Sentences with phrase «observed value of that variable»

The ensemble forecast is usually evaluated by comparing the average of the individual forecasts for one forecast variable to the observed value of that variable (the «error»).

Not exact matches

Reams of cryptic variables and numerical values had to be decoded by changing the settings of our test router and observing the effects.
Those relationships are then applied to the observed values of the predictor variables to derive an observationally - constrained prediction of future warming.
We do observe some modest differences across groups in the average values of the three yes / no variables (open enrollment or selective admissions, curricular theme or not, and college prep or not).
Now we wish to calculate the likelihoods that exactly this number is observed for each of the possible value of every variable we are interested in.
One of the things that continuous distribution including those represented by extreme value theory ignore, is that there are extreme values at which the thing they are representing breaks and the next values of the variable being observed are simply an infinite repeat of the last extreme value.
Way back at # 74, Eli said: «One of the things that continuous distribution including those represented by extreme value theory ignore, is that there are extreme values at which the thing they are representing breaks and the next values of the variable being observed are simply an infinite repeat of the last extreme value.
Way back at # 74, Eli wrote: «One of the things that continuous distribution including those represented by extreme value theory ignore, is that there are extreme values at which the thing they are representing breaks and the next values of the variable being observed are simply an infinite repeat of the last extreme value.
Such solecisms throughout the IPCC's assessment reports (including the insertion, after the scientists had completed their final draft, of a table in which four decimal points had been right - shifted so as to multiply tenfold the observed contribution of ice - sheets and glaciers to sea - level rise), combined with a heavy reliance upon computer models unskilled even in short - term projection, with initial values of key variables unmeasurable and unknown, with advancement of multiple, untestable, non-Popper-falsifiable theories, with a quantitative assignment of unduly high statistical confidence levels to non-quantitative statements that are ineluctably subject to very large uncertainties, and, above all, with the now - prolonged failure of TS to rise as predicted (Figures 1, 2), raise questions about the reliability and hence policy - relevance of the IPCC's central projections.
Now I assume that Dr James Hansen is competent to read a thermometer and that he has available to him thermometers of whatever precision he could want; so I take the position that mostly the GISS graph is an actual plot of nearly noiseless values of a variable; and the plotted value at any time represents what the actual signal observed was at that particular time.
So to me; for a function of that type; the entire concept of a «trend» is without meaning; there is no trend; the variable simply changes value from one observed number to a next observed number; which contains no information relative to any prior values of the function whatsoever.
Missing values were predicted using an iterative series of appropriate regression models (logistic or multinomial) conditional on the observed values of the outcome variable, independent variables used in regression modelling and additional measured variables.
Controlling for demographic (marital status, length, child gender), deployment variables (number of deployments), and baseline values, families randomized to the ADAPT intervention showed significantly improved observed parenting compared to those in the comparison group.
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