Sentences with phrase «oblivious to»

Even with all of NY's cumbersome regulations, the water still got contaminated and NY State was oblivious to the hazards so it sounds more like the system isn't working so why not curtail some of those regulations?
«Welsh Liberal Democrats have repeatedly expressed concerns about these regulations and the unintended consequences of implementing them, but Labour Ministers seem completely oblivious to the mess that they're creating.
NEW YORK (AP)-- Prospective jurors were largely oblivious to an anti-corruption demonstration outside Manhattan federal court before the criminal trial began Monday for a longtime aide to New York's governor.
Prospective jurors were largely oblivious to an anti-corruption demonstration outside Manhattan federal court before the criminal trial began Monday for a longtime aide to New York's governor.
In his testimony, Blake seemed oblivious to the fact that he filed attested to the accuracy of the wrong tax forms.
His marriages have suffered from his political commitments and he has been happy to live an austere existence, oblivious to personal possessions including clothes.
And oblivious to how fossil - fuel get more government handouts than any clean energy by miles.
Yet top New York officials seem oblivious to a wave of federal tax hikes due to hit the state's tax base as soon as next month.
The political shifts which destroyed Scottish Labour were clear to everybody apart from the party's figureheads, who remained oblivious to the changing landscape post last year's independence referendum.
Mutualism has been rumbling along for centuries fairly oblivious to what politicians and political theorists think.
As quakes render their homes disposable, Greeks are oblivious to the very concept of maintenance.
While not oblivious to social influence, Locke also underestimated its determinative power.
In Clegg's characterisation of not making public disagreements as the pukka thing to do, for example, he seems oblivious to how Lib Dems are going to campaign against those policies that they do disagree with when they have been silent on them for five years.
By contrast, for decades, the left was seen as merely interested in a fairer distribution of growth, while largely oblivious to expanding the frontiers of production.
«Obviously, Bill Owens remains oblivious to the fact that the voters of the 23rd Congressional District, the state and the nation are sick and tired of the culture of corruption that pervades Albany and Washington,» Hoffman said.
Back in the UK, policy makers are wholly oblivious to all this.
They know that they are charging towards politician oblivion with a leader who is oblivious to what is about to happen.
I give them kudos for putting some thoughts out there on a subject that has drawn much debate in the public affairs community as of late; however, I found the seven listed «tips to make sure you're reaching bloggers most efficiently» was walking the line between obvious and odd — «odd,» as in, «disturbingly oblivious to what I think most of us would consider standard good public affairs practices».
Indeed, bankers seem oblivious to the big society.
If you are a parent who is basically oblivious to these, with your temperament being one of low sensitivity to noise, smell, and textures, then you might find think your child is just being «picky».
It's possible to have a sense of fashion without being oblivious to how to save and keep money in your pocket.
My son thinks it is so funny to sit on the potty but is oblivious to the concept of what is to be done there.
They seem oblivious to differences between night and day.
Surprisingly, many parents are oblivious to teenage depression and do not recognize the symptoms in their own children.
Of course my hungry kids made a beeline to the table, oblivious to my plaintive cries of «Wait!
Your baby will be oblivious to your discomfort though, so there's no need to worry about all that extra gas hurting your little one.
In the matter of the wrong colored popsicle, after an accepting hug and some tears shed, you might see your child take a deep breath, collect him or herself a bit, and then move those little legs quickly over to the freezer to grab an orange popsicle, somehow now seemingly oblivious to the fact that the thing still isn't green like they'd been so torn up about just a second ago.
Some fathers were very «in - tune» with their infants and adopted similar bedsharing styles to mothers while others turned away from the mother - baby dyad and slept oblivious to all nocturnal interactions.
Yes, I thought it would bring my baby and I closer, and obviously that would be as important to me as it was to my baby, but other than that I was entirely oblivious to all the benefits baby wearing would bring me.
«[S] uper - comfortable nappies» have also been criticized; the advanced technology in modern diapers wick wetness away from skin, leaving the child oblivious to their accident and when they need to go to the toilet.
Parents generally seem oblivious to that knowledge.
More messes, more meals, more tantrums, and more pulling our hair out daily as our kids do the opposite of what we've asked, destroy the house, and seem oblivious to the fact that some moms like to pee alone.
Kids are constantly oblivious to the things they do, or the implications that they may have.
But from what I see around here, there are a lot of very sick people who seem totally oblivious to (or in denial about) the fact that their diet has anything to do with their health.
My grief, our world has not struck her yet, she does not fully understand and for this moment, for this brief moment in time, she is oblivious to life's pains.
Claire is oblivious to the mistake, but happily spends the day fielding compilments and catcalls while running errands, which ultimately helps her stop feeling like she's a frumpy mom.
But they all seem oblivious to it.
He is utterly oblivious to the presence of poop in his diaper.
Even though I was behind a locked door, hooking myself up to the pump still felt weird because I knew on the other side of the wall were people going about their regular business, oblivious to what was going on with my breasts.
Totally oblivious to poor outcomes their midwife may have had or not realizing that she may just be lucky this far in her career, or maybe really is one of the few.
We were oblivious to any «real» problems she might be experiencing, and were told that her special needs classification was «rickets,» which our doctor quickly decided she did not have.
Your child may still be somewhat oblivious to the widely publicized deaths of media figures or to news coverage of national disasters or wars.
There is a lot of bending and kicking going on in there, but you'll still be oblivious to it unless you get a glimpse of the fetal workout during a sonogram.
When you try to comfort her, she seems completely oblivious to your presence and there's absolutely nothing you can do to calm her down.
Last week I shared a reader's account of a teacher who used candy and other junk food to teach kindergarteners the ABCs and who was oblivious to two reported food allergies in her classroom.
Often blissfully asleep, I was oblivious to which particular area was being treated — but after each session, I remember feeling totally invigorated.
They're oblivious to the fuss going on around them.
He slept throughout the celebration and was oblivious to everything around him.
Most negative thinkers are oblivious to the fact that their minds have been overrun with negativity until it consumes them or until someone else points it out.
Some may experience bleeding where as some expectant mothers will not experience any of the common symptoms and be oblivious to the fact that they were pregnant in the first place.
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