Sentences with phrase «observant jewish»

We ask you to keep in mind that every profile, profile update and profile photo is screened and approved manually to ensure (to the best of our ability) that our members are marriage minded members of the observant Jewish community.
It was in childhood that Einstein's difference as a quiet, unflinchingly observant Jewish kid allowed him to hone the skepticism that as an adult he applied to intellectual postulates that had been in place for centuries.
The Post reports that the Otisville prison is also known as the best one for observant Jewish inmates, who have access to full - time rabbis.
Silver, who served as New York's Assembly speaker for more than two decades, also might fit in nicely in Otisville because it is known as the best place for observant Jewish criminals such as himself.
During a CapTon interview last night, Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle acknowledged that this is a significant shift, though he also said accommodations will be made for observant Jewish rank - and - filers — of which Silver is now one.
For two decades, RCC has ensured observant Jewish students wouldn't miss class.
For years, non-observant Jewish politicians tried to appear observant out of fear of offending the observant Jewish community.
The best example of this is the popular US Senator Chuck Schumer who ends every address to his observant Jewish constituents with the Hebrew salutation of «Am Yisrael Chai.»
In observant Jewish homes, Shabbat begins each Friday night at sundown as a woman lights the Sabbath candles.

Not exact matches

The study's authors noted the proliferation of fervently Orthodox families — who, more than less observant Jews, shoulder the expense of Jewish schools and keeping kosher.
For this observant Jew, hearing an Orthodox rabbi quote Torah to open the Republican convention was a milestone for America as well for the Jewish people (not to mention the fact that Rabbi Soloveichik is associate rabbi of my synagogue).
But many American Jewish leaders - who know that observant Jews get married under a canopy called a chuppah, not at an altar - and experts on Jewish voting patterns are skeptical about the GOP Jewish offensive.
Many Jews» observant Jews, most of all» opposed Zionism before the rise of the Nazis, but later they learned that the continuation of Jewish life requires full national existence.
As Ahava became more observant, friends connected her to a Jewish dating service through which she met Michael, whose priestly descent required that he marry a Jewish - born woman.
Because that scribe is a Torah - observant Jew and because Jesus is a Jew as well, the scribe asks this great question in a first - century Jewish manner: «Of all the commandments [and you know Jesus, there are over 600 of them], which is the most important?»
In the Jewish state, I actually was astonished to discover, Jews not only were observant at home, but observant Jews were on the street — and rabbis were in the Knesset as members, not chaplains.
These days there are more observant Jews on campus and more Jews whose identity is focused on Jewish people issues, such as Israel and Soviet Jewry.
We aren't very observant and they still consider themselves Jewish.
To define the church as eschatological Israel and not merely as observant Israel, Luke transformed Pentecost, the Jewish festival to commemorate the giving of the Law, into a commemoration of the giving of the Spirit.
Their goal was to help ordinary people become more observant of the law (both written and oral) as a way of affirming or reinforcing their Jewish identity.
The organized Jewish community was for many years not sufficiently interested in the problems of the religiously observant.
While Christians often mention Zolli as an example of an observant Jew who found Christ, some Jewish scholars contend that Zolli's conversion was a result of having been ostracized by the Jewish community following the Holocaust, rather than a spiritual awakening»
As a religiously observant Jew, I find this a welcome, and compelling argument that other Jewish believers, of all denominations, should be able to support and applaud.
Felder, an observant Jew whose district includes many Orthodox Jewish voters, said his constituents «don't agree» with a lot of what two of the state's top Democrats — Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio — have been saying in the wake of Donald Trump's election, pledging to fight on behalf of liberal values and maintain a sort of safe haven for the left in New York.
Meeting the looming on - time budget deadline of March 31 was encouraged by observant Christian and Jewish lawmakers wanting to get home and, more importantly, by agreements to punt on a number of partisan - dividing policy issues not directly connected to the state's financial plan.
While the Democratic pick, David Weprin, is an observant Jew and a New York assemblyman with a storied family in Queens County politics, the nominee has drawn criticism from the local Jewish community on voting for New York's recently - passed same sex marriage law.
An observant Jew, Naemit was unable to attend the vote and explained he continues to view the scheduling as an unacceptable attempt to disenfranchise his sizable Jewish constituency.
In their paper, the authors compare the morphology of extinct fauna with definitions of «clean» and «unclean» animals in Jewish texts, to deduce what, if anything, an observant chrononaut...
Moksha, an observant Jew and Hebrew teacher by day, headlines at an underground drag club in Jerusalem in full tzniut, or modest dress, that abides by Orthodox Jewish standards.
Others will want someone who not only shares a Jewish background, but is similarly observant, perhaps keeping a kosher home or regular Sabbath observance.
Like most other dating sites, there are also «About Me» factoids to complete at will, including a mandatory indication of your level of religious observance, ranging from culturally Jewish to extremely observant.
Jenny Berlin and Scottish actor Ken Stott kvetch their way through their roles as Bobby's observant New York Jewish parents, letting Woody wallow through hoary stereotypes spouting the Wisdom of God's Chosen folk.
A worksheet on Jesus and the celebration of the Jewish Passover helps to locate Jesus as an observant Jew.
Weitzman, 54, grew up in Boston in an observant, conservative Jewish household.
«But just because they weren't observant doesn't mean they didn't feel part of the Jewish community.
The family is Jewish and the name Russian but Serota says his aunts and uncles were far more observant on religion than his parents.
I offer pre-marital counseling for all couples, but I specialize in pre-marital counseling for observant and orthodox Jewish couples.
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