Sentences with phrase «objective way»

Having some kind of objective way of monitoring your food intake helps keep you honest and aware of your food choices.
Training programs can provide a more objective way of identifying weaknesses.
Partners are of the view that targets provide a direction to lawyers and are the most objective way of measuring their performance.
So there's still always that question, but it's a very objective way for a young person to say that they're doing a good job.
We have to examine everything — it is our job to analyse it all in a very objective way.
Though, it may seem that the treatment is likely to be better, one can not know until it is tested under controlled conditions with objective ways of measuring data and responses.
While standardized tests are certainly not perfect (in fact, they're primitive from a technological point of view), they're still the best objective way to measure progress.
Look at resume objectives this way — the beginning of any document decides its fate.
A loving father adds focus, growth, confidence and an insight into the world of adulthood for a child that the mother can not provide in the same objective way.
Also, fatigue, but now there's also objective ways that we can test your temperature.
There is no one objective way to tell if a small mammal is feeling pain, as individual animals display different clinical signs.
Parents choosing an early childhood education program can be overwhelmed when trying to find the highest quality program for their child, as there are few objective ways to identify quality.
Such algorithms could provide a more objective way of identifying surgical targets, improving the success rate of interventions and possibly lead to less invasive forms of treatment.
The simplest and most objective way to do this is to build a mini assignment into the selection process.
The deeper one goes into the choices to be made, the more one realizes that there are no neutral and objective ways of measuring economic welfare.
We have to examine everything - it is our job to analyse it all in a very objective way.
You can basically write your resume objective any way that you want, provided it retains its essence.
If you have received a task to write this very kind of essay, leave your emotions for impressive or descriptive essays; discursive essay on smoking should be written in objective way.
The beauty of our development is that the algorithm can simulate the complex reasoning that a clinician uses to give their diagnosis, but in a more standardised and objective way so it removes any bias.»
If I then proceed to present, in as objective a way as I as a scholar can, his teachings, my very objectivity would be my dodge, by means of which I would evade his point.
LaSalle Network founder Tom Gimbel explains why it's essential to find objective ways to measure how your employees are doing.
The King - Devick tests vision in a nominally objective way by giving potentially concussed players a series of numbers to read — left to right, top to bottom — as fast as they can.
The Shadow Marshal scenario gives Killzone's rock - solid gunplay a stealthy twist, something aided by the campaign's open - ended missions that allow you a decent degree of scope to complete objectives your way.
Rhee acknowledges the value - added formulas aren't perfect, but says they're the only objective way to assess and compare teacher performance.
Eric Singer, manager of the Congressional Effect Fund (CEFFX), introduces his 2012 book, Trade the Congressional Effect: How to Profit from Congress's Impact on the Stock Market, by stating: «This book provides a new, empirically objective way to understand day by day what our government takes away from all of us.
Though we are all acquainted with suffering and feelings of self - estrangement, our ordinary objective ways of articulating them make it easier to suppress than to express the experience.
Is there any way objective way to disprove his assertion that he's female (aka «identifies» as female)?
There maybe a simple objective way of assessing whether human impacts qualify as new era or epoch: By measuring the volume of crust material disturbance caused by humans in comparison to recognized geological events, such as the K - T boundary impact.
Now, brain scans of children with psychopathy - like conditions suggests objective ways to diagnose psychopathy, new targets for therapy — and techniques for settling the question of whether or not psychopaths can be successfully treated and released.
Scientists who study smell have had no equivalently objective way to judge, for example, whether the smell of roses is closer to spearmint or vanilla.
And a couple objective ways to even tell how you're doing with Zinc is, number one, look at your blood test.
There are some solid, basically objective ways to deal with it, though, even if you're not sure what constitutes overtraining for you.
Comfortable looking at large data sets and tying marketing activity to business outcomes in a measurable objective way
Tackle objectives your way as you cut a swathe through Nort footsoldiers and vehicles with Lazookas, explosives, turrets and more.
Trial Masters was the result of recognizing that many lawyers had a handful of «best» and «top» legal awards of one kind or another, but none of them indicated a purely objective way to tell if an attorney had really sustained significant courtroom experience throughout their career.
Boise, ID About Blog Adventure Data, previously Realtime Adventure Data, is an outdoor safety technology company aimed at bringing a new objective way for outdoor enthusiasts to make life or death decisions.Our mission is to provide outdoor enthusiasts with a greater amount of quantitative objective safety, using crowdsourced information, while increasing a sense for adventure.
I'm looking forward to the day when AI becomes smart enough and so much more superior to humans at determining the best outcomes in objective ways that we dump the whole idea of people making laws altogether.
Whitehead offers us a more objective way of assessing values.
«We are still trying to find objective ways to detect concussions and help us know when someone is recovered so they can return to play,» Clugston said.
It's a deceptively simple question, but we're going to help you answer it and we're going to do it in the most objective way possible.
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