Sentences with phrase «observed cell structure»

The lack of observed cell structure in the transparent tubes is inconsistent with preserved tissues.

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They used this novel simulation approach to build a model of a sperm cell that demonstrates cellular movement from individual dynein protein molecules in the tail all the way up to the whole cell, allowing them to observe how changes at the atomic level are reflected in larger - scale structures.
Not only did they show that N - cadherin was necessary for creating the perfectly clear structure of the lens, they also observed that malformed lenses lacking N - cadherin began to attract immune cells to try to fix the damage.
Using a powerful microscope to observe mouse oocytes as they split, Ellenberg's group found that the spindles assembled into two coherent structures, one for the future egg and one for the future polar body.At first, spindles appeared throughout the cell in a sort of mesh.
«Severe stress affects the size of the structures in the brain, causes cell death, and affects the number of connections between brain cellsobserves Kalin.
Using a high - powered microscope, the UCLA researchers observed that bacteria cells lost some of the structure and definition of their outer membranes, which indicated that resveratrol may work by altering and possibly weakening the structure of the bacteria.
In nature, biologists have observed that living things and their components, from pine cone scales to microbial cells and even specific proteins, can change their structures or volumes when there is a change in humidity.
In addition, the team observed plasmepsin X in exonemes — small vesicles (balloon - like structures) that help malaria parasites exit infected cells.
Through this technology, scientists obtained stem cells from individuals with a genetic abnormality that confers increased susceptibility to schizophrenia, and they observed deficits during nerve development that could be traced to a specific gene called CYFIP1, which helps maintain a nerve cell's structure.
Ueda, Kurihara and their colleagues improved the resolution of this imaging technique to be able to observe the internal structure of the cell.
We observe that protein isoforms expressed from W01A8.1 are cytoplasmic proteins, residing predominantly on membranous structures of enterocytes and epidermal cells that have the characteristics of lipid droplets.
However, the exact cytoskeletal strategy that the cell uses to cross the physical BM barrier depends on the physiological context and the physical environment, as observed by examining actin structures in invading cancer and immune cells, and in cells that invade during developmental processes such as angiogenesis and anchor cell invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Though mouse spermatogenesis is acystic, we observed prominent ball - like structures containing degenerating cells in the mouse Boule mutant, resembling the degenerating cysts seen in the fly boule testis (Figure 5I and 5K, arrowheads).
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