Sentences with phrase «observations in»

Although there is great data during the LGM, we have live observations in the Arctic which has way more facts.
This can be seen clearly if changes in satellite observations in the lower troposphere since the 1980s are compared with projected changes from the all - forcings and natural forcings - only runs.
Believed to have developed approximately 10 billion years ago, observations in the study suggest it has a mass equal to 90 times that of Jupiter, which makes it the biggest brown dwarf ever discovered.
These observations in combination with novel top - level ultra-high vacuum experiments and astrophysical modelling will provide a cutting - edge view of cosmic dust.
Scarcity of observations in polar regions also hampers evaluation.
Washington K. Hepatic iron deposition: new observations in non-HFE hemochromatosis [editorial].
This goal requires investment in instrument and detector technologies to optimize their efficiency, particularly for observations in the UV.
Our choice of calcium - carbonate as a potential carrier of the carbon provides a natural way for it to be locked up in the planet and eventually delivered to the white dwarf star, is entirely consistent with the observations in hand, and of course is suggestive.
This paper describes the first data release from SDSS - IV, Data Release 13 (DR13), which contains new data, reanalysis of existing data sets and, like all SDSS data releases,... ▽ More The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS - IV) began observations in July 2014.
Due to the lack of sensitivity of past and current infrared (IR) instrumentation, so far it has not been possible to get a glimpse into the earl... ▽ More Our current knowledge of star formation and accretion luminosity at high - redshift (z > 3 - 4), as well as the possible connections between them, relies mostly on observations in the rest - frame ultraviolet (UV), which are strongly affected by dust obscuration.
In that case observations in the next few decades could narrow the sensitivity range.
Abstract: The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS - IV) began observations in July 2014.
After ruling out contamination of DNA samples and other possible sources of error, we are not able to explain these observations in any other way,» Siepel says.
Despite these observational challenges, astronomers have successfully spotted many thousands of such microlensing events as part of various comprehensive deep - sky surveys during the last couple decades which have monitored hundreds of millions of stars for many years at a time, like the MACHO Collaboration project, the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics, or MOA, and the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, or OGLE.
Unwanted emissions from such an allocation have the potential to severely disrupt radio astronomical observations in the 15.4 GHz protected band.
As highlighted in several articles appearing in this special topic, one of the most well - documented observations in the autism literature is that the brains of individuals with the disorder exhibit aberrant functional connectivity or inter-regional communication (Belmonte et al., 2004).
ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) is the world's most advanced visible - light and infrared telescope, consisting of four 8.2 m diameter telescopes and four smaller telescopes, which can work together as an interferometer to enable observations in even greater detail.
Mourigal, former postdoctoral fellow Joseph Paddison and graduate student Marcus Daum published their observations in the journal Nature Physics on Monday, December 5, 2016.
Based on model experiments, it has been suggested that errors resulting from the highly inhomogeneous distribution of ocean observations in space and time (see Appendix 5.
Hubble observations in 1995 revealed an apparent warp in the disk.
Reporting his first telescopic observations in 1610, Galileo remarked that watching sunrise over the mountains of the moon from Venice must look much the same as watching sunrise over the mountains of Bohemia from the moon.
Observations in high frequency bands require better weather conditions than observations in lower frequency bands.
As much as one - third of the VLBA's observing time will be devoted to observations in conjunction with HALCA.
According to this page, there are planned observations in a special mode for stars with Gaia magnitudes less than 3 (which would include Alpha Centauri), but it remains to be seen what kind of accuracy can be achieved.
Highlights of the annual meeting included a session focusing on the role of observations in climate change research and breakout sessions with topics ranging from current field campaigns to new instruments.
Between late 2010 and early 2015, Advanced LIGO was installed at the two United States sites and began observations in September 2015.
Observations in the IR range, for instance, show the otherwise invisible mixture of dust and gas that fills interstellar spaces and from which new stars are born.
«Based on our observations in the sea - surface microlayer, we think that this could be very important as it may imply a positive feedback on atmospheric CO2 from oceanic sources, that is, from microbial metabolism at the air - sea interface.»
Study of upper ocean dynamics and air - sea interaction; investigation of the ocean's role in climate; sustained climate - quality observations in and at the surface of the ocean; innovative ocean observations.
To characterize the X-ray time history of this star, we made a series of six RXTE multi-visit observations in 2010 and an extended observation with the XMM - Newton in 2007.
We have carried out near - infrared observations in the JHKs bands using the SIRIUS instrument on the 1.4 m Infrared Survey Facility (IRSF) telescope.
Archive centers may wish to utilize this system to quantify classes of formerly arbitrary spectral classification strings found in classification catalogs corresponding to datasets of pointed spectroscopic observations in their holdings.
A close stellar companion around Zeta2 with a separation of 0.046» and a position angle of 11 ° (1978.86) was once suspected from observations in 1978.
Serpens is one of several star - forming regions targeted by the Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR) project, which conducted repeated observations in each area to look for changes in brightness in the baby stars.
Later, John Herschel made the first micrometrical observations in 1834.
HALCA was launched in 1997 and made astronomical observations in conjunction with ground - based radio telescopes from 14 countries.
Diffraction - limited observations in H - band combined with angular differential imaging enabled us to reach primary star - companion brightness ratios as small as 10 - 6 at 1.5».
NASA's K2 extended Kepler exoplanet search mission is now studying the TRAPPIST - 1 system while Spitzer and Hubble will conduct follow - up observations in preparation for study by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), set to launch in 2018.
Like the instrumental meteorological record, the fossil record has problems with temporal and spatial continuity, how representative a particular observation (i.e. fossil occurrence) is and a dearth of observations in many cases.
A Boston University team led by Svetlana Jorstad earlier had identified the three blazars as having potentially very high jet speeds based on VLBA observations in the mid-1990s.
Then they tested the model results using the comprehensive ground and aircraft measurements gathered during the 2006 Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations in Mexico City.
The 140 - foot telescope was inaugurated in 1965 and retired from routine observations in 2001 to make way for the 100 - meter Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope.
We expect the issue to be solved at anytime, and that we resume observations in the coming week.
The theory that Mercury's rotation was synchronous became widely held, and it was a significant shock to astronomers when radio observations in the 1960s questioned this belief.
Beyond the call of duty, Greisen has generously responded to individual queries about the code from users at all levels, sometimes in real time at odd hours to support observations in progress.»
The study sample included 431 573 individual - level observations in 151 Medicare health plans from 2002 to 2004.
One of the most interesting observations in this study was a clustering effect of de novo mutations.
The Keck Observatory will play a vibrant role in future follow ‐ up observations in this new era of discovery.
Future observations in the visible and mid-infrared are needed to probe the aerosol properties and constrain the evolutionary scenario of these planets.
«This field site exhibits a typical North Atlantic biofouling community, most notably a population of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), which allowed to compare the findings obtained in the laboratory with observations in real - world conditions,» says Stefan Kolle, a Research Associate in the Aizenberg lab at the Wyss Institute and SEAS who is also a co-first author of the paper.
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