if you affirm objective truth then you are perforce intolerant and therefore immoral» — combined with the easy - going neglect in daily life of the implications of the first two currents.
The culture of death does the opposite and must be firmly confronted with objective truth.
In Chapter 5, Rollins writes that «the Truth in Christianity is not described but experienced... This is not then the affirmation of some objective description concerning Truth but rather describes a relation with the Truth.
The bible appears to promote violence in selected passages, but the very fact that Christians analyze scripture with the underlying belief that there is such a thing as an objective truth and morality we don't have the freedom in our doctrine to falsely interpret passages from Leviticus to justify killing while ignoring Christ and the ten commandments.
And the encounter with truth requires that we understand the methods appropriate to its complex character: truth about structures is discerned primarily through the objective methods of the sciences — natural, social, historical — and through the rigorous application of critical thought; truth about meanings is learned through the intuition and exercise of faith, hope and love.
The question of truth concerns the coherency of our historical forms of understanding, rather than the correspondence of ideas with objective states of affairs.
The turning away from the objective truth of words (and from authority) which has been so much part of the modern «turn to the subject» is caused by, among other things, a particular idea with a long intellectual pedigree.
To be consonant with the Word of God, philosophy needs first of all to recover its sapiential dimension as a search for... the ultimate framework of the unity of human knowledge and action, leading them to converge towards a final goal and meaning (para. 81)... to verify the human capacity... to come to a knowledge which can reach objective truth (para. 82)... Hence we face a great challenge at the end of this millennium to move from phenomenon to foundation, a step as necessary as it is urgent.
Until someone with proper expertise in myriad areas of sports science, football coaching, business, finance, law, PR, media, marketing, human resources etc etc has unfettered access to all board meeting minutes, records of all discussions with players, full player medical records, details of all contacts with agents, other clubs, other players, seen copies of player contracts and negotiations, understands the financial imperatives, interprets the business accounting, has reviewed the business plan, has knowledge of the employer / employee contractual relationship between Wenger and the club, has intimate insight in to the goals and objectives of the business and the club — then everyone is filling in the gaps with their own version of events and will necessarily always be a long, long way from anything close to any «truth».
To claim an objective truth would impose a hierarchy of objectivity that is incompatible with anarchism
And that aversion to objective truth is eating away at the left as well, with a whole generation now convinced of the despairing nihilism of Michel Foucault's philosophy — basically that our only truths are personal ones dependent on our place in time and power structures.
He said: «He is self - obsessed, sanctimonious and so dishonest he finds the words truth and lies have ceased to have any objective meaning, and he treats taxpayers money with contempt.
But the truth is, no one actually knows, in an objective way, whether these new standards are any good or not because they've never been piloted anywhere and evaluated based on their results with actual students.
I feel for you, I do, because you will go through life as you, I mean, I have to be black, I KNOW what I'm in for, but you have to go trough life fearing what you don't know and fighting change, hating and combating every objective truth which doesn't align with your myopic view point.
A pervasive curiosity, an objective tolerance that finds all shades of opinion interesting and respectable as long as they do not interfere with liberty of inquiry and belief, a systematic pursuit of truth in spite of traditions and doubts — these, much more than a taste for sentimental botany and rhapsodical astronomy, were the product of the five years or so that Voltaire spent in active pursuit of science at Cirey with Madame du Châtelet; like his heroes, he has learned from science, and achieved in his own way a synthesis, quite different from that of the seventeenth century.
Financial statements, whether issued under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or the International Financial Reporting System (IFRS) provide the analyst with vital Objective Benchmarks, not Truth.
GAAP accounting by Toyota Industries and GAAP accounting for debt on the balance sheets serve as two examples of how GAAP provides the Third Avenue analyst with objective benchmarks and how the Third Avenue analyst uses those objective benchmarks to get at his or her version of truth and accuracy.
The curatorial team has responded with an open letter, criticizing the report for «[p] resenting their opinions as objective facts» and «reiterating speculations and half - truths».
In his photographic series The Enclave Richard Mosse stages his own critique of photography's association with objective truth.
The exhibition attempts to dismantle pink semiotically, hoping to differentiate between an artist's personal associations with the colour and any sentiments about it that we assume to be objective truths.
The eleven artists juxtapose divergent approaches in conversation with each other, reflecting on primal questions consuming artists over the millennia: Elliot Arkin's conceptual use of web - based commerce spins an absurdist view on the commodification of artists; Babette Bloch's stainless steel reassessments of nature and artistic precedent limn positives and negatives through light; Christopher Carroll Calkins's street photography captures moments of under - the - radar narratives; Valentina DuBasky's acrylic and marble dust works on paper and plaster are a contemporary comment on the prehistory of art; Gabriel Ferrer's performance - like in - the - moment sumi - ink drawings on handmade paper reflect on memory and personal narrative; Christopher Gallego's realist, pure light - filled oil painting elevates the ordinariness of an artist's space to visual poetry; Ana Golici, in pergamano and collage, takes inspiration from 17th Century female naturalist, entomologist and botanical illustrator Maria Sibylla Merian to explore questions of science, nature and objective truth; Emilie Lemakis's monumental amplification of an ancient Greek krater employs scale to upend perceptions for the viewer's reconsideration; Mark Mellon's bronzes address the oppositions of movement and stillness; the alchemy of Michael Townsend's uncontrolled poured acrylic paintings equate the properties of materials with the turbulence of the universe; Jessica Daryl Winer's engagement with luminous color and choreographic line reflects in visual resonance the sonic history of a musical instrument.
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