Sentences with phrase «observations made in»

There's obviously a longstanding need for observations made in real time to be packaged for people that don't want to wade through the threads.
The radiative flux predicted by the HIRLAM weather model was compared to observations made in Jokioinen and Sodankylä.
Observations made in the late winter and early spring of 2011 reveal ozone loss far outside the range previously observed over the Northern Hemisphere, comparable to some Antarctic ozone holes.
The empirical observations made in atmosphere, oceans, ice sheets and on biosphere have been important in this process.
He cites observations made in Dr. Bill Gray's SUMMARY OF 2005 ATLANTIC TROPICAL CYCLONE ACTIVITY for this connection.
Bone up on Darwin's seminal theory of evolution, which was inspired, in part, by observations he made in the archipelago.
The observations made in this case study show that drama can be integrated into academic classrooms as an effective approach for engaging students in active participation in their learning while helping them make connections between historical and contemporary world issues.
Most attempts to measure are based on observations made in controlled situations.
However, the joys of Purple Rose come not in the surprises held in the overall story, but in the great observations made in between the developments.
This lack of a strong relationship differs from observations made in resistance - trained individuals who are not Olympic weightlifters relationships, where a moderate - to - strong association between 1RM power clean and vastus lateralis muscle cross-sectional area has been observed (McMahon et al. 2015).
Abstract: A follow - up X-ray study was made of the west lobe of the radio galaxy Fornax A, (NGC 1316) based on new ASCA observations made in 1997 for 98 ks, and incorporating the previous observation in 1994 for 39 ks.
The object DeeDee could also be a dwarf planet, according to observations made in 2017.
Two adaptive optics observations made in July 2006 and October 2008 with the Keck II telescope.
This image incorporates observations made in June and Aug. 2015 using the Hubble Space Telescope's STIS instrument.
«It is interesting that with Yuri's work, almost a half century later, scientists are finally making the measurements in space that explain the surprising observations made in 1966 and reported in my 1968 thesis,» he said.
«The dog is an invaluable model for exploring hereditary copper - storage diseases, and observations made in this study will benefit both canine and human patient populations.»
The team compared these recovering communities with observations made in 1968 before the largest nuclear tests.
Graduates of MD / PhD programs should be ideally trained to pursue patient - oriented research, i.e., to take observations made in the clinic to the laboratory to understand the molecular basis of diseases and to take discoveries in the laboratory to the clinic to improve patient care.
and hence the illustration of the nature of the scientific hearings of the accessions to knowledge which his expedition has produced are drawn from these materials; but, as other branches of the information embraced in his observations are unfolded, other theoretical applications will appear for the advancement of philosophy and such of the geographical sciences as meteorology and terrestrial magnetism, concerning which the observations made in the South Polar regions tend in some respects to deliver the deciding stroke in the elaboration.
Astronomers based their analysis of comet Lovejoy, published last Friday in Science Advances, on observations made in January when the comet passed so close to the sun it could be seen with the naked eye.
While one would generally agree with the benefits of breastfeeding children and other observations made in the write up, the challenge is how to make arrangements that this Godly fluid is available to maximum number of children.
It contains reports of the work and goals of the Pedagogical Section as well as observations made in visiting schools around the world.
This is an accurate cartoon of an observation I made in a Christian bookstore many years ago.
«18 Indeed, this is another instance of the observation made in our first section — so much already exists in potentiality at the beginnings of this wonderful teaching of salvation.
These essays are crucial for any assessment of MacIntyre's position: Arguments and observations he makes in his books were often first developed in articles, and defended later in other articles, not widely available.
Finally I would mention a small and pleasant observation made in the Mashi River on the southeastern Angola border; as I waded in the open lily - zone outside the reeds I noticed stickleback fish protecting nests in the cylindrical depressions that had been made in the river bed by the feet of elephants.
The orbit was re-calculated from the newest Hubble observation made in 2012.
Over the last decade, I have been dedicating myself to the cellular and molecular background of the observation I made in 2004, that the cephalic neural crest (CNC), exerts an autonomous and prominent control on forebrain development.
Every observation she made in that comment was fundamentally true.
Whether it's just an observation made in passing or a subtle hint to the massive internal storage of Lenovo's upcoming device, many will certainly be interested in finding out if Lenovo will push it this far with the Z5.
Given the observation made in the first analysis above, let's take a closer look at the fund's more recent performance.
This change in observations makes the in situ tem - peratures up to about 0.1 °C cooler than they would be without bias.
This change in observations makes the in situ tem - peratures up to about 0.1 ° C cooler than they would be without bias.
A key observation made in our NLJ interview was that different categories of claim can not be shoe - horned into a solitary costs matrix.
«It may not be unfit that I should repeat an observation I made in the course of the argument, namely, that it is not accurate to speak of cases of fraud contrived by the client and solicitor in concert together, as cases of exception to the general rule.

Not exact matches

For example, if you notice a worker struggling with one set of tasks but exceeding in another, let him or her know your observations, and make an effort to arrange the workload to a balance more favorable to the person's strengths.
Connie Guglielmo, editor in chief of CNET News, when leading an in - depth discussion about the «data economy,» made an astute observation about its power:
Now in making this observation (or, I should say, this educated guess), I am emphatically not claiming reverse discrimination.
The rover's instruments have found no traces of the gas, in contrast to some previous observations made by Red Planet orbiters.
Noah Kagan made a great observation in a recent article about list building and blog optimization:
Rubin's observations were made in the 1970s, and over the years they have been pretty much confirmed; we know dark matter exists.
To sift through this dust, the astronomers analyzed observations made with a telescope located in South Africa.
This might sound like a huge challenge for the most impatient among us, but Brooks suggests that «when you find yourself in a line at Starbucks or the supermarket or at a red light, just breathe and observe your surroundings (e.g., the sights, sounds, and smells) or you can use the time to make some inner observations (e.g., are your muscles tense, are you cold, hot, thirsty, hungry?).»
Nolan, a CIA Graduate Fellow in sociology, produced the ethnography by making observations and interviewing 20 analysts in NCTC's Directorate of Intelligence (DI) while also working full time as a counterterrorism analyst at Nation Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) from January 2010 to January 2011.
«To place a man in a multi-stage rocket and project him into the controlling gravitational field of the moon where the passengers can make scientific observations, perhaps land alive, and then return to earth - all that constitutes a wild dream worthy of Jules Verne.
Over the weekend I listened to Russ Roberts» interview with Jason Zweig, who made an excellent observation of how vast the financial markets are and how little time investors spend thinking about this: I think if there's one overriding theme to the book, one of the things I've tried to get across in The Devil's...
I was kind of like I said interested in gambling or at least speculating or figuring things out and then taking a calculated gamble and what they were telling me was don't try, there were saying that no one can beat the market and the stock prices are efficient and just through simple observation looking at the newspaper and they used to have the 52 - week high low prices in the newspaper, it seemed unreasonable that you know the fair price was 51 day and eight months later, it was 120, and that was pretty much every stock had that kind of range every year and it didn't make sense to me that the fundamentals of the underlying businesses were actually changing that much.
Perhaps it makes sense to conclude with the more general observation that changes in the size of global capital flows and the accompanying imbalances increase the importance of sustaining the credibility of monetary policy, because they increase the costs of a loss of credibility or a negative shock to credibility.
Another physician, Jennifer Gunter, an obstetrician - gynecologist and «sexologist,» made similar observations recently in an article for The Huffington Post titled «I'm A Doctor.
Among widely followed indicators, we can see some of this in the declining number of individual stocks achieving new 52 - week highs when the major market indices push higher, by the tendency for trading volume to become dull on advances and expand on declines (or what is a similar observation, the tendency for the market to make little progress on heavy up - volume and substantial downside progress on light down - volume), and in the recent explosion of insider selling.
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