Sentences with phrase «objects seen in»

Bixby's uses as a shopping assistant don't end there, as Samsung's assistant can also identify objects seen in real life, and offer purchasing options from Walmart, Sam's Club, and now Lowe's Home Improvement.
Janet Fish has revitalized the traditional genre of still life with an expansive body of work that revels in the formal and conceptual possibilities of surprising combinations of objects seen in changing lights.
Revitalizing the traditional genre of still life, Janet Fish creates impressive pieces that reveal the formal and conceptual potentials of the unexpected and often ironic blend of different common objects seen in changing lights.
In contrast, in their role as holders of the cloth sacks, the hooks are given a function that undermines their autonomy as self - sufficient objects, with the result that they oscillate between display modules and genuine artworks, whereas the Silos — in spite of their formal proximity to those seat - like objects seen in quasi-participational art projects (like those of Franz West)-- utterly lack the quality of sturdy usefulness and seemingly even have to be held in place by the rods of the «Gurneys».
There will also be objects seen in the north that could have been spotted sooner in the south, giving more time to prepare.
Talk about familiar activities and objects you see in the illustrations or read about in the story.
It is the first comet - like object seen in the Hygiea family of asteroids.
The bright object seen in this Hubble image is a single and little - studied star named TYC 3203 -450-1, located in the constellation of Lacerta (The Lizard).
The goal for Backyard Worlds volunteers — of which there are more than 37,000 — is to flag the moving objects they see in these digital flipbooks for further investigation by the science team.
But many people don't know how the distances to astronomical objects can be measured and think there may be something wrong with the methods of the scientists, that perhaps all objects we see in the sky are no farther away than some thousand light years, and hence the YECs could be right anyway.
The aspect ratio of up to 10:1 is unlike that of any object seen in our own solar system.
Somehow, all these objects we see in the world give importance to those selected and elected to the art paradise in the gallery.
And while Ms. Schwartz argues that relational aesthetics, a participatory form of art, flourished mostly at biennials outside the United States — putting it outside the scope of this show — one of the first objects you see in the main gallery is a cardboard box of beer bottles commemorating Rirkrit Tiravanija's gatherings where he would prepare food for visitors.
Well, take the virtual objects you see in a VR headset and break down the wall so that you can see what's in front of you.

Not exact matches

It cites numerous instances in which chickens were forcefully hit over the head with various objects, including a metal scraper tool and a broomstick, and details how they mishandled the hens by «roughly grabbing them by a single wing and violently shoving them into garbage cans» — which can be seen in the video.
With Bixby Vision, users can learn details about objects and locations, find out how to purchase items they see in the real world, and translate languages, among many other tasks.
«When you turn on the sound you can recognize the sources - objects you can't see because they're hidden in the jungle.
Gartner famously predicted that, come 2020, the world will see 25 billion connected objects in the consumer and business sectors: cars, appliances, fitness devices, household products.
They had apps to design, videos to compile, music to make — and the ability to see wider potential in any given object than their parents.
The Detroit Institute of Arts is also experimenting with augmented reality technology and is partnering with Google for an Ancient Egypt exhibit in which visitors can use the museum's smartphones to see special digital graphics and information overlaid on certain objects, like a mummy's sarcophagus.
That the bragging happened a decade ago doesn't change the reality that a man who might be president sees half the country's population not just as objects for his own aesthetic gratification — we knew that thanks to the beauty pageants and the string of model wives — but objects for his physical gratification as well, regardless of how the women in question feel about it.
In addition, Waymo said it has now developed short and long range LIDAR sensors that allow its vehicles to «see small people and objects close to the car, and spot tiny objects far away, too,» the CEO said.
Instead of putting objects in a blender, the video would show a Windows 7 phone, an iPhone 4, and an Android phone being grilled, to see which one would last longest.
People object to a system that they see as being dominated by big pharma, a system that intrusively asserts control over our lives, telling us what's wrong with us, and telling us what we must do in order to get better (as they choose to define «better»).
Many objected to what they saw as overdevelopment of their homeland, and in response, GL shut down the ranch in 2008.
A person involved in the investigation said, however, that experts from Boeing and the National Transportation Safety Board who had seen the object, a piece of what is known as a flaperon, were not yet fully satisfied, and called for further analysis.
They saw an unidentified flying object pass over their aircraft in Arizona near the southwestern border of New Mexico.
Puzzled pilots of different airlines think they saw an unusual object in the skies on Feb. 24.
Look closely and you'll see shadows behind various objects in the environments, as if they are cardboard cutouts.
This was a smart move by Dion, since they can not be seen to object openly to more female participation in the party, but he may still be ousted.
«It provides an excellent response in detecting fairly small objects that are hard to see, and verifying that they are a rocket and not something else,» says Barak.
There are parents who object to the «Battle Hymn of the Republic» because they either see it as «religious» in nature, or because they are from south of the Mason - Dixon line and are still fighting the War of Northern Aggression.
Let's see, hmmm, even if I didn't have to pay for it or the cleaning of it with my tax dollars, I would object to any monument to any religion being placed in a public space that I pay to keep clear for my and others use.
Just because that something is the second brightest object in the night sky and you've probably seen it just about every single night of your entire life is no excuse for not saying something.
You see, Newtons first law is simple fact: an object in motion stays in motion and an object out of motion stays out of motion unless acted upon by a net force.
Also, as I'm wrapping up my doctorate in astrobiology, I will spend a great deal looking at objects I can't see with my physical eye while peering off light years into the galaxy in search of life.
Indeed, those who have argued that the figure of the emperor is a sustained concern of any part of the New Testament have often found themselves the object of ridicule and their interest regarded as, at best, somewhat eccentric (an example of this can be seen in R. P. Martin's remarks about Karl Bornhäuser's Jesus imperator mundi in the former's Carmen Christi).
Indeed, this can be seen in an array of apparently inconsequential objects that can be easily overlooked.
Maine's language in Fallen is even less bound to the illusion of historical verisimilitude than it was in The Preservationist: Eve likens the memory of the Garden to «the remembered scent of a lover,» a changed object is said to «morph,» and the narrator likens Cain's mark to a «Tower of Babel reflected mirrorwise» that everyone sees differently.
By approbation is meant that when Muhammad saw something done, or heard words uttered in his presence and did not object, such actions or words are approved.
In these quotations we can see that the envisagement of the eternal objects, which was referred, in the first Lowell lectures, to the underlying substantial activity, (see earlier in this chIn these quotations we can see that the envisagement of the eternal objects, which was referred, in the first Lowell lectures, to the underlying substantial activity, (see earlier in this chin the first Lowell lectures, to the underlying substantial activity, (see earlier in this chin this ch.)
(1) The concrete universal as the individual seen in conjunction with the thought structure implied in it, that which makes it an intelligible unity, is neither a naively conceived sense - object, nor an abstract logical universal.
He then utilized terminology that for decades informed the basic stance of process theology on the nature of true power, though, as we shall see, that is open to challenge: God «persuades the world by an act of suffering with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.»
Just as the seed must learn to see beyond the world of the seed, beyond the forms and objects found there, so reason must learn to see beyond its world, beyond its logic, beyond the forms and objects found in it, for its «Other» and Ground.
What I «see» are physical, tangible objects in my world which I interact with.
I can therefore see an object in so far as objects form a system or a world, and in so far as each one treats the others round it as spectators of its hidden aspects which guarantee the permanence of those aspects by their presence.
This will produce similar diffraction patterns, and you will see the whole object in three dimensions.
(You can see this from the way in which the light waves from the whole object come into each part of the hologram.)
- «The scholarly community will need to see the full report and images of the artifacts to make a judgment in regard to the interpretation of these objects as coins,» Steven Ortiz, associate professor of archaeology and biblical backgrounds at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, said.
Intercession forces supplicants to take those nearest and dearest, the beleaguered objects of their worry, and to see them at a distance and in a strange light, and to recognize that their ultimate well - being does not depend upon their own efforts to contrive their good.
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