Sentences with phrase «obsessed about their appearance»

Are they too obsessed about their appearance or what?
Terrified of people finding out the real me, I sabotaged relationships whenever I felt myself caring too much, flaked on potential friendships, obsessed about my appearance, and moved from city to city and bed to bed hoping to outrun the loneliness.

Not exact matches

The new mayor gushed today about his upcoming appearance on the television show The Good Wife, telling reporters when asked that he and his wife are «obsessed» with the drama.
Body dysmorphic disorder Sufferers of this condition obsess about a perceived flaw in their physical appearance, like moles, freckles, scars, acne, or body hair.
We are obsessed with the visual changes our bodies undergo as we get older, spending countless hours stressing about the appearance of a new wrinkle on our faces AND countless dollars trying to get rid of it!
Unless you really are a man who's enthusiastic about his own appearances, who cares much more about his looks than his actions, then you will have values conflict having a lady who is obsessed with her appearance.
The youngest texted afterwards to say she wants to go and see I Tonya, which I strongly suspect is NOT a kids» movie, despite giving the appearance of being a moving tale about ice skating... the source of its appeal to the Winter Olympics obsessed 11 - year - old.
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