Sentences with phrase «obscure way»

Despite the above points, you will be happy to know there are some other obscure ways in which your premium may be lowered.
I was one of Wenger's most die hard supporters and always did my best to explain away his apparent stupidity and obscure ways when managing our club.
Be that as it may, in their own obscure way, in their GRL article, A&W actually purported to present a new results, which they applied in their CC article — the bolded sentence above:
That is, there are strong tendencies to be uncritical of the status quo both within the school itself and in its immediate social setting; indeed, there are strong tendencies to preserve arrangements just as they are and to obscure ways in which they may be morally dubious.
Unfortunately, the book also fell very short in terms of readability, as it referenced the first book in very obscure ways that left the reader wondering what had happened in book one.
The testimony that he brings appears all the more significant because prophetic intuitions are all the more striking when they pass through slumbering or stubborn prophets who perceive only in an obscure way what they convey to us.
Rather, Maritain sensed, in the obscure way of the human intellect at its most childlike and most profound, that all changeable created things — all things short of an Existent necessarily and fully existing in Itself — are fragile and dependent.
Our modern world view also does so in theory, but not so naively, and only in a highly distorted and obscure way.
This separatist concept helps to obscure the way in which the oppression of women is structurally integrated with that of class and race.
Equal at the top on points and still finding some obscure way to whinge.
A game that combines Monopoly, Hotel (the board game) and characters from Nintendo and Square in a unique and obscure way.
Does it come as a surprise, then, that the man would settle on the one person shown in the most distorted and obscured way?
Opponents of national standards can try to stir their armies over issues both large and small, but that may prove difficult if the proposals are framed in sufficiently sensible but obscure ways.
Simply saying that you're more likely to die in all these obscure ways in no way shows if Pitt bulls are safe compared to other dogs.
It does mean that finding new gear is less of an event like in the game's more medieval cousins, where a new ring or sword would not only bring interesting and obscure ways to play but would also contain in - world lore that would help progress the story.
I think political correctness has done a lot to obscure the ways in which people are much more diverse in their interests than we give them credit for.
(And, I think it's safe to assume, find some obscure ways to rehabilitate it — or at least muddy the waters to the maximum after the Wegman Report.)
That's not some obscure way of saying the deep - drilling geothermal project could make waves — though come to think of it, it'd likely do that too.
Presumably the executor did that, and there are no co-signed accounts or anything like that, so your mother isn't responsible for these debts in some obscure way.
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