Sentences with phrase «obstetric violence»

We focus specifically on stories involving obstetric violence, because they are the ones that tend to be most silenced.
But not all birth trauma is the result of obstetric violence — some of it is the result of the brain washing NCB perpetrates on pregnant women.
Venezuela has officially coined the term «obstetric violence» to replace the more «offensive» or «loaded» term of birth rape.
The grass roots organization Improving Birth coined the term «obstetric violence» - which is playing out in labor and delivery units in certain parts of the world; the World Health Organization called for increased scrutiny of these disrespectful childbirth care practices, as women treated in this way, feel assaulted and violated, and must be taken as seriously as rape.
My special guest is Lindsay Askins, a birth doula and birth photographer, and my partner in Exposing the Silence, a photography and interview project about birth trauma and obstetric violence.
When women come out of childbirth with post-partum PTSD from disrespect, abuse, or obstetric violence, the goal of a «healthy mother and healthy baby» has not been met.
Her work on women's rights, obstetric violence, FGM, women in prison, her advocacy for refugees, as well as all her work on birth, breastfeeding, and mothering, has been formative.
We will continue to shed light on pressing issues that affect maternity care like evidence - based are, obstetric violence, informed consent, access to midwifery care, access to vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), and racial and economic disparities, while helping local communities make the changes that best work for their own populations.»
Her forced C - section resulted in protests in many city streets, as well as a Twitter hashtag #SomosTodasAdelir (We are all Adelir), uniting frustrated Brazilian women against «obstetric violence
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