Sentences with phrase «obscured by dust»

The picture only reveals the Continental - inspired front fascia of the SUV, with the rest being obscured by dust.
And because of the particular filters on it, JWST will have the ability to uncover these black holes obscured by dust, which is what we expect to see in the early universe.
On June 16, 2010, the Hubble Heritage Project released a very detailed, composite image of the dark lanes of dust crisscrossing the giant elliptical galaxy Centaurus A. Taken on July 10, 2010 with the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3, the panchromatic image of ultraviolet through near - infrared wavelengths shows new details such as bluish clusters of young massive stars and reddish gas nebulae undergoing star birth normally obscured by dust.
This study makes the first direct comparison between the optical emission line and the ultraviolet and infrared tracers of star formation and indicates that, despite the underlying uncertainties, astronomers can trust the nebular emission lines as robust indicators of the star - formation rate and the amount of light that is obscured by dust in distant galaxies.
It's a faint round blob in binoculars and the stars are just resolvable in a telescope under the light polluted skies we view it under in Wellington, it is partially obscured by the dust from the Milky Way.
At these wavelengths, astronomers can peer at the disks of gas and dust around newborn stars, see into star - forming clouds, and observe early galaxies that are bright in submillimetre wavelengths but obscured by dust in optical light.
When planets and stars are first born, they're obscured by dust.
Determining the convection properties of most evolved and supergiant stars, such as the size of granules, has been challenging because their surfaces are frequently obscured by dust.
The most likely explanations involve radiation or outflows from an active galactic nucleus (AGN) that is strongly obscured by dust so that only a faint source can be seen associated with the nebula.
I expect there's a quasar that is so obscured by dust that most of its light is hidden,» Prochaska said.
«Ninety - four of them are preferentially in the regions that are obscured by dust or located far away from these very famous clusters» and hence have remained unseen, Povich said.
They found that the AGN is obscured by dust and it is dimmer than expected; the feeding has slowed way down.
Either the AGN was obscured by dust, or the black hole slowed its eating around 100,000 years ago, causing its brightness to plunge.
Imaging the cosmos at near - infrared wavelengths allowed the astronomers to see objects that are both obscured by dust, and extremely distant [2], created when the Universe was just an infant.

Not exact matches

It may be that Voorwerp gets its energy from a jet or from a still - active quasar at the heart of IC 2497, one that is largely obscured from view by gas and dust.
The bright discs of gas around a galaxy's central black hole are thought to be obscured by a torus of dust.
For example, if the dimming was caused by dust obscuring the star from us, then it would appear to get redder as it dimmed.
Both stars are heavily obscured by gas and dust in the disk.
Residing in the plane of the Milky Way, where it can not be observed by optical telescopes because of obscuring clouds of interstellar dust, Circinus X-1 is the glowing husk of a binary star system that exploded in a supernova event just 2,500 years ago.
Specifically, Type II galaxies are tilted such that they are obscured by their own rings of dust, making Type I galaxies appear brighter by comparison.
It was a star whose visible light was completely obscured by gas and dust.
In the center of the image, partially obscured by a dark, Jedi - like cloak of dust, a newborn star shoots twin jets out into space as a sort of birth announcement to the universe.
Our cutting - edge telescopes are used to make new, radio discoveries every day, by penetrating through the dust and clouds of galaxies that obscures visible light.
Fortunately, astronomers have been able to use longer radio wavelengths that are not absorbed by the obscuring dust and radiowave - emitting molecules like carbon monoxide (which are concentrated in the spiral arms) to trace the spiral disk's structure.
Recent infrared observations have shown that many and probably most star forming regions are obscured by thick clouds of dust.
LABOCA measures incoming radiation by registering the tiny rise in temperature it causes on its detectors and can detect emission from the cold dark dust bands obscuring the stellar light.
This exotic region lies 27000 light years from Earth, and our view of it in visible light is obscured by the intervening dust.
This galaxy was not discovered until about 1890 because it is rather obscured by the foreground dust and stars in our own galaxy, but it is still a spectacular galaxy.
A thick layer of interstellar dust obscures much of the Galaxy from scrutiny by optical telescopes, and astronomers can determine its large - scale structure only with the aid of radio and infrared telescopes, which can detect the forms of radiation that penetrate the obscuring matter.
While optical instruments can detect the dust when it obscures more distant objects or when it is illuminated by very nearby stars, infrared telescopes are able to register the long - wavelength radiation that the cool dust clouds themselves emit.
It lies on the far side of the galaxy from us and is heavily obscured by the intervening gas, dust and stars.
The Galactic core is obscured in visible light by intervening dust clouds, but infrared light penetrates the dust.
Many optically dark GRBs are located in the local universe but obscured by surrounding dust (more).
SDSS studies have probed the dark matter environments of quasars through clustering measurements, revealed populations of quasars whose central engines are hidden by obscuring dust, captured changes in quasar spectra that show clouds moving in the gravitational grip of the central black hole, and allowed a comprehensive census of the much fainter accreting black holes (active galactic nuclei, or AGN) in present - day galaxies.
Until she managed to help launch a movement in 1995 to locate and restore a neglected trove of historic art at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) campuses, as many as 440 murals and smaller paintings had been gathering dust in school hallways, libraries, and auditoriums, often crumbling, obscured by grit, stuffed in closets, or forgotten in boiler rooms.
The second teaser is a bit more telling, and shows off the front fascia of the Tacoma TRD Pro almost in its entirety, obscured partially by dust.
Vacuum - cleaner dust surrounding the body may obscure clues, but that doesn't stop Minneapolis PI Nils Shapiro from solving the crime in this debut mystery, with Shap and a host of others convincingly performed by Andrews.
Lima's allusions to an object consumed by an infinite universe also summon William Turner's Rain, Steam, and Speed — The Great Western Railway (1844), his swirls of rain and dust obscuring the momentum of a speeding steam engine, reducing it to a blip devoured by almighty nature.
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