Sentences with word «objectivist»

American Third Position, Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party, Freedom Socialist Party, Gary Johnson, Green Party, Independent, Jill Stein, Justice Party, Libertarian Party, Objectivist Party, Peace and Freedom Party, Prohibition Party, Reform Party, Rocky Anderson, Roseanne Barr, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Virgil Goode
Peikoff also helpfully answers the burning pop - culture question: If the movie E.T. is anti-adult and anti-science — as, by objectivist philosophy, it clearly is — does that make it inherently evil and irrational?
Before accepting Hart's statement that «Rand was definitely on the side of barbarism,» make sure you've read Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology and her two political essays, «Man's Rights» and «The Nature of Government.»
I love Ayn Rand's over-the-top objectivist viewpoint as the perfect counterpoint to the «bleeding heart liberal humanist» (as Al wrote) that is Jesus in the Bible.
Form and redaction criticism, now more recently audience criticism, structuralism, psychohistory and sociological analysis, all of these, if only added serially to the old objectivist paradigm, can do nothing to dislodge us from our alienated distance.
People lump together on the right anyone from staunchly anti-religious «sex maniac» Ayn Rand to «Family Values» Christian fundamentalists some of whom literally wouldn't agree with Randian Objectivists about anything other than statists / Communists being a common opponent.
Inspired by a line from American objectivist poet Lorine Niedecker, the new album is primarily instrumental, a mix of electronic and acoustic, rather downbeat / mellow, perhaps meditative.
Remember that the worst part of objectivist ideology came from Anyn Rand's Atheism.
Not to mention hypocritical behavior (as far as the moral objectivists are concerned) or useless ethics (according to the more numerous post-modernists).
Only when religious and biblical studies decenter their stance of objectivist positivism and scientific value - detachment and become «engaged» scholarship can feminist and other liberation theologies participate in defining the center of the discipline.
Objectivist theory attempts to define our fundamental understanding of value, and seperates it from a judeo - christian tradition.
The article says nothing about the Truth of christian or objectivist claims.
Wishing to rescue ethics from the identification of the «ought» and the «is» which is characteristic of the interest theories of ethics and of cultural relativism, objectivists tend to fall into a dualism which radically sunders man's nature and his moral norms.
(For obvious reasons, no one seems to label him or Rorty objectivists.)
But the majority of Ayn Rand's objectivist principals would hold together if there were a God or not... at this point she knows... we will find out later
Yet I must admit that my readiness to use objectivist language more freely than he does may have its roots (at least in part) in an eagerness, in questions of general epistemology, to endorse the views of those who emphasize the element of discovery in coming to know, and the authority of brute fact in the refutation of hypotheses.
For the common sense of humanity is inflexibly objectivist.
Where Kung sees Pope Benedict as a Hitlerite who is undermining all that is true and good in the Catholic Church, the liberal Catholic academic establishment views Ryan as a Randian Objectivist who fundamentally (and cynically, the manifesto insinuates) betrays the true teachings of the Catholic Church.
See Tom Devine at the Bay State Objectivist.
Other than lunatic objectivists and Wall Street water - carriers, nobody reacted to Madoff, Enron, or WorldCom by calling for less enforcement and public reporting of information.
Must be frustrating for the PC gamers jonesing for some mini challenges to go with their guns, splicing, and objectivist commentary.
«Like» - minded individuals exclusively conducting value - for - value exchanges like dirty Objectivists?
And unlike the original BioShock, which brought you into a disheveled, war - torn Rapture, Burial At Sea takes place in 1958 at the glorious heights of the city's objectivist experiment.
Centring on the crucial dynamic between Big Daddies and Little Sisters the studio extrapolated outward; every aspect of the city, from characters like Andrew Ryan to the citizens» Objectivist worldview, serves to focus and complicate that dynamic.
A unique combination of objectivist rigor and interest in the uncanny complicate even her most opulent canvases.
Oppermann goes much deeper in linking the pure science and objectivist medical reasoning with a piece of art.
The use of «likelihood» and «likely» in either the subjectivist or objectivist Bayesian sense is perfectly reasonable.
2012 Presidential Election, Constitution Party, Constitution Party 2012 Elections, Green Party, Green Party 2012 Elections, Independent, Independent 2012 Elections, Libertarian Party, Libertarian Party 2012 Elections, Objectivist Party, Peace and Freedom Party, Prohibition Party, Reform Party, Reform Party 2012 Elections, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Third Parties General Administrator Comments (0)
Lulu, after all, embodies a sort of warm and communitarian capitalism; Rand's objectivist philosophy, by contrast, preaches the pursuit of rational self - interest and the inherent morality of laissez - faire capitalism.
Objectivist poets such as Oppen or Gertrude Stein come to mind.
He is an Objectivist, and has his PhD from the New Austrian School of Economics.
I'm not an Objectivist and not an atheist.
Atheists — or more broadly, objectivists — seek security in «reality» and what the scientific method has provided.
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