Sentences with phrase «obtain precise estimates»

Not exact matches

As Credit Suisse stated in a 2013 report titled «In Search of FX Fair Value,»»... the «holy grail» of FX monitoring, obtaining robust and precise currency fair value estimates, remains elusive.»
«Our work used only an estimate of airway size and future research should use precise measurements to try and obtain an actual airway size, rather than an estimate,» he continued.
This provided us with what are known as «baseline test scores» that can be used to obtain more precise estimates of program effects.
No precise estimate of the un-owned cat population exists for the United States because obtaining such an estimate is cost prohibitive, and feral un-owned cats are wary of humans and tend to be solitary outside of urban areas.
Meet one on one with homeowners and commercial project coordinators to obtain precise measurements that result in accurate estimates for project completion.
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