Sentences with phrase «observing stations using»

The figure shows the change in observing times at U.S. weather observing stations using two different methodologies, both of which indicate a shift from afternoon observing times to morning which impart a bias in the data, a bias which needs to be removed.

Not exact matches

We offer 4 stations: 1) The Food Station — see foods that were gathered and grown, use a fire bow and drill, and use a rock to grind corn; 2) The Wetu (home) Stationobserve how the home was built when you visit our wetu, learn the roles of men and women in the tribe, see animal hides and hear a legend; 3) The Craft Station — discover the items used for decoration, learn about symbolism and make your own story necklace; and 4) the Game Station — learn about the importance of play in developing necessary skills, learn wisdom through hearing a legend, and play games!
Using updated and corrected temperature observations taken at thousands of weather observing stations over land and as many commercial ships and buoys at sea, the researchers show that temperatures in the 21st century did not plateau, as thought.
The station has also played a role in tracking major storms and hurricanes and «ISS in general has a unique vantage point for observing with both automated equipment and hands - on equipment including photos taken by the astronauts and we participate in disaster response networks using all these data available,» said Ochoa.
The street workers are constantly present among the area of Santa Maria Novella station, and this fact gives a wide and focused vision on the phenomenon of marginality in our city, allowing us not only to observe specific aspects (as characteristics of the target, relationship with services / associations and drug use), but also to act in a specific way to a specific person (a way shared with people, too) and to activate the already mentioned net.
Sparks High have teamed all of their core subject teachers and they implement all six styles of co-teaching, depending heavily on station teaching, parallel teaching, and alternative teaching while using the team teacher, one - teach one observe, and one - teach one assist sparingly.
Teachers should make computer stations accessible with time planned for student use; principals should observe the availability of computers in the classroom and the ease with which they are used by students.
Unfortunately, the figure also confirms that the spatial resolution of theoutput from the GCMs used in the Mediterranean study is too coarse for constructing detailed regional scenarios.To develop more detailed regional scenarios, modelers can combine the GCM results with output from statistical models.3 This is done by constructing a statistical model to explain the observed temperature or precipitation at a meteorological station in terms of a range of regionally - averaged climate variables.
Daily maximum and minimum temperature data at 121 well - distributed stations for the period 1970 - 2003 have been used to study the observed changes in objectively defined values...
See the full equipment history for this station using the Historical Observing Metadata Repository.
See the full location history for this station using the Historical Observing Metadata Repository.
There are a number of papers by Samuel S. Shen looking at the design of observing networks for estimating spherical harmonics with idealised surface temperature distributions, but I'm not aware of the technique having been used to reconstruct global average temperature using the real distribution of stations and data.
Statistical techniques generally use a mathematical method to form a relationship between the modelled climate and observed climate at an observation station.
Evidence for changes in the climate system abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans (Figure 2.1).1 Scientists and engineers from around the world have compiled this evidence using satellites, weather balloons, thermometers at surface stations, and many other types of observing systems that monitor the Earth's weather and climate.
In contrast to the distance - weighted approach, Steig et al. (2009) and Monaghan et al. (2008) used covariance methods to establish spatial relationships among the observing stations and the regions to be infilled.
Most of the stations have changed from using liquid in glass thermometers (LiG) in Stevenson screens to electronic Minimum Maximum Temperature Systems (MMTS) or Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS).
This reconstruction uses modern dO18 measurements at Station S to calibrate two cores (with modern Station S values specifically shown in the graphic below): I observed last year that the -LSB-...]
Originally, the classification of stations was based on population size near that station; the current analysis uses satellite - observed night lights to determine which stations are located in urban and peri-urban areas.
GISS methodology, as you've observed consists of using all rural stations within 1000 miles to adjust station data, then calculation of lots of little gridcells with more blending and averaging until, as you said appropriately, you felt like sticking knitting needles in your eyes.
• Skilled in verifying patient information and handling testing and sample collection activities accordingly • Committed to maintain specimen integrity by using dedicated aseptic techniques • Proficient in observing specimen isolation procedures and collaborating with nursing personnel to ensure appropriate collection times • Demonstrated expertise in performing bleeding - times by following exceptionally well - placed laboratory procedures • Focused on maintaining quality results by following dedicated department procedures and testing schedules • Proficient in resolving unusual test orders by liaising with physicians, pathologists and nursing stations • Hands - on experience in using a variety of needles and procedures to draw blood, depending on the quantity of blood required for sampling • Excellent skills in completing specimen data and recording it succinctly into laboratory databases • Adept at disposing of laboratory waste and contaminated sharps in accordance to applicable laws, standards and procedures • Competent at using vacuum tubes, syringes and butterfly venipuncture methods
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