Sentences with phrase «observed during practicing»

Although slight anemia and under active thyroid function were observed during practicing such diet, the symptoms improved by taking iron and iodine preparation.
Three athletic limitations a coach may observe during practice or games that may clue them into an injury or impairment are: limping on one leg, avoiding use of an injured arm, and an athlete with a headache.

Not exact matches

Calling the Web app eScapegoat is a play on a practice observed during biblical times when the Temple still stood in Jerusalem and sacrifices were offered for atonement.
You may observe some of their regular drills performed during operation, which provides real - life practice.
During our visits to home, they had the chance to observe our child and our practices.
During this period Muslims observe * Itikaaf * (an Islamic practice consisting of a period of staying in a mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to ibadah during these days and staying away from worldly affairs) to seek for Allah's protection from hell fire and for renewed faith moving foDuring this period Muslims observe * Itikaaf * (an Islamic practice consisting of a period of staying in a mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to ibadah during these days and staying away from worldly affairs) to seek for Allah's protection from hell fire and for renewed faith moving foduring these days and staying away from worldly affairs) to seek for Allah's protection from hell fire and for renewed faith moving forward.
The researchers say that the apparent similarity between human children and young chimpanzees in the observed male bias in object manipulation, and manipulation during play in particular, may suggest that object play functions as motor skill practice for male - specific behaviours such as dominance displays, which sometimes involve the aimed throwing of objects, rather than purely to develop tool use skills.
I try and maintain a very calm yoga practice room: students arrive quietly at the class and observe silence during Yoga.
During these visits, teachers sit in on each other's classrooms to observe and share successful practices and then «pick each other's brains» about the lessons.
Mon, October 23 to Fri, October 27 — Classroom Observations During school hours, CADRE parents will visit various South Los Angeles schools to observe school climate discipline practices in classrooms.
Instead, it is a tool to a) record research - based practices observed during classroom instruction (or students» independent use or application of those practices), b) identify practices in need of refinement, c) guide productive conversations between instructional leaders and teachers, and d) inform professional development needs.
During this time, coaches had an opportunity to observe participants» classrooms and gather data on how teachers were using the SLL, which helped bring additional insight into teacher needs and practice to the post-PD discussion.
Participants will observe model lessons and time will be provided for the participants to practice the lessons during the session.
Additionally, students at Arizona State must prove classroom mastery through a series of performance - based assessments developed by the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching, or NIET.44 During these assessments, a mentor teacher observes and records a teacher candidate; both the mentor teacher and the teacher candidate then use the video and student work to analyze the lesson together.45 The partnership between the university, participating schools, and the nonprofit NIET has created the opportunity to integrate effective teaching practices into practicum and coursework.46
During visits to demonstration sites, district leadership will practice their observation skills, calibrate observations, observe model lessons, and observe data study.
On three occasions (fall, winter, spring), each teacher who agreed to be in the data collection sample was observed for an hour during reading instruction time, to document their classroom practices in the teaching of reading.
During the second practice of the week, the high schoolers teach the middle school students with an advisor or instructor observing.
The following are just some of the procedural best practices that I observed before, during, and after D'vorah's event.
It is not what we have observed in the historical record or encountered in practice during Euclidean's first half - decade.
Since hurricane intensity and detection data is problematic as one goes back in time, when reporting and observing practices were different than today, it is possible that we underestimated global hurricane energy during the 1970s.
The goal is to match mentors and mentees and ensure that every new justice of the peace has observed, understood and is able to put into practice the principles, skills and procedures he or she learned during the in - person sessions new justices of the peace attend in their first year following appointment.
There are laid down procedures in the dental practice which must be observed during treatment.
• Assist lead teachers in planning, designing and implementing curriculum • Provide assistance in preparing lesson plans • Impart classroom instruction in accordance to lesson plans • Supervise and control students during class and when the lead teacher is not present • Assist students with carrying out classroom activities • Assist students during lunch time • Observe students for developmental issues and communicate findings to lead teachers • Implement age appropriate activities and monitor safety throughout • Research information for lesson development • Communicate progress and observations to parents • Maintain student records and perform other clerical tasks • Help in maintaining a clean and organized classroom • Ensure sanitation of all surfaces, equipment and toys • Assist students in social skills development • Assist in putting up bulletins • Accompany young students to the bathroom • Take attendance and make copies of tests • Assist in grading test papers and exams • Assist in checking work books and homework • Operate equipment such as projectors and computers for instructional purposes • Maintain appropriate classroom discipline and decorum • Prepare and distribute worksheets • Ensure that students retain information by repeating information constantly and practicing patience • Deliver instruction in the absence of lead teacher • Perform hall and bus duty as instructed by the lead teacher
• Prepared, administered, and appropriately documented actions taken specific to commonly prescribed oral, topical, subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous medications • Appropriately carried out assigned patient care based on the patients» conditions • Keenly observed for physical or emotional changes in patient's condition and accurately documenting noted changes • Methodically performed support duties for complex diagnostic tests or specialized practices such as preparing the patient, assisting in the diagnostic examination, preparing and handling specialized and monitoring the patient's condition before, during, and following the procedure
During or after your child's respite stay, we offer in - home services to observe how you and your child practice the behaviors learned during parent coaching and respite in their natural enviroDuring or after your child's respite stay, we offer in - home services to observe how you and your child practice the behaviors learned during parent coaching and respite in their natural enviroduring parent coaching and respite in their natural environment.
No practice effect was observed for VLT1, VLT2 and VFT subtests, but an improvement in the scores was obtained during the second administration for WMT and VMT, similarly to that seen in the Spanish version.
Primary care physicians can identify parents in their practice struggling with depressive symptoms and depressive disorders by using the screening instrument described in this article and by keeping in mind the risk factors identified by the Institute of Medicine.39 During the clinic visit, primary care physicians should observe the parent's posture, demeanor, voice, and tone; note any previous depression in the parent (from the depression screen) and inquire about a family history of depression; and ask about the parent's mood, feelings, and relationships.44 It is extremely important that primary care physicians show that they care about the depressed parent and the child during the clinical encoDuring the clinic visit, primary care physicians should observe the parent's posture, demeanor, voice, and tone; note any previous depression in the parent (from the depression screen) and inquire about a family history of depression; and ask about the parent's mood, feelings, and relationships.44 It is extremely important that primary care physicians show that they care about the depressed parent and the child during the clinical encoduring the clinical encounter.
Specifically, in the current sample, we have shown previously that the intervention studied herein produces robust changes in independently observed parenting practices, child social competence, and child aggression during the preschool period30, 34 (see also L.M.B., K.K.G., K. - Y.H., et al, unpublished data, 1997 - 2003).
With your couples counselor serving as your coach and guide, you'll have the opportunity to work through your issues by practicing, observing and reflecting on conflict resolution strategies during sessions.
The results showed that the children's aggressive behavior decreased during the course and especially over the following year - long practice phase, as did the number of negative mother — child interactions observed.
Each assesses approximately 30 behaviors that should be performed during the SafeCare ® session (e.g., opens session, observes parent behavior during practice, provides positive and corrective feedback).
PCIT was chosen as the PT program because PCIT: a) has well established efficacy in reducing young children's EBP (Eisenstadt et al. 1993; Eyberg et al. 2001; Hood and Eyberg 2003; Schuhmann et al. 1998); b) contains all of the treatment components recognized by Kaminski and colleagues» meta - analysis (Kaminski et al. 2008) as yielding the largest effect sizes (i.e., increasing positive parent — child interactions, promoting consistency and use of time out, and requiring parents to practice new skills with their child during PT sessions); c) aims to strengthen the parent — child relationship, which can be accomplished in a brief intervention (Bakermans - Kranenburg et al. 2003); d) is a competency - based model that emphasizes skill acquisition rather than a fixed set of sessions; and e) includes a unique delivery technique (i.e., wireless headset for the therapist to coach the parent in vivo during interactions with the child) similar to an exposure - based approach in which parents observe «in vivo» changes in their child behavior during sessions.
Parents practiced observing their affective experience when alone and during parenting interactions and they practiced observing the subtle emotional expressions made by their child and the ways in which their moods were affected by their child's mood.
After mothers filled out a measure of separation anxiety, mothers» autonomy - supportive and controlling practices were observed and coded during a 10 - min conversation.
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