Sentences with phrase «observance of the law»

Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem to state the gentile case, and there they met Christian Pharisees who argued not only for circumcision but also for observance of the law of Moses.
A UN Commission on Transnational Corporations devoted about 15 years of study and negotiation on a draft Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations that included a general provision requiring transnational corporations to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms in the countries where they operate and more detailed provisions on observance of laws on labor relations and involvement of trade unions.
In observance of Law Day, they have unveiled their first - ever My Pet Lawyer cartoon, which you can see on their Web site.
The discipline by which the nation was to be consolidated was based upon a scrupulous observance of the Law of Moses, as expounded and amplified by the «scribes».
When I so pressingly urge a strict observance of all laws, let me not be understood as saying that there are no bad laws, nor that grievances may not arise, for the redress of which no legal provisions have been made.
For all other possible requirements, for example the requirement of complete observance of the Law, may otherwise be thought of as the condition for entrance into the Kingdom.
His fairness, considerate kindness, and quiet integrity are suggested by Matthew (1:19), and his devout observance of the law is repeatedly indicated by Luke (2:22 - 24, 27, 39, 41).
Is it not proper that wise observance of the law should confer an enduring relationship to the maker of that law?
It is the annual national observance of laws and policies that promote transparency in government.
He has suggested that the Federal Court should be empowered to make a declaration about traditional ownership based on descent, and without needing to find continuous observance of laws and customs, or to make orders about particular uses of the land.
Therefore, just as Christians do not believe that Jesus is the risen Lord because of a conviction that the story of Joseph «raised» from prison by Pharaoh is both a prefiguration and historically accurate in the details of Genesis, so also Jews do not commit themselves to observance of the law on the basis of convictions about the historical accuracy of the book of Exodus.
Goodness requires, besides, the knowledge and the observance of law.
Observance of the law is the final justification for conformity.
Pity his observance of the laws of the universe is not drawing him closer to the ultimate lawgiver and greatest scientist, mathematician and physicist of all..
The observance of the Law is a joyful response to a God who has shown mercy.
We can be perfectly sure that he did not think of in terms of the observance of the Law or in terms of national empire.
The instruction should address the principles of honesty, tolerance, personal responsibility, respect for others, observance of laws and rules, courtesy, dignity and other traits which will enhance the quality of their experiences in, and contributions to, the community.
HR 28 Humane Education (Dababneh) HR 28 was introduced because: Compliance with Education Code provisions should include educating students on the principles of kindness and respect for animals and observance of laws, regulations, and policies pertaining to the humane treatment of animals, including wildlife and its environment Read More
The United States Supreme Court in Upjohn Company v. United States stated that the privilege's «purpose is to encourage full and frank communication between attorneys and their clients and thereby promote broader public interests in the observance of law and administration of justice.»
In the De Rose case53 the Full Federal Court said that continuity in the observance of law and custom is a question of fact and degree.
Although the Court considered that Justice Wilcox had focused on the continuity of society rather than continued acknowledgement and observance of laws and customs [18], they went on to consider Justice Wilcox's discussion of those traditional laws and customs.
; [107] When can it be said that the observance of laws and customs is by a new society even though the laws and customs are similar to or even identical with those of pre-sovereign society?
In Yorta Yorta, the High Court stated that «the acknowledgement and observance of those laws and customs must have continued substantially uninterrupted since sovereignty».
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