Sentences with phrase «obstetric risk»

The study aimed to investigate the contribution of obstetric risk factors, including mode of delivery and perineal trauma to postpartum dyspareunia.
Nearly one half are potentially avoidable with recognition and anticipation of obstetric risk factors.
But women at high obstetric risk may find the task more difficult due to unwanted recommendations intended to improve their safety.
Having such an obvious obstetric risk factor means giving birth in a nasty hospital with machines and interventions and eebil nurses and OBs who will cut you open so they can get home to dinner.
«This is the first study with detailed, frequent and long - term follow - up to assess associations of dyspareunia with obstetric risk factors.
(1) Similarly, ART singletons and ART twins also had comparable test scores, suggesting, say the investigators, that «the higher obstetric risk» identified in ART pregnancies — and particularly in twins — «is not associated with poorer academic performance in adolescence.»
Interestingly, 3972 women were excluded from the study, the majority due to obstetric risk (n = 1004).
Comparison subjects who were similar in their obstetric risk status were selected from hospitals in which the midwives who were conducting the home births had hospital privileges.
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