Sentences with phrase «observations during»

«I found Neil \ \ \ \ \ \ \'s notes and descriptions of his observations during the inspection to be very detailed and easy to understand.
The theory, based on Gardner's observations during child custody disputes, largely discredits incest charges.
Teachers typically collect observations during the first five to six weeks of school to evaluate children's school readiness at entry.
Following home visits, evaluators who were blind to children's ITSEA status made independent ratings of child behavior, based on observations during the home visit.
Gives report to Medical Wound Care Technician on return, reporting off patient's condition and observations during absence.
Mr. Navarrete was able to show via cross examination of three police officers that the police officers lacked sufficient observations during their surveillance to justify the search warrant for client's home.
The strong warming trend shown by the observations during the period 1995 - 2003 followed by weaker trend since 2003, contrasts with Balmaseda that shows no trend between 1992 and 2000, and then a strong warming trend since 2000.
«Modelling studies are also in moderately good agreement with observations during the first half of the 20th century when both anthropogenic and natural forcings are considered, although assessments of which forcings are important differ, with some studies finding that solar forcing is more important (Meehl et al., 2004) while other studies find that volcanic forcing (Broccoli et al., 2003) or internal variability (Delworth and Knutson, 2000) could be more important... The mid-century cooling that the model simulates in some regions is also observed, and is caused in the model by regional negative surface forcing from organic and black carbon associated with biomass burning.
Drew Shindell, a climatologist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, found Earth is likely to experience roughly 20 percent more warming than estimates that were largely based on surface temperature observations during the past 150 years.
It is clearly pointless documenting here thousands of examples of specific records and contemporary observations during this period that relate to the geographic area CET covers, as it would make this document extremely unwieldy.
Curry's evidence to support that assertion boiled down to arguing of a supposed «lack of warming since 1998», discrepancies between models and observations during that time, a lower climate sensitivity range in the 2014 than the 2007 IPCC report, and the fact that Antarctic sea ice extent has increased.
And the clearest way to test whether GCM are fit to that purpose is to compare historical GCM performance (from 1750 to say 1890 or some other early period, say 1760 to 1880) with the observations during that period.
Prigent, C., L. Phalippou, and S. English, 1997: Variational inversion of the SSM / I observations during the ASTEX campaign.
Romps and graduate student Jacob Seeley hypothesized that two atmospheric properties — precipitation and cloud buoyancy — together might be a predictor of lightning, and looked at observations during 2011 to see if there was a correlation.
So «fingerprint» studies which claim to find close correspondence between climate model projections and actual observations during the past 50 to 100 years are confused as to both causes and effects.
Modelling studies are also in moderately good agreement with observations during the first half of the 20th century when both anthropogenic and natural forcings are considered, although assessments of which forcings are important differ, with some studies finding that solar forcing is more important (Meehl et al., 2004) while other studies find that volcanic forcing (Broccoli et al., 2003) or internal variability (Delworth and Knutson, 2000) could be more important.
«The lags of CO2 with respect to the Antarctic temperature over glacial terminations V to VII are 800, 1600, and 2800 years, respectively, which are consistent with earlier observations during the last four glacial cycles.»
Gravitational Waves Ripple Through House Science Committee Observations during the LIGO House Science Committee hearing reveal attitudes toward federal funding for science and the associated impacts of LIGO's discovery.
So a lower difference from observations may largely reflect more attention having been paid to matching observations during the tuning process.
In the opinion of the panel, the warming trend in global - mean surface temperature observations during the past 20 years is undoubtedly real and is substantially greater than the average rate of warming during the twentieth century.
According to IPCC AR5, the mismatch between models and observations during both 1984 - 1998 and 1998 - 2012 may be due to «internal decadal climate variability, which sometimes enhances and sometimes counteracts the long - term externally forced trend» (Chapter 9, p. 769).
Unfortunately, most of the volunteer observers who take / took these observations chose to take their once daily observations during daylight, or at best around 10PM, when they were normally awake, so many recording times ended up being either morning or evening.
Flash forward to now, same sample number of observations during roughly the same days, again at end of a powerful La - Nina >> Results: none, zip, no high zenith distance sunsets beyond 92 degrees.
This was one of the motivations for our study out this week in Nature Climate Change (England et al., 2014) With the global - average surface air temperature (SAT) more - or-less steady since 2001, scientists have been seeking to explain the climate mechanics of the slowdown in warming seen in the observations during 2001 - 2013.
* However, the same panel then concluded that «the warming trend in global - mean surface temperature observations during the past 20 years is undoubtedly real and is substantially greater than the average rate of warming during the twentieth century.
Mark wrote this in his blog post about his experiences, thoughts and observations during the recent Romance Writers of America conference in Anaheim.
Observations during the trip: Pleasant ride on both smooth and patchy roads; extremely low wind noise; fast - acting climate control; height of seats excellent for forward viewing and overall comfort; and easy - to - use voice controls.
When observing lessons and feeding back to teachers afterwards, inspectors must only use their observations during individual lessons to establish strengths and areas for improvement.
His observations during that campaign of the power and influence of the unions in our state led him to found the Education Alliance, a group dedicated to assisting independent school board candidates as well as authoring, qualifying, and chairing the 1998 Proposition 226, which would have required unions to receive permission to use their members» dues for political purposes.
See also the recommendations offered, some with which I agree on the observational side (e.g., ensuring that teachers receive multiple observations during a school year by multiple evaluators), and none with which I agree on the value - added side (e.g., use at least two years of student achievement data in teacher evaluation ratings — rather, researchers agree that three years of value - added data are needed, as based on at least four years of student - level test data).
Based on classroom observations during the first few days of class, students as a whole seemed comfortable with technology, in general, and one was already using handheld technology (a Palm OS device).
Mon, October 23 to Fri, October 27 — Classroom Observations During school hours, CADRE parents will visit various South Los Angeles schools to observe school climate discipline practices in classrooms.
By the way, that's another advantage, it's not just an advantage for the teacher himself or herself getting a chance to see themselves teach, it also allows the observer to do those observations during times of the week when they're not scrambling, it allows them to time shift.
Rhodes Boyson, a Conservative Member of Parliament and an official in the government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, made these and other observations during a public address sponsored here last week by the Education Department's office for intergovernmental and interagency affairs.
Howard makes some interesting observations during his chat, but he simply doesn't talk enough.
Our observations during the days of Hurricane Ivan on Bonaire Island.
If you can mix in a few witty comments or funny observations during a conversation that will be enough.
So here are my top 5 highlights and observations during the process (in case, y ’ know, you're eyeing one too):
ESA's sensitive tracking antennas at New Norcia, Western Australia, and Malargüe, Argentina, are being called in to help with crucial observations during Cassini's last months in orbit, dubbed the «Grand Finale».
As the Cassini spacecraft orbited Saturn, it made numerous observations during a series of close flybys of Titan beginning in late 2004.
«Convective cloud vertical velocity and mass - flux characteristics from radar wind profiler observations during GoAmazon2014 / 5.»
There is medium confidence that the GMST trend difference between models and observations during 1998 — 2012 is to a substantial degree caused by internal variability, with possible contributions from forcing error and some CMIP5 models overestimating the response to increasing greenhouse - gas forcing.»
It's impossible for the telescope to make observations during these periods.
Astronomers studied Toutatis, Geographos and Castalia using Earth - based radar observations during close approaches to the Earth.
(Observations during total solar eclipses fare no better, for the same reason.)
Doing so would sacrifice a number of exciting observations during the closest part of the flyby, but Stern strikes a Solomonic tone: «If you're presented with a choice between a degraded science encounter that would still blow our door off, and complete loss of mission, utter failure — which would you take?»
Noah Bronstein saw a very interesting feature during routine transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations during particle synthesis: only the lead - rich facets of the PbS molecule were covered by oleates.
Citizen scientists are expected to play a major role in making valuable observations during the eclipse.
A team led by Andreas Eckart (University of Cologne, Germany) has observed the region using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT)[1] over many years, including new observations during the critical period from February to September 2014, just before and after the peribothron event in May 2014.
The rocket placed IRIS into a sun - synchronous polar orbit that will allow it to make almost continuous solar observations during its two - year mission.
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