Sentences with phrase «observance with»

Association of festival observance with psychological distress in a rural Japanese community
• Greeting and serving guests • Collecting glasses and cleaning ash trays • Ensuring observance with food safety regulations • Maintaining a clean, tidy, and healthy work area • Receiving cash and operating cash system • Recording hours worked on a every day basis • Answering telephone calls in a professional and courteous manner • Managing display and refilling stock • Responding customer inquiries quickly and politely
Maintained standards of cleanliness in observance with health codes to increase customer loyalty
February is National Pet Dental Health Month, which is an opportunity for pet retailers to stock up on dental health products for pets and promote the observance with signs in their stores, as well as announcements on their websites and social media pages.
The Four Townes Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is promoting the observance with the Humane Society of the United States.

Not exact matches

The pair competed in long - sleeves and long - pants in observance of Egypt's Islamic culture of modesty, a significant contrast to the bikini - style uniforms that has long been associated with the sport; Elghobashy also sported a hijab covering her hair, which was permitted after a last - minute decision from the International Volleyball Federation following a request by African Volleyball Confederation chairperson Amr Elmany.
Because it's topic is martyrdom, which fits in rather well with today's observances, don't you think?
(Christmas, Easter — great observances, but the celebration dates coincide with pagan holidays.
Albeit, they didn't «need» to fire her, but I do not believe her religious lines were crossed, she was not celebrating the birth of Jesus, nor any other religious observances connected with that day.
The NT wasn't written by the priestly class, it was written by lay folks who clashed with rabbis over proper synagogue observance.
As usual, the MSM missed the observance of Ash Wednesday in the wider world of Christendom and in particular with respect to Ron Paul.
During the Eid al - Adha holiday, considered one of Islam's most revered observances, many Muslims around the world sacrifice a sheep and share the meat with the poor.
The Declaration affirms: «Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance» (Article 18).
(Leviticus 19:2; cf. 20:26; 21:18) Along with moral commands against such evils as child sacrifice, adultery, and sexual perversion are detailed injunctions concerning ceremonial observances, reminiscent of the old taboos.
We can not of course go more closely here into the question why the Church has the right and duty, not only to promulgate and inculcate the precepts of immutable divine law and to supervise its observance, but on its own initiative to go beyond this and lay down positive legal prescriptions, and impose obedience to them as a Christian's duty, although they are enacted with full consciousness that they are not necessarily eternally valid but can be changed and even abolished.
Not only does the completion of creation in six days correlate with and support the religious calendar and Sabbath observance (if the Hebrews had had a five - day work week, the account would have read differently), but also the seventh day of rest employs to the full the symbolic meaning of the number seven as wholeness, plenitude, completion.
The Christian story and observance had to do with a real person, who had been personally known and was remembered by people still living when the story was being told and put on record.
Laxness in observance of fasts and friendship with religious and social outcasts could certainly be regarded as related to one another, but only in a quite general way.
That they choose not to because it interferes with observance and reverence would be the primary issues, and should be respected.
• The Orthodox Union's National Conference of Synagogue Youth has completed a massive study of Jewish young people, with some encouraging conclusions about the pattern of return to religious observance.
In bothpublic and personal life, the institutions, observances, and teachings associated with religion — in this case meaning Christianity — appear to be ever more marginal, giving credibility to the idea that there is a necessary connection between modernity and secularity.
«Work» strictly refers to observance of not engaging in the 39 melachot - the activities that were involved in building the original tabernacle after the Israelites received and accepted the ten commandments and a covenant with God.
It reconnects us, in quotidian observance, with the great meta - story that remains true even when everything conspires to make us believe it too good - at any rate, too bizarre - to be true.
The December 25th observance was conducted by the Catholic Church and had nothing to do with the pagan observances (Saturnalia to be precise) Catholics, like the Jews have a liturgical year.
When to this is added the stipulation that no condition» such as the proper observance of human rights» should be attached to development aid, the stage is set for countries with faulty political and economic systems to demand, in the name of human rights, that economically successful countries bail them out.
Or someone who has grown up with a formal kind of Christian observance but would not be able to talk about a personal relationship with Jesus?
The religious calendar helps us wait by punctuating the year with certain observances, dissolving the secular routine's corrosive effects.
Then Galarius consulted with his colleagues and said: «Since you have set yourself as an enemy of the gods of Rome and of our religious practices, the emperors could not be able to bring you back to the observance of their sacred laws and also you are an instigator and leader for most atrocious crime.
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
Our schools always got winter and spring break with observances for those holidays in the christian calendar.
At the same time, and as a necessary consequence, there is a communion among those who have been caught up into Christ, so that when the Eucharist takes place those who are assisting at its observance find themselves belonging with each other in a new and vitalizing fashion.
While his may not be a household name — we historians work with lights under bushels — he has written several works of considerable influence and inspired the regard and affection that attracted a host of us to the seminary's observance of this rite of passage.
These ideas are further elaborated in the Talmud and the Midrash, the major sources of traditional Judaism, which teach, for example, that the authentic observance of religious precepts is possible only in the Land of Israel and that only there is it possible for a Jew to have direct communion with God.
Jesus did not hesitate to disregard the sabbath observance and the dietary regulations when they conflicted with human good or to point out the hypocrisy latent in such legalism.
These latter deal with the simple household sacrifices and observances connected with such things as building a house, cattle breeding, farming, also rites for the prevention of disease, love rites, the ancestral and funeral rites.
Here he lets everyone know that he is not an enemy of the Torah, even if the conclusions he draws from the Jewish conviction that love is both core and apex of Torah observance place him in tension with many Jews, including those who follow Jesus.
They are no longer satisfied with the mere observance of the outward form of their religion but are looking for spiritual and moral guidance in Islam compatible with modern civilization.
So somehow, in the span of a few decades, the Lord's Supper goes from referring to the once - a-year observance of Passover to being a more frequent meal of fellowship with other believers.
The more comfortable I became with Judaism, and with Jewish observance, the less I could defend the separationist position.
The American bishops did much better: while also making the matter optional, they offered a powerful and sympathetic discussion of the religious reasons for the old observance and urged American Catholics to continue the practice as a gesture of solidarity with, and gratitude for, the passion of Christ, as an act of fidelity to the Christian past, and to help «preserve a saving and necessary difference from the spirit of the world.»
Using a four - part measurement of religious observance for Christians — weekly church attendance, daily prayer, saying religion is important and believing in God with «absolute certainty» — Pew found that 70 percent of Christian college grads were highly committed to their religion.
suras 12:2; 13:37; and 41:44 attest that the quran is written in perfect arabic but there are egyptian, hebrew, greek, syriac, akkadian, ethiopian and persian words and phrases and there are adjectives and verbs inflected without observance of the concordes of gender and number; illogically and ungrammatically applied pronouns with no referent; predicates separated from subject.
Boomer disaffection with conventional forms of piety such as Sabbath observance, their reluctance to make commitments and the gender revolution all contributed to the overturning of traditional religious practices, though not the quest for wholeness.
But since you Christians can not get a clue on your own, we will have to pummel with acorns until you get a dictionary and discover that «religion» is» (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
Harris - Shapiro suggests that the best way for Jews to «combat» Messianic Judaism is to strengthen the religious institution at the center of Jewish life: the home, with its weekly Shabbat worship and observance of other Jewish holidays.
Whereas the «seven days» of creation communicates to us a particular truth about correct religious observance, rather as the Greek myth of Narcissus warns against the vice of vanity, Genesis 1 - 3 does deal with actual, primordial events.
What we do have in the Old Testament is a mass of evidence that the dead were of profound importance to the living, that elaborate ceremonies and popular customs were involved in dealing with them, and that such observances were concerned both with the veneration due from the living to the departed and with the possible good or evil that might come from the departed to the living.
Details of the postexilic observance wanting here may be filled in from the tractate «Yoma» in the Mishnah, where the prayer of the priest, pronounced with his two hands upon the scapegoat, is given as follows:
When Jews who have become inattentive to their religion wish to deepen their observance, rabbis tell them with one voice: You must begin by keeping Shabbat.
Bishop Gore ended his book, The Sermon on the Mount, by saying: «Many will come to him in that day with a record of their orthodoxy and of their observances, of their brilliant successes in his professed service; but he will protest unto them, «I never knew you.»
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