Sentences with phrase «objects at eye»

Before your little one become able to grasp a rattle, you can just hang a rattle in the crib and place the object at the eye level of your baby.

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Also, as I'm wrapping up my doctorate in astrobiology, I will spend a great deal looking at objects I can't see with my physical eye while peering off light years into the galaxy in search of life.
I have a phobia of sharp objects going into my eyes, to the point that I have trouble looking at any sharp object pointed in my direction, even when it's on TV!
In a few thousand years of recorded history, we went from dwelling in caves and mud huts and tee - pees, not understanding the natural world around us, or the broader universe, to being able to travel through space, using reason to ferret out the hidden secrets of how the world works, from physics to chemistry to biology, we worked out the tools and rules underpinning it all, mathematics, and now we can see objects that are almost impossibly small, the very tiniest building blocks of matter, (or at least we can examine them, even if you can't «see» them because you're using something other than your eyes and photons to view them) to the very farthest objects, the planets circling other, distant stars, that are in their own way, too small to see from here, like the atoms and parts of atoms themselves, detected indirectly, but indisputably THERE.
Beautiful, amazing, odd, strange, fascinating and sometimes sad objects; a whole lot of interesting people; tired bones (from walking and hefting all day) and tired eyes (from looking at so much stuff); a lot of quick decision making and haggling (neither of which are skills I excel at); and what I love most of all - an entire day of uninterrupted conversation, laughter, food, and stories with a dear friend.
By 3 months, a baby should have developed coordinated eye movements.It should raise concern if a kid is unable to track a moving object at this age.
By 3 months, he or she may start to reach for and swipe at objects — the beginning of hand — eye coordination.
By 3 months, he or she may start to reach for and swipe at objects — the beginning of hand - eye coordination.
Take your time to select attractive and suitable pegs or hangers, and keep an eye on the angles in your composition, try to avoid looking up at the underside of the object, it will cause strange distortions that are not pleasant to look at.
Your baby will start to look at you and if you put a toy or object in front of them and move it around, their eyes will now be able to follow it.
Hand - eye coordination is improving, so watch as your little one stares for a while at an object, then slowly reaches out to get it.
Christine Doucet, an infant massage and development instructor at the Center for Families, says that babies will first look at objects only with their eyes, but will start turning their heads to follow objects at about 3 months old.
Your infant will stare at bright objects and follow them with his or her eyes.
By three or four months, though, your baby's eyes should be able to focus on objects by looking straight at them with both eyes.
Does he look at faces and track objects with his eyes?
At four months, distance vision is fully developed and babies can follow moving objects with their eyes.
Unlike a baby on its back (who sees only the ceiling and objects on either side) a baby in a wrap or other carrier will lift his / her head and view the world at eye level.
Because the cords are often right at eye level for a baby who is starting to stand, it can be a particularly tempting object to touch and play with.
Encourage the development of hand - eye coordination by letting your infant reach for favorite toys while sitting in your lap or by letting your baby swipe at colorful objects hanging from an infant gym.
At around two months old she will start being able to follow objects; holding a toy in front of her eye - line and slowly moving it side to side will strengthen neck muscles.
Between 1 and 3 months baby may begin to open and shut their hands, follow moving objects with their eyes and swat at toys... all making playtime more fun!
Using the same adaptive optics principles that let astronomers see distant objects with such instruments as the Keck Telescope, researchers have created a new device for ophthalmologists to see the eye's retina at the individual cell level.
This supernova remnant, named RCW103, and the intriguing object at its center, can be detected with an X-ray telescope like the one on Swift but is invisible at wavelengths that human eyes can see.
Hyperopia, also known as hypermetropia or colloquially as farsightedness or longsightedness, is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too short or when the lens can not become round enough), causing inability to focus on near objects, and in extreme cases causing a sufferer to be unable to focus on objects at any distance.
The most famous unsolved problem in videoconferencing involves eye contact: Since the camera and the display screen are separate objects, each time you look at the screen you shift your eyes from the camera.
For example, a person with autism who is viewing a movie of people in a room will spend a relatively large amount of time looking at non-social objects — such as chairs — and is more likely to look at the mouths or bodies of the characters than their eyes.
Outfitted with eye - tracking gear, the babies sat on a parent's lap and looked at a video screen that showed pairs of common objects.
Gaze shifting, when a baby makes eye contact and then looks at the same object that the other person is looking at, is one of the earliest social skills that babies show.
Until recently, every invisibility cloak developed has operated at the microscopic scale, hiding objects that were already too small to see with the naked eye.
When we look at an object, our eyes project the three - dimensional structure onto a two - dimensional retina.
They shoot pulses of laser light at a wall and, invisible to the human eye, those pulses bounce off objects around the corner and bounce back to the wall and to the detector.
It was especially surreal for me at these meetings when it became clear I'd magically transformed from legitimate to insignificant in the eyes of academia — in fact, not just insignificant, but the object of suspicion as an industrial mouthpiece.
Before they can crawl or walk, babies explore the world intensively by looking at it, and they look at faces, bodies, and objects, as well as other people's eyes.
At the meeting, scientists unleashed the latest findings regarding Earth's moon, Mars, asteroids, comets and myriad other cosmic objects of interest, often with a hopeful eye toward rekindling human voyages to other worlds.
Fiez, who studies the neuroscience of reading, says those features may tap into how our eyes and brains process images: Neurons fire faster at the site of objects that display vertical symmetry — like human faces — and horizontal and vertical lines, which are common in natural landscapes.
It appears to be moving in regard to background objects as you switch from eye to eye, even though you know it isn't moving at all.
An LED screen wraps around the fly, displaying a sequence of flashing objects in front of its eyes, two objects at a time.
When we look at an object, the images captured by the left and right eyes are slightly different from each other and when combined they give the brain the perception of depth.
The human visual system uses the angle between the horizon at eye level and an object, a trigonometric relationship, to gauge distance.
So far it has been assumed that humans recognize faces as one whole object or image, and not by looking at different parts (such as lips, ears and eyes) or local features that together form a face.
Once, after weeks looking at ambiguous figures, I found solid objects, even concrete buildings, flipping in front of my eyes!
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research senior fellows Brian Leander and Patrick Keeling supervised lead author Greg Gavelis at the University of British Columbia and, in collaboration with senior fellow Curtis Suttle, showed that this eye - like structure contains a collection of sub-cellular organelles that look very much like the lens, cornea, iris and retina of multicellular eyes that can detect objects — known as camera eyes — that are found in humans and other larger animals.
Os (eye) ris: A platform designed for visually - impaired individuals that assists in finding commonly used objects at home.
Going outside at night at one of these observatories and seeing the eyes of giant telescopes staring up at the sky, gathering in photons from distant objects, is an extraordinary experience.
Now quickly switch your eyes (while keeping your thumb in the same position) and you will notice that the object you were looking at is no longer lined up with your thumb — the two objects appear to have moved away from each other.
To relax the eye muscles, close your eyes briefly, then look at a distant object.
Place the eraser side of a pencil on the nose, point the pencil at an object across the room and trace the object with the point of the pencil while keeping the eyes on the tip of the pencil
If you take a look at this bag, your eyes has no choice than to move to the golden clasp closure, which is an extraordinary fine piece of object.
Lots of non-violent, non-gory but otherwise unsettling scenes worth mentioning: many «jump» scenes when people or objects startle others; we hear some noises during the night in many scenes (creaking doors and floorboards, screams, eerie whispers, doorknobs turning, pounding at doors) and doors slam shut as people run past them; we see eerie carvings and sculptures throughout a house, a maelstrom and sculptures come alive and scream and a skeleton sits up abruptly; a ghostly face is seen at a window and in a ceiling, windows become eyes, ghostly children are seen a few times (in one scene, a ghostly baby from a sculpture crawls under the sheets as a woman lies in bed) and a woman's hair is braided by invisible hands.
The rival agents keep up their macho competitiveness and Vikander's Gaby rolls her eyes at their juvenile antics, but in between we get elaborate set - pieces: foot chases and car races and physical stunts with real humans and physical objects rather than the manipulated pixels of CGI.
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