Sentences with phrase «observable effects on»

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment.
A growing battery of years - long field tests have found that real - world, field - relevant exposures have no observable effects on bee colonies.
I set up the «Before and After» project to explore the observable effects on practitioners after long periods of intense meditation practice.
Although interallelic complementation between two endogenous mutant alleles has been described in cells from a compound heterozygous patient with methylmalonic acidaemia, no observable effects on disease outcome were noted in the patient [28].
It remains to be determined if the brain changes produce any observable effects on behavior or cognition of the former athletes.
Art, music, poetry, and sports all have direct, demonstrable, observable effects on people and accordingly are worthwhile.
Among them, when MET1 (Methyltransferase 1, involved in maintaining CG methylation) and Pol IV (related to RdDM, RNA directed DNA methylation, which causes de novo methylation) lost their genetic functions, abnormalities were observed in DNA methylation, but there was no observable effect on hybrid vigor.

Not exact matches

Examples of such areas include understanding relationships between intended genetic changes and an organism's observable traits, the unintended effects of genetic changes on target and non-target organisms, predicting and monitoring ecosystem responses, and quantifying the economic and social costs and benefits of biotechnologies.
«Mass extinction can take 10,000 years or less — the blink of an eye, by geological standards — but its effects on the evolutionary trajectory of life are still observable today.»
At the January 2007 meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, N.Y.U. professor of physics Glennys Farrar presented findings that pointed to the existence of a long - range force acting on dark matter that would have significant observable effects in the cosmos.
Phenotypic approaches screen for the effects of small molecules on an observable characteristic of an animal, tissue or cell model, typically without a priori knowledge of the target.
The Roundup Ready Soybean is the world's No. 1 GM crop and has been planted on hundreds of millions of hectares without incident and consumed by humans and animals for a dozen years without any observable adverse effect.
When utilised well, the effect of this type of technology on the comprehension of STEM related subjects is highly observable.
Semiparametric lower bound estimates of the variance in teacher quality based entirely on within - school heterogeneity indicate that teachers have powerful effects on reading and mathematics achievement, though little of the variation in teacher quality is explained by observable characteristics such as education or experience.
To eliminate the effects of any chance differences in performance caused by other observable characteristics, our analysis takes into account students» age, gender, race, and eligibility for the free lunch program; whether they had been assigned to a small class; and whether they were assigned to a teacher of the same race — which earlier research using these same data found to have a large positive effect on student performance (see «The Race Connection,» Spring 2004).
Estimating the effect of individual teachers» grading standards on their students» achievement gains assumes that these standards remain relatively consistent over time, that they are not unduly influenced by the composition of their class, and that they are not a reflection of some other observable characteristic that might account for any effects we observe.
In general, the exposures on both marine and terrestrial non-human biota were too low for observable acute effects.
The «unnatural» warming so far seen is however trended strongly to the alterations to the planetary surface by Humanity over the past 400 years and the rebalance towards greater kinetic induction (in its cumulative effect) is now producing observable alterations not only to the Land Surface median Temperature, but to the Ocean (vie conduction / convection) and a still unconfirmed claim of a small overall rise in Median Atmospheric Temperature, which if «true» would place the Planetary Biosphere on the «Human Population Plot» with regard to «warming».
Re # 22, purely anecdotal, but I agree with Johnson on the max UHI effect being observable a few hours after sunset.
Alex Epstein claimed, in a Forbes article, that health risks related to the release of mercury by coal fired power plants were a «myth» while the «truth» is that «Shutting down coal power will make electricity more expensive and threaten human health, while the impact on mercury exposure would be so small that it will have no observable effect
Certainly, effects of tidal acceleration on the Earth - Moon system are readily observable, though.
There is NO observable, runaway greenhouse effect on Venus at 1 bar,... ONLY a factor of temperature increase related to the ratio of solar distances.
The inverse estimates — where aerosol forcing is derived from its effects on observables such as surface temperatures and OHU — are a mixed bag, but almost all the good studies give a best estimate for AFari + aci well below − 0.9 W / m ²: see Appendix 1 for a detailed analysis.
I guess for me this really all hangs on only one element, i.e. Predicting both the future climatic effect and the observable finger - print of the CO2 forcing, because if either the finger - print can not be shown to exist or if the models fail to accurately predict future climate variation then something else is happening and AGW remains an unproven hypothesis.
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