Sentences with word «obsequiousness»

And so is the fawning, credulous, obsequiousness of the idiot hack, Goldenberg.
I'm guessing it probably relates to your employers as well as to God, but I find obsequiousness before God rather abhorrent.
Saliers focuses on four basic Christian affections: gratitude, which is not obsequiousness but a willing and happy dependence upon another; holy fear and repentance, which is not terror, but respect and humility, and grief over one's sins; joy, which exists even in the midst of suffering; and love, from which spring all the Christian affections.
All his Frost wants is to be liked, but he strives for that with the slightest obsequiousness.
Alas, the video climaxes with a montage of Chow walking around the set of The Replacement Killers calling everybody «boss,» an unfortunate note of obsequiousness on which to end.
obsequiousness in public, gets real when he and the boss are behind closed doors.
Yet the inoffensiveness is all part of an obsequiousness to the American consensus that is more or less demanded if someone is to join the priesthood of academia» not just in Rosenzweig studies but throughout the humanities.
The result is that we modern democrats, who would scorn to truckle to an autocrat, truckle to the majority with all the obsequiousness of a courtier before his sovereign.
Her obsequiousness and plain desperation for a post-Brexit trade deal contributed to an impression that Brexit was the Trump vanguard in Europe.
What I didn't learn from what was said at the three hours of testimony, but could tell from the obsequiousness of the Republican senators and the lack of questioning of Betsy DeVos permitted by the chairman:
In the case of RussiaCollusionGate, obsequiousness, vanity, and groupthink led to horrendous errors of judgment within the FBI as some conspired possibly unwittingly to overthrow democracy.
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