Sentences with phrase «obstacles we are faced with»

Despite the obstacles we are faced with, in terms of creating content that captures the attention of our online judges, it's time to get over it.
I'm frequently asked questions about all the glorious obstacles we are faced with when it comes to feeding the most important members of our family, our children.

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AT&T's $ 85.4 billion planned Time Warner acquisition would be a massive transaction with the potential to remake the media and telecommunications industries, but the deal now faces some big obstacles.
But they faced a major obstacle as they incorporated their Los Angeles - based company in early 2015: Maylahn, now 24, was graduating with $ 140,000 in student debt.
A look at the obstacles entrepreneurs are facing, their strategies for staying on top, and the industries with the most opportunities.
When a leader is faced with an obstacle, it is the culture of the team that pushes the organization through the tough times.
But there are at least three major obstacles BlackBerry is facing with its latest effort.
While the holiday season is an exciting time for entrepreneurs, the one major obstacle small - business owners will face is competing with the almighty Amazon.
Sommers writes that the biggest obstacle people face with trying to form friendships is the fact we assume people aren't interested.
It does not matter what you're facing in life, which obstacle you're trying to overcome — if you are willing to generate that state of willingness, that's your doorway to making the effort, taking the steps, dealing with the setbacks, and ultimately creating the progress and change in your life that you're seeking.
With a solid stable of universities and users in place, the next obstacle Coursera faces is finding a revenue model that satisfies investors and doesn't alienate the users who need Coursera most.
The band's ability to capitalize on opportunities, pivot when faced with obstacles, and create a product that resonated with millions of customers are attributes that are embedded within the DNA of all effective business owners and profitable organizations.
Workplace Communication Across Different Generations Managers face many difficult challenges in the workplace, but one obstacle that often is overlooked is the need to communicate with up to four different generations in a single office setting.
What are some of the biggest obstacles you have faced with PPC advertising?
Revived merger talks between T - Mobile and Sprint will once again be facing obstacles in the form of antitrust regulators and industry watchers, with the possibility that the deal might not be allowed to push through.
The dispersal and re-emergence of Israel was not a self - fullfilling prophecy: the dispersal portion certainly was not, as the Romans did not conquer Israel with the intent to fulfill Bible prophecy; at the time of the prophecy, there would have been no reason to believe that there would be people who would try to Israel; the people who founded modern Israel were, at least in the main, non-religious and were not trying to fulfill the Bible's prediction; and finally, considering the almost continual obstacles (wars) faced by Israel since the day of its founding, sucess at restoring Israel was far from certain.
The pertinent question is: What does «kidvid» offer in the way of imitable heroes who face the kinds of ordinary obstacles with which real life confronts us?
Today Christian witness is faced with many obstacles, including the denial of God and the loss of basic values of decency and respect for life.
The ongoing battle to balance industry growth with retaining employees is a primary obstacle restaurant hiring managers face.
We want students in middle school and high school to be able to persevere, to be resilient, to be tenacious when faced with obstacles — but we don't often stop to consider the deep roots of those skills, the steps that every child must take, developmentally, to get there.
Few students on the team, from what I could tell, faced quite the daunting array of disadvantages and obstacles that the average student at Fenger High School in Roseland did, but with 87 percent of IS 318's students eligible for federal lunch subsidies, the school had come by its Title I designation honestly.
His mom faced more obstacles than most, but she's glad she stuck with it and today helps to promote breastfeeding.
It's nice to be equipped with ways to continue breastfeeding in the face of unexpected obstacles.
At about $ 10 a shield and available at most big box stores, they are an affordable option when faced with obstacles that could otherwise end the breastfeeding relationship.
Contrary to what some people think, breastfeeding is far from a walk in the park, and mother and baby can be faced with all sorts of obstacles...
As we have honed our expertise in working on behalf of children who face obstacles to learning, we have seen that children with special needs need predictable and supportive environments to be able to improve their social and emotional skills.
I thought everyone's story was beautiful and really love how each individual faced their obstacles with strength and courage.
«When travelling with young kids, perhaps the most daunting obstacle parents face is how to pack all their stuff.
Raised by a single mother in Northern Manhattan with eight brothers and sisters, he didn't have much, faced many obstacles and times were often tough.
One of those obstacles is our relationship with the EU: the UK faces trade restrictions with the developing world because of European sovereignty on its negotiation power.
When a domestic violence survivor seeks a divorce, she will most likely be faced with at least three obstacles: the sometimes - prohibitive costs of a private attorney; a legally complex Supreme Court that makes it nearly impossible to represent oneself; and the fact that the abused party must track down her spouse (barring a rare exception granted by a judge) to serve him divorce papers.»
At the time, Kelly's company was facing obstacles with its development of a controversial Orange County power plant, prosecutors allege.
Proteges will have an outlet to discuss business struggles with others who may be facing the same challenges and obstacles.
«The prefrontal cortex is associated with judgment, decision making, and mental flexibility — or with the ability to change plans when faced with an obstacle,» explained Dr. Flores, «Its functioning is important for learning, motivation, and cognitive processes.
The more they know how to control symptoms, the better equipped you all are when faced with obstacles.
For now, then, Mulembakani and other Predict team members around the globe are charging ahead with what they have — though even their strongest advocates admit the mission faces formidable obstacles.
The Dutch astronomer says it is her «tiny, little way» of showing solidarity with colleagues who have long faced more obstacles than those holding an EU passport.
With such a sprawling operation, where research teams often have different levels of training and face a range of logistical obstacles, it's important to be consistent — only then are results directly comparable and globally applicable.
But with colleagues in harm's way and in the face of a growing public health threat, researchers in Broad Institute Member Pardis Sabeti's lab were determined to overcome such obstacles.
As a mission - driven entrepreneur, it was amazing to speak candidly with John about the inspiration that sparked Whole Foods Market, the obstacles he's faced as a business - owner, and the values driving him forward as an entrepreneur.
I share with people the secret to conquering fear, overcoming whatever obstacle in life one is facing and attaining whatever we put our mind to.
She and her husband Brady were faced with numerous obstacles over the course of 2 years.
Let's face it, dealing with gravity is not only a benefit of the TRX, but also a tricky obstacle.
These men's stories resonated with some of his personal experiences and he began to realize that many men were facing significant obstacles to health and happiness.
It's the last day of 2017 and one of the best ways I can help with this brand new health and weight loss year is to give you solutions to some of the biggest obstacles you may face when it comes to getting back on track, or even to follow a first time (at least... Read More.
And seeing how bravely you face the obstacles in your life whether it's in class or on your blog — with honesty and grace and insight — gives me courage to face mine.
I am faced with some obstacle, some hurdle.
Girls, we are faced with so many obstacles these days.
She has been there through out the struggle, she has fought with me against every obstacle we have faced.
What obstacles have you faced with running your own business and how were you able to overcome them?
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