Sentences with phrase «obsess over it like»

I actually think it is better than The Descendants, but I did not obsess over it like others had.
However, I do not brag about it nor do I obsess over likes / followers.
Obsessing over the likes of RPJr.

Not exact matches

Previously, marketers used to obsess over ideas like keyword density, meta descriptions, and link profiles.
Obsessing over how many followers and likes you get, and how high your Klout score is, are all time - and effort - wasting mistakes businesses make, Poston says.
They don't obsess over how well they're liked, because they're too busy focusing on the people they're with.
This may sound like bad advice from a motivational sales speaker, but if you're obsessed with closing sales, you're going to come off as high - pressure to prospects — and when prospects feel pressured, they're far more likely to give you a wishy washy response like, «I just need to think it over
As President Donald Trump takes the country closer to an economic nationalism that calls for tearing up agreements like NAFTA and the Trans - Pacific Partnership, potentially enacting higher tariffs on imports and obsessing over trade deficits, it is worth reflecting on a similar debate that inflamed the electorate 130 years ago.
Marketers obsess over concepts like link leakage, bleeding PageRank, nofollow tags, triangular links, link architecture, link equity.
I've known Jesus for as long as I've known my name, and still I use other people like capital to advance my own interest, still I gossip to make myself feel important, still I curse my brothers and sisters in one breath and sing praise songs in the next, still I sit in church with arms folded and cynicism coursing through my bloodstream, still I talk a big game about caring for the poor without doing much to change my own habits, still I indulge in food I'm not hungry for and jewelry I don't need, still I obsess over what people say about me on the internet, still I forget my own privilege, still I talk more than I listen and complain more than I thank, still I commit acts of evil, still I make a great commenter on Christianity and a lousy practitioner of it.
So if he says «No, I never was» then you get crazy obsessed people like Radkey who will try and prove that he did and then plaster it all over the front page of CNN.
It's much more useful to have the mental midgets obsessing over it, occupying themselves like a cat with a ball of yarn.
I'm also obsessing over every little detail, losing a lot of sleep, and eating through 1 - pound bags of animal crackers like there's no tomorrow.
Without God, we are torn in two directions: universities praise diversity, but students still form cliques; politicians promise a bright future, but all our news programs are distressing; people are obsessed with scientific explanations of everything, and equally obsessed with sentimental love in every pop song; sexual abuse with a minor is the most shameful of all crimes, but everyone has a right to complete sexual liberation once they reach the age of consent; we relocate all over the world, preferring to live anywhere but home, yet we still agonize over our local sports team; we own many things, and still feel like we don't have enough; we believe in discipline at school or at work, but we all have a right to «let ourselves go» on the weekend; we tolerate everything, except people that don't agree with us.
Joe actually came up with this cooking method and I've been obsessed for like over a year now.
I've been cooking my way through your books and blog for the past 9 months, and then randomly watched forks over knives last night, started obsessing about how much oil I cook with, thought about how much investment there is in oil in my cupboard (it's like Texas in there), went on amazon to look at their cookbook, and who, but who, is one of the contributors?
In a world where fast casual dining and crazy cuisine (I'm looking at you, Unicorn - themed food) seem to be taking over our Instagram - obsessed world of dining, a restaurant like Can Font Portland is a delicious breath...
We've been thoroughly enjoying grapes for about two months now, making Muscadine grape juice almost daily and obsessing over a heavenly fig, grape, and cinnamon shake (let us know if you'd like the recipe).
In case I didn't have enough ways to spend my time on (like 2 jobs and nursing school), I have found yet another website to obsess over.
In that time, I've been orbiting, lost in the home design section of the Internet — obsessing beyond control over very important things like differences in white paint.
I've been obsessing over cauli steaks for quite some time now, however, I never met a cauli steak recipe quite this flavorful and gourmet - like!
All of your favourites are my favourites as well Right now I'm especially obsessing over [dry] oats with something like honey or maple syrup, and dates.
The beer nerd was born, obsessing over hop varieties and releases from brewers they treated like minor deities.
We overcommit, we have the best of intentions to meal plan for the week and then don't, and then after spending the whole day obsessing over food and plotting out recipes for our blogs and oftentimes cooking all day for our job, all of the sudden it's dinner time and there we are, just like you, digging through the fridge looking for something everyone at the table can eat for dinner because a meal of Red Velvet Cupcakes and Champagne Mojitos probably won't cut it.
It seems like just yesterday that chefs of every stripe were obsessing over alt - Caesars, crunchy piles of Little Gem, and reinvented wedges.
You can obsess over the iffy call that ended Stanford's overtime possession all you like, but two things negate your concerns.
He goes with the flow, he doesn't obsess over stuff like some white guys do.
Our packs include a range of stickers, some like the ones many of us used to collect, trade, and obsess over as kids — sparkly ones, puffy ones, scratch n» sniff ones — some that are new and totally original.
I'm not criticizing this distinction so much as noting that dads don't openly obsess over their daughters like some moms do over their sons.
I too felt terribly guilty that I had failed my first child, but in hindsight I now realise he wasn't thriving with just breast feeding partly as he had reflex and vomited all milk like you wouldn't believe, but also because I was stressed at being a new mum, prob a bit depressed and quite obsessed with over analysing everything so my supply was poor!
Not like I need any more shoes, but I can't help but obsess over the spring sandals... Nordstrom has a great selection and you can get Free Shipping when you purchase any pair of shoes online at NORDSTROM.
I discovered she was attending my school and I was obsessing over this woman — where was she, what did she look like, did she care she took his -LSB-...]
It also sounds like it could be a character from Game of Thrones so if you're currently obsessing over the fate of the Lannisters or whether or not greyscale can really be cured, this is a great name for you.
They're losing weight and you're all kind of obsessed about that initial birth weight and then so to hear like ones to you, like all my babies were born in a hospital, so once I left the hospital, it's kind of like, well, they weighed less now and I really did have that 10 % in my head a lot because I didn't want to have to do formula, and so I just felt like it was, this weird challenge with my body like, can my body create enough colostrum to be able to support this, and what's going to happen over the next couple of weeks, you know, they going to tell me if this first pediatrician appointment that I've got a supplement.
It can be hard to praise yourself, but it is so good for your self - image and body confidence to focus on the areas you like about yourself, rather than obsessing over those you don't.
By the same token, if your child takes an object like a car or a toy train everywhere and is obsessed with doing one particular thing with it over and over, it could be an early sign of autism.
Like most scientists, a winemaker spends a lot of time obsessing over small details in the hopes that in the end they'll add up to something great.
They even have complementary traits, they say: Crickmore obsesses over the details of problems whereas Rogulja likes to zoom out to see the big picture.
Malkan, who confesses to having been «obsessed with beauty products» in her teenage years, would like to see more research into the effects of cosmetic ingredients on teenagers and children, as well as studies tracking repeated exposures over long periods of time.
Is there any point obsessing over longevity if it feels like deprivation?
When you start to feel like you're no longer in control of your relationship, you obsess over the things you can control.
I love the science on all this stuff but I think people over worrying and obsessing about things like ratios from HEALTHY whole plant foods is really unhealthy.
I know of a doctor who eats nuts all day long, doesn't worry about that stuff and just eats a healthy whole foods vegan diet (she actually eats less «perfect» than me) and doesn't obsess about things and I was getting caught up into ratios and all that and the stress was very harmful to me physically and mentally, she advised me not to worry and that it was unnecessary, went over what I ate and said I clearly knew the right foods to eat and I'd be fine but that obsessing like that was unhealthy.
They blame themselves, suffer from negative self - talk, and obsess over every bite, every calorie taken in to the point where food stops becoming a fun, joyful experience and starts to feels like work.
I don't like keeping track of how much I've eaten or obsessing over how many grams of a particular nutrient I've had.
Pushing ourselves too hard in exercise; obsessing over food; compromising our sleep for the sake of «health practices» like fitness classes or even yoga, are all such examples.
Like anyone else who's smart about calorie counting, I didn't obsess over it.
Now, even if you do not love Grip Training yourself, you have to agree that having a strong Grip is an advantage, whether you obsess over grip training like me or not.
There are a lot of things you want to have under control before obsessing over peanut butter, like grains, omega - 6 oils, sleep, exercise, play, daily low level activity level, quality of meat, etc..
I've been totally obsessed over asparagus recently, and this looks like a great, fresh spring idea!
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